Tutor´s Name: Jennifer Cordero Camp Student´s name Luis Sabido Objectives Listening Demonstrates understanding of descriptive To be set with vocabulary and the student’s teacher simple terms for listening and locating. Responds appropriately to questions using visual supports. (what, who, when, where) Speaking Speaks in short sentences. (I jump, I like, I eat, etc…) Alejandro Ortiz Listening Demonstrates understanding of descriptive vocabulary and simple terms for listening and locating. Responds appropriately to questions using visual supports. (what, who, when, where) Speaking Speaks in short sentences. (I jump, I like, I eat, etc…) Group: English proficiency / fine Month: January motor Nicolas Treviño Santiago Rugarcia Fine and gross motor skills Listening Demonstrates understanding of descriptive vocabulary and simple terms for listening and locating. Responds appropriately to questions using visual supports. (what, who, when, where) Listening Demonstrates understanding of more complex terms for explaining and retelling, connecting and sequencing. Uses variety of strategies to check and confirm understanding. Speaking Speaks in short sentences. (I jump, I like, I eat, etc…) Speaking Expresses ideas using related sentences. (I jump high, I like pizza, etc…) Fine: Trazo de nombre y copiado Fortalecimiento de manos, muñecas, articulaciones y músculos de los dedos. Gross: Balance Botar Brinco con piernas juntas Gateo Caminar de puntitas Caminar en talones Botar pelota Aventar y atrapar pelota Activities A list of activities and ideas to use. (Discourse) Daily routine -weather -calendar -winter -feelings -letter introducción (a,e,i,o,u) short sound (Discourse) Daily routine -weather -calendar -winter -feelings -letter introducción (a,e,i,o,u) short sound (Discourse) Daily routine -weather -calendar -winter -feelings -letter introducción (a,e,i,o,u) short sound (Vocabulary) Animals (flashcards) Winter Words with vowels (apple, egg, igloo, octopus, umbrella etc…) Numbers 1-20 Days of the week (Vocabulary) Animals (flashcards) Winter Words with vowels (apple, egg, igloo, octopus, umbrella etc…) Numbers 1-20 Days of the week (Vocabulary) Animals (flashcards) Winter Words with vowels (apple, egg, igloo, octopus, umbrella etc…) Numbers 1-20 Days of the week (Strategic) Patterns with colors and numbers Sequences with body parts (simon says) (Strategic) Patterns with colors and numbers Sequences with body parts (simon says) (Strategic) Patterns with colors and numbers Sequences with body parts (simon says) (Socio-linguistic) Feelings … I am happy when… I am sad when… (Socio-linguistic) Feelings … I am happy when… I am sad when… (Socio-linguistic) Feelings … I am happy when… I am sad when… SPEACKING (Discourse) Storytelling and discussion SPEACKING (Discourse) Storytelling and discussion SPEACKING (Discourse) Storytelling and discussion LISTENING (Discourse) Story telling Draw a picture about the story Daily routine -weather -calendar -winter -feelings -letter introducción (a,e,i,o,u) short sound (Vocabulary) animals (flashcards) Winter Words with vowels (apple, egg, igloo, umbrella etc…) Numbers 1-20 Days of the week (Strategic) Patterns with colors and numbers Sequences with body parts (simon says) (Socio-linguistic) Feelings … I am happy when… I am sad when… SPEACKING Play simon says Tongue twisters Poems Play simon says Tongue twisters Poems Play simon says Tongue twisters Poems (Vocabulary) Simon says (Grammar/syntax) Rolling die with pronouns, verbs, adjectives to create sentences. Vowels and letters of each student’s name (L,S,A,N) (Vocabulary) Simon says (Grammar/syntax) Rolling die with pronouns, verbs, adjectives to create sentences. Vowels and letters of each student’s name (L,S,A,N) (Vocabulary) Simon says (Grammar/syntax) Rolling die with pronouns, verbs, adjectives to create sentences. Vowels and letters of each student’s name (L,S,A,N) (Strategic) Sentences using: This is… Sentences using verbs and pronouns: I like. I jump. I sit. I run. (Socio-linguistic) Bingo with letters, numbers, colors and shapes Simon says Create stories with children using words with letter of the week. (a,e,i,o,u) (Strategic) Sentences using: This is… Sentences using verbs and pronouns: I like. I jump. I sit. I run. (Socio-linguistic) Bingo with letters, numbers, colors and shapes Simon says Create stories with children using words with letter of the week. (a,e,i,o,u) (Strategic) Sentences using: This is… Sentences using verbs and pronouns: I like. I jump. I sit. I run. (Socio-linguistic) Bingo with letters, numbers, colors and shapes Simon says Create stories with children using words with letter of the week. (a,e,i,o,u) (Discourse) Storytelling and discussion Play simon says Tongue twisters Poems (Vocabulary) Simon says (Grammar/syntax) Letter names Letter sounds Rolling die with pronouns, verbs, adjectives to create sentences. Vowels and letters of each student’s name (L,S,A,N) (Strategic) Sentences using this is a… Sentences using verbs and pronouns: I like to jump I like to eat pizza (Socio-linguistic) Bingo with letters, numbers, colors and shapes Simon says Create stories with children using words with letter of the week. (a,e,i,o,u) Notes Attendance Luis Understands English a lot better, we are working on math and logic (recognizing numbers 1-20 and amount). He has learned colors and shapes. We need to work on speaking the language with confidence. Alejandro has improved in his attention span he can sit still a little bit longer than he used to. He has learned colors and shapes. He still needs to work on counting and number recognition, 1-20. We need to work on shapes, and vowels. Nicolas has also improved in his attention span, he has learned colors, shapes, counting 1-10, and amount). He needs to work on vowels, and speaking the language with confidence. Santiago has improved a lot on the use of English. He has learned all the vocabulary we have reviewed. We still need to work on confidence when speaking in public. he needs to work on shapes, vowels, letters g, j, y notice the difference of sound in the letters.