SHAC Notes 5/23 Fourth Quarterly Meeting Welcome/Kathleen New Member Orientation Welcomed Christine ? From HBMS and Mark Foster from Serene or HBMS? Purpose and Role of SHAC Members To effect behavior changes for whole student through the 8 components (Health education, Physical Ed, parent/community involvement, etc. SHAC is mandated by state law and is responsible for setting curriculum/standards for students—See Kathleen By-laws were discussed and minutes from previous meeting were approved via email correspondence. Subcommittee representation is being address to ensure equal representation from all campuses; Debbie Conyers address committee about need to fill the co-facilitator role of SHAC to replace Christine? /LWE; Mark Foster volunteered from floor; motion to accept was made by Sharmaine Erickson and Pete made second; all in favor of Foster. Subcommittees (Reports on 2011-2012 goals/goals for upcoming school year Food and Nutrition (FANS) Traci Miller address SHAC regarding new nutrition guidelines, which go into effect 7/1/12 with min/max requirements; Eg—grains/proteins will be allotted only 9-oz/per week; doubling up on fruits and vegetables; cost will double for FANS; Offerings vs. servings—students will get up to 5 items like 2 fruits, meat, grain and dairy; Discussion regarding how students will understand new system. Traci said notices would be going out with the “My Plate” curriculum; pictorials for younger students to help with selections; will be changing the café lines to grab and go, traditional offerings—hot side and popular items like pizza, corndog babies, etc. FANS—a subcommittee of SHAC; Discussion surrounded ways to support FANS/Traci on issues that are more campus-based; FIT Smart is too much responsibility for Traci to handle from her department; perhaps change format and/or alternate years; try new approaches; Christy/LWE (leaving) said that LWE has a parent committee to support FANS on her campus; stated that there needs to be representation at each grade level; she and her committee worked with café manager to help students with “plate” selections; educated students on the my plate offerings with go, slow and whoa foods; had a vegetable of the month and planned activities for each month, i.e. wearing green and created food collages; She suggested the need to integrate with the curriculum throughout the student’s day. Christy recommended 2 parents per campus; teams could help younger students to make the “right” food selections; ? —No hot breakfasts will be served on any campus 2012-2013—see Traci Health and Nutrition CATCH grant money from LTEF; MS creating CATCH for upcoming school year; interested generated for t-shirts for students; good beginning for Health and Fitness; MS to produce snippets to broadcast elementary schools; currently Sharmaine showing older videos; suggestion will be good peer motivation; Tiffany Navarro said the LTHS theater arts teacher/department has the capabilities to produce for the MS, thus is will filter down to elementary campuses; collaboration between Advanced Production and Theater/Filming; Kathleen will be working over the summer to narrow down topics for schools; LWE needs to be able to broadcast to school population; Character counts can be integrated as well; Overall the topics addressed need to be consistent at all campuses throughout district; Fitness gram results 3-8th grades tested; results will be sent home on 5/31; suggested to release results at another time during the school year with the challenges faced with end of year activities and testing; Marco could post notice for parents on district website; Suggested that TX/Connect could provide access for parents results of Fitness gram; thus each campus nurse could possibly encourage/direct parents to particular summer camps to achieve fitness grams that are out of the suggested ranges for particular students; Pete added that the principles of ATOD are applicable to all subcommittees of SHAC; students could journal what they are eating to increase awareness for families, as well as being physically fit; creating a baseline for future comparisons; Christy/LWE suggested journaling could be included in campus planners students are required to have; coordinate this will all campuses; e.g. journal what they ate for lunch; did in PE; journaling “engraves” in the brain an awareness; maybe plan a CATCH week or pair with a CATCH theme each quarter; Human Sexuality 44 HS Health students took the Austin Life Guard abstinence only while 71 students took the Big Decisions—abstinence plus; 4 opted out; since health is only 1-credit requirement, it was suggested to offer topics during “Club Time”; only 7 sponsors from 52 clubs at the HS were interested; Paul and Tiffany suggested more health- related offerings to expand on what was offered in health taken during freshman year; Paul recommended focusing on the major clubs, using smart boards in classrooms to show videos/teach a lesson that boosts topics; come up with ways to get students involved-just unsure of type of setting; Texas is 4th in teen pregnancy (teen birthrate is different); 6th grade offering has 3 days with guest speakers with Austin Life Guard; Crux—is that human sexuality begins at birth, curriculum must be age-appropriate; comprehensive, spanning K-12—that is what is needed; suggestion made to add parent permission on blanket form that district sends out at the beginning of each school year so more students can get curriculum; ATOD Survey of 2000 students this semester on drug/alcohol usage; results will be coming to SHAC in the fall—social norming project; questions on survey were more openended to help with student self-reporting; e.g.—82% were perceived to have drank alcohol in the last 30 days, when in actuality 32% indulged; 88% perceived to have smoked pot; 28% actual; need to create media that works developed by students; “stall” information journaling/advertisements; focus of social norming is to promote tactics that work; highlight the “right” choices students are making; steer clear of scare tactics that do not work; parent surveys were skewed as well; Kim Brents has committed 2 years towards program by U/Ill sociologist Michael Haines; staff and parents will be surveyed as well in the future; Haines will be returning in the fall; will open with community presentation; Lessons taught to elementary classes with Chief Radford were well received; counselors front loaded/open-ended questions kids will bring up the topic; dealt with peer pressure and refusal skills; recommended to focus this consistently at all campuses; Pete again related that all subcommittees need equal focus—all are important aspects of coordinated school health; ATOD/H Sex joint committee meeting—shared similar issues for the upcoming 2012-2013 school year and hope to meet more often; Miscellaneous Paul felt that his perception of drinking was 60-70% and feels that it was underreported by students; Kathleen shared how survey was administered to seniors at senior breakfast; questions regarding the length of questioning, but is tied to test results validity; Suggested to have the following presenters at SHAC meetings next year: Marathon Kids, Michael Haines, Coffee Chats—develop flyers so parents would be aware of the topic; perhaps develop outlines that Marco could post; Have a 6th grade parents kept aware of the topics discussed in Physical Ed each week; utilize the websites at each campus as to what is happening relating to school health;