Multicultural Lesson

Lauren Dowling
TEDU 414
All The Colors of Mrs. V’s Classroom
Second Grade- 7-8 year olds
The purpose of this lesson is to enforce the fact that all people are created equal no matter their
physical appearance or intellectual capacity. This creates a solid foundation of acceptance and
appreciation of each other and everyone that they will encounter in their lives. It is important for
students to understand that their physical appearance and cultural background does not define
them as a person and does not make them better or worse than anyone else.
Family Life 2.1
The student will recognize that everyone has strengths and weaknesses and that all persons need
to be accepted and appreciated as worthwhile.
Given craft materials students will be able to exhibit and explain the physical and behavioral
differences in the classroom and why they are all important to the community as a whole,
without error.
 I will talk with the students about how we are all different and important
*Is everyone in the classroom the same?
*Do we all look the same?
*Do we all deserve to be treated the same way? Why?
(back up: how do you feel when you think you are being treated unfairly? Is it a good or
bad feeling? Should other people have to feel that way?)
*Do you think it is important to have these differences in the classroom? Why or why
(back up: would you miss your friends if they couldn’t be in the same class as you
because you looked different?)
 I will then introduce and read them the book “All the Colors of the Earth”
Discussion Questions:
*Do you think that all the different people in the class make it more interesting?
*Would your class be the same if we didn’t have these differences?
*Does anyone’s background or appearance make them any better or any worse than
anyone else in the class? Why? (A) (V)
 After hearing the story (A) students will return to their desks
 “Now that we have read that story, do you all see the different colors of the earth here in
this classroom?! We’re going to create a picture of all of us, showing all the colors of
Mrs. V’s classroom!”
I will show them a completed example of what they will be doing (V)
“This is an example of what I want you to complete, I made this version of me. See how
it looks like me, the skin tone matches and I have blonde hair, just like I do in real life!
On the back I wrote a sentence, like I want you all to do, I said ‘I am important to the
community because I am learning how to be a teacher and helping the students in this
class’. I want you all to think of a reason, like that, that makes you all unique and
important to the community and write it on the back”
I will demonstrate how I made that example, showing them how to cut the face shapes
out and how to color it in
By tables they will go up to the back table and pick out the construction paper that best
matches their skin tone
They will take the paper back to their table and cut out their face shape
They will use the scissors, crayons, markers and glue to create their “faces” out of the
construction paper (K)
When they are done they will flip them over and write one sentence about themselves
that makes them valuable to the classroom community on the back
I will write “I am important to the community because…” on the whiteboard so the
students know how to start their sentences, then I will brainstorm with them and have
them give me examples of what they are thinking about writing, to ensure they
understand what is expected of them. I can create a word bank of words to help them
remember what we talked about, and also to help with spelling
While they are working I will be walking around, asking them to tell me about what they
are doing and why
Students will present their completed products and their sentences to me, I will ask them
about their sentences and ensure that their spelling is correct and that they have
understood the assignment.
They will bring their finished products to the front and attach them to the poster board in
so they are still able to be lifted so others can read their sentences.
For strugglers – write a word or two about themselves instead of a sentence
For advanced – write an additional sentence, I am important because
. This
adds to the community by
I will show the students the community they have created on the poster board and read several
sentences from the backs of their faces. I will acknowledge that they have all done a great job
and that they are all important to me and the class as a whole.
Discussion Questions:
 Can anyone tell me why it is important to appreciate each other?
 Why do you think this is something we need to learn about in the classroom?
 Can you give me any examples of all of you working together and using your unique
skills to make the school/classroom a better place?
 Construction paper in skin tone colors
 Scissors
Poster board
Book “All the Colors of the Earth”
Evaluation A:
 Teacher grid- who has it and who doesn’t (based off their sentences)
Post it note keeping track of their responses to questions, if they are on track or if the
lesson is completely over their head.
Evaluate their physical representation of themselves as well as their sentences.
Looking for a sentence that makes sense and that shows why they are important to the
community, something important or unique about them (that has nothing to do with their
Evaluation B:
Did the students understand why I was doing this assignment or did they just think it was fun arts
and crafts?
Was everyone on task?
While it was going did they stay on task?
Should there be more to the lesson?
Should I give them more background information next time?