Watford Joggers Minutes of the 38th Annual General Meeting Wednesday 4th February 2015 at 9.00pm Present : Colin Taylor, Tim Woolridge, Alison Broome, Andrew Cummings, Andrew Lord, Ann Farrell, Carl Graham, David O’Sullivan, Dennis Watling, Douglas McQuaid, Frances Chater, Huw Hamer, James Gamble, Jane Welch, Jeff Peters, Joanne Duggan, John Gray, John O’Connor, Karam Malik, Kate Pickard, Keith Taylor, Linda McQuaid, Malcolm Salmons, Marcia Quinn, Nana Agyei, Natalie Smith, Nick Slade, Paul Biswell, Peter Edwards, Richard Bird, Robert Gaddie, Rod Hewson, Roxanne Beckles, Roz Fullylove, Sarah Coltman, Scott Mitchell, Steve Hewitt, Sue Defoe, Tom Lacey 1. Apologies for Absence: were received from Andy Willerton, Janet Willerton, Angela Edwards, Marcus Edwards, John Henke, Tara Greenhalgh, Chris Roberts 2. The Minutes of the AGM held on Wednesday 5th February 2014: were accepted as a true record 3. Matters Arising: There were no matters arising 4. Proposed changes to the Constitution: The Chairman outlined the reason for removing the possibility of membership for under-18’s, namely that the Committee had decided to apply for EA Clubmark accreditation, with all the advantages to the club that implied. However to attain and keep Clubmark accreditation as a club with members aged under 18 would be hugely more onerous, and could not be justified as there were currently only 2 members under 18 years of age. Douglas McQuaid proposed that the Constitution changes be accepted, Paul Biswell seconded, and the motion was carried unanimously 5. Officers reports : - Chairman : The Chairman said that he had been in post for 23 years in total, and continuously since 1996. He stated that the Club was in good shape, and felt therefore that the time was right to step aside and make way for someone else. He paid tribute to all the work the Committee had done, with particular mention of the hard work put in to organise kit sales, to completely update and revise the club standards, and to compile the evidence required to apply for EA Clubmark accreditation. Douglas McQuaid proposed a vote of thanks to the Chairman for his outstanding service to the club, seconded by Sue Defoe, and the motion was carried unanimously - Membership Secretary : In 2014 there were 77 female and 101 male members, 118 of whom paid for EA affiliation. Of the 178 members, (5 more than the previous year), 136 were single members, 21 family members, and 21 life members. So far in 2015 we already had 49 members who had paid their subscriptions. - Treasurer : The treasurer stated that the club’s finances were healthy. Expenditure had slightly exceeded income over the year, but expenditure had included a significant amount for redevelopment of the website. Club reserves had been maintained at the same level as 2013. Kit sales had been good, although stocks had also increased. Charity income was significantly down as there had been no specific fundraiser. Social events had broken even, and the club did not try to make a profit on them. Membership fees : It was proposed to hold the club fees at the same rate as last year, £30, but the EA affiliation fee was increasing from £10 to £12. The Chairman stated that EA affiliates get a personal profile on Power of Ten, reduced race entry fees, £15 off a pair of running shoes and the opportunity to participate in coaching courses run by EA for coaches and runners. He also mentioned that some of the affiliation fee goes to support UK athletes participating in major championships such as the Commonwealth Games. EA membership also provided club insurance for all affiliated members. Finally, because of the club affiliation, the club received three EA places in the London Watford Joggers AGM 04/02/2015 Page 1 of 2 Marathon. A motion to approve the level of fees for 2015/6 was proposed by Steve Hewitt, seconded by Roz Fullylove, and carried unanimously - Social Secretaries : The VMLM pasta party at the Blue Check had been attended by more than 50 Joggers. Other events organised over the year included the track night, the BBQ, a yoga evening, a visit from a nutritionist, the Milton Keynes pasta party, the treasure hunt, an afternoon tea and a swimathon. The Christmas party had received mixed feedback, the food having been disappointing. The Social Secretaries had a different idea for Christmas 2015, which would be announced at a later date. They also emphasised that others should feel free to organise events, and appealed in particular for someone to organise the treasure hunt in 2015. A charity event would be organised, but perhaps not in the form of a quiz night 6. Charity of the Year : The two charities supported in 2014 were Watford Mencap, working with people living with cerebral palsy and CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) set up to combat the high suicide rate amongst young men. As there had not been a social event to raise money for them, it was proposed by Steve Hewitt, seconded by Keith Taylor, that the same two charities should be supported in 2015. The motion was carried unanimously 7. Election of officers for 2015/6 : - - Chairman : Steve Hewitt, proposed by Colin Taylor, seconded by Marcia Quinn Vice Chairman : Tim Woolridge, proposed by Douglas McQuaid, seconded by Paul Biswell Membership Secretary : Angela Edwards, proposed by Colin Taylor, seconded by Jane Welch Social Secretaries : Roz Fullylove and Marcia Quinn, proposed by Colin Taylor, seconded by Jane Welch Treasurer : Douglas McQuaid, proposed by Steve Hewitt, seconded by Roz Fullylove Secretary : Roz Fullylove, proposed by Frances Chater, seconded by Nick Slade Other committee members : John O’Connor, Nick Slade and Marcus Edwards were willing to continue in their roles, and Sue Defoe had expressed a willingness to stand. Their election was proposed by Colin Taylor, seconded by Roz Fullylove. A single vote was taken on the six motions, which were carried unanimously Steve Hewitt then proposed that the vacant position of President should be taken by Colin Taylor. This was seconded by Frances Chater and the motion was carried unanimously 8. Any Other Business : a. Tim Woolridge stated that runners were needed for the Cassiobury Park parkrun on Saturday 7 th February at 2pm, to test the organisation and systems. The course would be 2.5 laps of the diamond. Interval training would continue at its normal time, near the bridges b. Frances Chater appealed for help inputting the data for the club standards, and Marcia Quinn and John O’Connor offered to help c. Linda McQuaid read out an e-mail she had previously sent to the Treasurer and Secretary, expressing her concern that the club was trying to push members towards using Facebook rather than the club’s own website. The new Chairman replied that the club had spent a lot of money on the new website and was absolutely committed to maintaining it. It was essential for payments and whereas Facebook was a closed, member-only group, the website was the much needed public face of the club. Brian James had agreed to help us move it forward , and the developer would help with our snag list. Social media are people driven and immediate in a way the website cannot be, and there was a role for both formats. Douglas McQuaid said that members needed to put content into the Forum to keep it relevant and interesting, and it was stated that content would always be added to the Forum and the website by the committee. Brian James made the point that the new website was better than the old one in that it was now possible to access the Forum on a mobile. It was also stated that all entries to the Autumn Challenge in 2014 were via the website, which had significantly reduced the burden on the organisers. The meeting closed at 10.15pm Watford Joggers AGM 04/02/2015 Page 2 of 2