Vocabulary Sleuths Menu

Vocabulary Sleuths
Write your vocabulary
word in bubble letters or
any other fancy way you
would like.
Cut out the letters from a
newspaper or magazine
and make your
vocabulary word of the
Write your vocabulary
word in rainbow letters.
Using your vocabulary
word, write the
consonants in one color
and the vowels in a
different color.
Divide your vocabulary
word into syllables.
Make a pyramid using
your vocabulary word.
Divide your vocabulary
word into syllables
Write your vocabulary
word in bubble letters or
any other fancy way you
would like.
Using your vocabulary
word, write the
consonants in one color
and the vowels in a
different color.
Make a pyramid using
your vocabulary word.
Write your vocabulary
word and create
“tagalongs” that begin
and end with the same
letters in your word.
Cut out the letters from a
newspaper or magazine
and make your
vocabulary word of the
Write your vocabulary
word and create
“tagalongs” that begin
and end with the same
letters in your word.
Anagram words—using
your vocabulary word,
write words that can be
made with the word. Ex.
play, pug, run
Write your vocabulary
word in rainbow letters.
Vocabulary Sleuths
Write a riddle using your
vocabulary word.
Create an acrostic poem
using your vocabulary
Explain, in a complete
sentence where you
might see or hear this
Write two different
sentences showing two
different meanings of
your vocabulary word.
Find three words related
Write two words that
to your vocabulary word could be the guide words
and a sentence using
on a dictionary page for
each of the words. (three
this word.
separate sentences)
Write two different
sentences showing two
different meanings of
your vocabulary word.
Write a tongue twister
using your vocabulary
Explain, in a complete
sentence where you
might see or hear this
Write two different
sentences showing two
different meanings of
your vocabulary word.
Write two words that
could be the guide words
on a dictionary page for
this word.
Write a riddle using your
vocabulary word.
Create an acrostic poem
using your vocabulary
Use your vocabulary
word correctly at home
and have an adult initial
this box!
Find three words related
to your vocabulary word
and a sentence using
each of the words. (three
separate sentences)