Guidelines for a Princess Bride This is a quick guideline to prepare you for your big day: Face: To have that flawless skin for those photographs, and if not already started you need to start a facial routine, all to fit into you lifestyle Cleanse: Tone: Moisturise: Exfoliate: Morning and night, if possible a double cleanse at night if wearing make up This needs to be done to remove any make up residue and close pores This is important to either balance or hydrate your skin. This should be done once or twice a week depending on you skin type. This will improve the texture of your skin and the absorption of your products. If you are unsure of the correct products to use for your skin, it is advised that you get a facial. It is also advised that a facial should be gotten every two month to enhance and support your own routine. Body: To have that smooth soft skin for both your wedding day and honeymoon; here are a few simple tips; Exfoliate and moisturise your body a few times a week. This smoothes the skin out and hydrates the skin. Exfoliating can be done with a scrub on dry skin or in the shower. This also allows the moisturiser to absorb better. The added bonus is that your fake tan will apply easier and last longer. It is advised that you test out a few tans before the big day to find the best type for you. On the day of a spray tan do not exfoliate or moisturise as this could streak the tan. Make sure you do this in the days leading up to it. Eyes: A good trick to enhance your eyes is to tint both brows and lashes. This will open up your eyes and face and also ensure that you will not be left with any embarrassing mascara watermarks on the day. If you have never had this done before it is advised that you get this done in advance as it will take a few days to get use to. Be aware that you need to get a patch test done 24 hours before your tint to make sure you have no allergies to the tint. Nails: To really show that ring off, you would be advised to get a few manicures before the big day and try and wear rubber gloves where possible e.g. washing up. To get the best results for your feet you really need to get a few pedicures, don’t leave it until the last minute. Also when moisturising your body bring it down as far as your heals and feet. By getting your feet done regularly they will look fabulous. Detox: To get your body looking and feeling fabulous a few things need to be done. Firstly eat correctly, and secondly you need to exercise. To help to achieve even greater results – Detox. Now I don’t mean eating weird food and living in the bathroom. You should consider having Detox wraps. They are relaxing, unwinding and they also encourage the body to flush out those unwanted toxins. Now having only one wrap is not going to do the job but if you can get one done every week or every second week this will just enhance your hard work even more. This with your exfoliating and moisturising at home will leave your skin feeling brand new.