Sponsorship proposal

2014-2015 Sponsorship Proposal
Table of Contents
Bloomsbury Show – Unknown
1. Society Background
2. Society’s Activities
2.1 Core Activities
2.2 Charitable Activities
3. Annual Bloomsbury Production
4. Our exposure throughout the university
5. Sponsorship options
5.1 Full Year Society Sponsorship
5.2 Annual Bloomsbury Show Sponsorship
6. Why you should sponsor us
7. Sponsorship Reply Form
8. Contact Details
UCL Dance Photography Project - Dance Snap
1. Society Background:
Established in 1984, UCLU Dance Society is an all-inclusive dance society. We
organize weekly classes catering to dancers of all levels, offering a myriad of genres,
from classical ballet to energetic hip-hop. Aside from classes, we hold regular
productions, participate in inter-university competitions, and have many sideline projects
including a dance photography project, “DanceSnap” and a volunteering project, “Dance
Currently, UCLU Dance Society is the largest arts society with about 547 active
members and mailing list of over 3200 students.
2. Society Activities
2.1 Core Activities:
● Weekly dance classes during term time; free for members, in range of styles
including Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Contemporary, Hip-Hop, Breakdance and
Commercial Street
● Freshers taster day (over 150 people attended in 2013)
● Freshers showcase (choreographed and performed by 1st year students)
● One-off ‘Give It A Go’ dance workshops to promote our society on campus
● Strong inter-university presence and regular successes at competitions
▪ Royal Holloway Dance Competition 2013: 1st in Jazz, 1st in Tap, 2nd in
Contemporary, 4th in Hiphop, Best Choreography, Best Female Dancer, Best
▪ Essex Dance Competition 2013: 1st in Ballet, 1st in Novice Street, 2nd in
Advanced Street, 2nd in Wildcard entry, Best Male Dancer, Best
▪ Kings Dance Competition 2014: 1st in Tap, 1st in Novice Jazz, 2nd in Duo/Trio,
3rd in Advanced Hiphop and Ballet
● UCLU Dance Photography Project - Dance Snap
A new initiative inspired by “Ballerina Project” and “Ballet Zaida” which aims
to get members more involved and to celebrate the art of photography as
● Weekly society socials to foster stronger bonds and enhance team spirit amongst
● Newly introduced student workshop scheme
Encourage students and alumni members to share their style with existing
Bloomsbury Production – Unknown
2.2 Charitable Activities:
● Volunteering programme: A new volunteering programme, “Dance It” was
organized where members of the society run dance classes for pupils at Quintin
Kynaston Community Academy and Haverstock School.
● One-off events:
World AIDS Day – Positively Red Week Flash mob in UCL
Fund Raising for Richard House Children’s Hospice
Performances and workshops for young adults and children with special
needs in association with KEEN
● 24 Hour Showcase: a show choreographed and performed in only 24 hours
(raising over £300 for the Neuroblastoma Children’s Cancer Alliance UK)
● Hosting inter-society charity events such as ‘UCLU’s Got Talent’ in 2013
● In 2014, we intend to hold “Strictly Come Dance Soc” to both enhance intersociety co-operation and raise funds for charity
3. Annual Bloomsbury Production:
During Term 2, we have our annual variety dance show in UCL’s professional
Bloomsbury theatre. It is open to all members of the society, which is our largest and
most heavily publicized event of the year. This year’s dance show (2013/14) ‘Unknown’
watched by an audience of over 1500 people over three nights, showcasing styles
including: Ballet, Contemporary, Street, Hip Hop, Irish and Latin. The number of
dancers involved in the show has been increasing by the year and we have had
incredible feedback from both student newspapers such as the Pi Media as well as from
the UCL Provost.
Bloomsbury Production – Unknown
4. Our exposure throughout the university:
Welcome Fayre:
● Heavy footfall at the society stall with almost 1000 people signing up to our
mailing list
● Performances in UCL’s Main Quad
● Perfect opportunity for exposure to new and old UCL students
Online Exposure:
● Society website – frequented by both prospective and active society members
with over 10,000 hits – http://www.ucludance.com/
● Social Media – Facebook page (over 750 likes), Twitter, Groupspaces,
Instagram, Tumblr
● Weekly emails to mailing list
● YouTube – (over 29,000 views) https://www.youtube.com/user/UCLUDanceSoc
Society Kit:
● Society branded merchandise available to purchase online
● Show-specific clothing carrying the society logo
● Through Event posters, flyers and banners
● Internal UCLU Television (Pi TV)
● Travelling to various universities, we have gained an increasing reputation
and exposure amongst other universities
● Great opportunity to expose your company to a wider range of students
● One of top 5 best-selling societies in UCLU
● Members represent the broad spectrum of the university; undergraduates and
postgraduates; from first years to final years; from Biology to Language to
Economics students; male and female members. More than a third of UCL
students are from overseas, and UCLU Dance Society will be present at the
International Students’ Welcome Fayre this year, to maintain/increase our
number of international members.
UCLU Dance Photography Project - Dance Snap
5. Sponsorship Options:
We have two different sponsorship agreements that we would like to propose:
Bloomsbury Production – Unknown
5.1 Full Year Society Sponsorship:
Your firm will provide the UCLU Dance Society with:
A) £1000 – towards free dance classes for our members and our charitable work in
the community. We are open to negotiation on the exact amount. AND/OR
B) Discounts to firm’s services for UCLU Dance Society members AND/OR
C) Firm merchandise (when available, for use in UCLU Dance Society term-time
In return the UCLU Dance Society agrees to provide your firm with:
● Company logo on all forms of publicity and society merchandise
● Company logo and link on all our digital platforms as detailed above
UCL Dance Photography Project - Dance Snap
5.2 Annual Bloomsbury Show Sponsorship:
Your firm will provide the UCLU Dance Society with:
● £500 – towards production of our Annual Bloomsbury Theatre Show. We are
open to negotiation the exact amount.
In return the UCLU Dance Society agrees to provide your firm with:
● Company logo on publicity, programmes, show merchandise
● Company logo included in the introductory video of the show
● Potential use of firm’s banner advertising in foyer of theatre during production
● Complementary tickets to our production and see how we are promoting you
Bloomsbury Production – Unknown
6. Why you should sponsor us:
We believe our society offers the opportunity to reach a broad spectrum of students. As
detailed above we have a large exposure both internally and externally of the university
which could benefit your firm by increasing awareness. Our members study in a wide
range of subjects such as business, economics to finance as well as other areas such
as medicine, law and engineering. Over 50% of our members are looking into heading
into the financial sector after graduation and sponsoring our society will provide great
exposure of your company to your potential employees.
We will offer you the opportunity to promote your firm to over nearly 3000 people using
our mailing list of current and prior students as well as the audience of our Bloomsbury
show, which is not only attended by students but parents, staff and general public. We
will also stay in email contact to keep you informed and updated with all society events.
We will inform you as to how we are using your sponsorship funding and how much
publicity material containing your logo has been generated. We aim to create a long
lasting relationship between your firm and ourselves. We would also welcome any
suggestions you have to ensure sponsorship is maximised throughout the year and
tailored to your more specific needs.
7. Sponsorship Reply Form
UCLU Dance Society is very grateful for your kind consideration and any contribution
that your firm would like to make. Please complete this reply form indicating:
1) Your firm’s package of choice
2) Details of sponsorship (i.e. amount, discounts on services, merchandise)
Please forward all replies to lauraleung.ucludancesoc@gmail.com
Sponsorship Reply Form
Sponsorship option
Please Tick
Details of sponsorship
Full Year Society
Annual Bloomsbury
Show Sponsorship
Name of Organization:
Name of Representative:
Contact details:
Laura Leung
UCLU Dance Society Treasurer (2014/15)
T: 07784195530
E: lauraleung.ucludancesoc@gmail.com
Nicole Moy
Bloomsbury Show Producer (2014/15)
T: 07891742483
E: nicole.moy@sky.com
We look forward to hearing from you and hope you will consider our proposal!
Postal Address: UCLU,25 Gordon Street, London, WC1H 0AY