TPALS Meeting July 27, 2011 Annual Assembly, Hyatt Regency Austin, Texas Board Members Present: Tim Wright, Chair Trevor Taylor, Chair-Elect Kelly Matney, Past Chair Jan Russell, Treasurer Lynn Draper, Secretary Joe Dahlstrom, Councilor Others Present: Brent Quick, Martha Hannah, Rachel Taylor, Willie Braudaway, Karen Kessel, J.C. Feiro(?),Ann Heuberger, Richard Erschik, Pat Anderson, Cindy Boyle, TLA Staff A. Call to Order: Tim Wright called the meeting to order at 4:06 p.m. B. Review and Approve Minutes: Tim Wright motioned to approve Conference Minutes as written. There was a second, and the minutes were approved. C. Financial Report/Review: (a) Tim Wright briefly reviewed the financials and explained how money raised from dues and golf outing was categorized. He stated that expenses should be lower in 2012, so that more money could be given back to the librarians. Willie asked why money was not allocated to donate to the legislative reserve fund. Tim advised that the problem was not having enough money in the future. We did not want to commit to do anything we could not continue to do. (b) In reviewing the budget, Tim stated that a new banner would need to be purchased. Trevor volunteered to donate a new banner. A suggestion was made to keep the banner with the chairperson, so the location would always be known. A motion was made and seconded for the chairperson to keep the banner to prevent it from being lost; motion carried. D. TPALS Committee Reports: (a)Golf Outing: Brent advised he was trying to find more sponsors to generate more money. He stated that the golf tournament was open to all. It was mentioned that calling it a “golf outing” instead of a “golf tournament” would lend itself to being more open to everyone. It was also mentioned that this money was going back to the library. It was to bridge the gap between the vendor and the librarian. (b)TPALS Booth: It was mentioned it would be good for each TPALS member to display the TPALS logo in their booth. Cindy suggested TPALS logos for websites. Tim suggested a session at TLA “Lighting a Fire in Your Libraries Friends Group”. Craig questioned whether exhibitors would be allowed to attend. Cindy suggested linking a membership sheet. Martha, “What about papers in booths”? Karen, suggested T-PALS bookmarks. Richard suggested Blue sheet stating, “What is TPALS?” Karen advised we should relook at the focus on the TPALS sheet, too wordy and people would not take the time to read it. A bookmark would be much easier. Cindy advised magnetic bookmarks were too expensive. Ann advised it was hard to condense what TPALS is. Karen suggested a QR code that would take you to the document. Cindy suggested redoing bags with the QR code. We could redo the bags with the QR code. We could recreate TPALS logo with the code and put it on bookmarks. Scan TPALS ribbon? Would the QR code fit? MARTHA advised TPALS sign in the booth with QR code. It was decided that Richard, Tim and Rachel would work together on the QR code and what should be done for the TPALS information. Richard suggested Microsoft reader functions easier. Tag readers colorful. Tim advised we could be the first ones out there with a tag reader. It could be put on T-shirts. Martha questioned, Where do you get this code”? Tim advised there were code generators online. Karen advised Chris would help with creating but he would have to have the information needed. (c) Education: Richard advised he worked with a lot of associations. TLA is the only one doing the power hour during the exhibitor load in time. There were questions about when and where to have it. It was normally done in a room. Tim suggested we get rid of power hour or find a time where it would work. Richard advised the power hour should be during the continental breakfast. Willie said that Wednesday morning was a good time. Martha advised the general session was open to all vendors. Cindy advised the power hour Wednesday from 7:15-8:15. Richard questioned whether there would be a webinar. Cindy advised webinar would be online 6 months out. Richard suggested that there should be a 1 hour consultation offered and a follow up on the hall floor. Cindy advised TLA believes in education. Richard was under contract free of charge for exhibitors. (1) Cindy suggested cutting lunch and breakfast to cut cost. She asked what could be done to cut cost. Discover green $5000, Welcome party of exhibit hall, before power hour lunch, golf? It was advised the welcome party opens at 6:30 Tuesday evening. No buses. Martha suggested a conga line. (2) Pat asked about Rush Hour. Cindy questioned when and where to move it so as to not conflict with exhibitor time. (d) Passport to win: There had been a lot of cheating. Scavenger Hunt. $25 to join TPALS. Cindy advised she needed to get out from under the passport organizing. The goal was to get customers. The problems were collecting money, cards, and numerous staff hours. An idea was a flyer where they could come by any booth to win??? Maybe list prize. Only TPALS members could submit to win. TLA could do online forms. Brent suggested this could be printed before coming to TLA. Cindy advised it could be handed out on Tuesday night but also have in TPALS booths. Tim advised we needed to come up with a deadline so TLA can print it out. Cindy suggested twitter or QR code or link to mobile app. She would take it back to the office and present the flyer idea. Brent advised we could e-mail TPALS members. Tim would do the e-mail. TLA would print out and send it to Brent. He asked what would you want to give away. Tim advised he would have a form built. (e) Nominations: Jo advised Bylaws were updated. Tim advised we would nominate people and hopefully fill all the positions. Ann advised we did not need to have a committee to nominate people. We could have open nominations. Martha advised it was great having post chairs to help out. Joe suggested shortening the time frame for amending things for the future. Joe would include a clean copy to all board members to approve and then, it would be presented to all TPALS members. He had a question about the list serv being updated. Cindy advised that an e-mail was being sent out every quarter to keep everyone updated. You could use the distribution list. Tim advised to not click on My TLA but to go down to become a member. Cindy advised that the membership directory was great. Tim advised about the search for districts, etc . E. New Business: Karen Kessel advised TLA was exploring new avenues. R 4 L is the theme. Idea board, Q R codes, looking at getting tag lines. My TLA is a great resource to connect with round table members. Instead of notebooks we could register everything on My TLA. TPALS members can be part of Tall Texans. With no further business to discuss, Joe motioned to adjourn at 6:03. There was a second to the motion, and the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting would be scheduled during TLA 2012.