Murrumbidgee Final

Sydney Weekender in Royal NP_1
[Image appears of a coastline]
Narrator: But first up, hear ye, hear ye.
Mel Symons: I’ve been lucky enough to visit some of New South Wales most amazing national parks.
But what makes this place stand out is that the Queen has given it the thumbs up and if it’s good
enough for Lizzie it’s good enough for me.
[Image changes to show the entrance sign to the Royal National Park]
It’s Sydney’s Royal National Park.
[Image changes to show a tour group walking along the cliff top and images flash through of the tour
group admiring the view, the ocean below, the coastline and a beach]
The royal part was added after the Queen’s 1954 visit and it’s no wonder Her Majesty loves the
second oldest national park in the world.
[Image changes to show the coastline with the Sydney skyline in the background and then the
camera zooms in on the coastline and the camera pans from right to left]
This nature’s playground is less than one hour’s drive from the city and sits right on the coast. The
park has some of the most picturesque hiking trails in the country.
[Image changes to show a tour group on the cliff top and then the image changes to show the tour
group walking through the bushland]
You can go it alone but I recommend you join a tour group. That way you won’t miss anything.
[Image changes to show Ian Wells and Mel Symons at the front of the group and then the image
changes to show the tour group from the rear view and then the image changes to show the group
being handed bags by Ian Wells]
Today Ian Wells from Sydney Coast Walks is leading the pack and with Whale Watching Season upon
us I’m really hoping Ian can take us to that special spot.
[Image changes to show Ian Wells and Mel Symons walking at the front of the tour group]
Ian Wells: We’ll go past the White Cliffs and hopefully see some whales on the way as well. I don’t
promise anything on the whales and we’ll end up at Marley’s. So Marley Headland and Marley
Beaches and Marley Lagoon.
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[Image changes and the camera pans over the walking group from above and then the camera
zooms in on Ian Wells and Mel Symons]
[Text appears: ‘Marley Walking Tour, $149 per person, Sydney Weekender]
Mel Symons: Ian’s coastal walks are for everyone over the age of ten years but keep in mind there
are some steep sections on the trail.
[Image changes to show the reflection in the water of the tour group as they cross a bridge and then
the camera pans up to the legs of the tour group]
Mostly though, it’s fairly easy going.
[Image changes to show David Wright, Mel Symons, a boy and a girl sitting on the ground looking at
plants and then the camera zooms in on the boy’s face, the girl’s face and David Wright’s face in
Now lunch is provided but for a truly authentic experience sign up for a Discovery Tour and score
yourself some bush tucker and a history lesson at Jibbon Headland’s Rock Engravings.
[Image changes to show David Wright leading Mel Symons and the boy and girl to look at the Rock
[Text appears: Jibbons Rock Tour, Adults $35, Kids $15, Weekender Special 20% off, Sydney
David Wright: This is the carvings here kids and people. Now look carefully on the ground. Don’t
walk on them.
[Camera zooms in on the legs of the group walking across the Rock Engraving area and then the
camera zooms in on a rock engraving]
[Text appears: Jibbons Rock Tour,, Sydney weekender]
Mel Symons: Guide David Wright will teach you all about the indigenous carvings and how to survive
on native bushes and plants.
[Image changes to show David Wright]
What foods have we got here?
[Image changes to show David Wright pointing at the plants and the camera zooms in on the plants
individually and then the camera zooms in on some berries in a girl’s hand]
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David Wright: Oh, these are all different variety of foods. Some are medicine plants, some are just
for making soap, some are for health foods but they are all different variety of foods.
[Image changes to show campers in the Bonnie Vale Campground and text appears: Bonnie Vale
Campground, $14 per person, Sydney weekender]
Mel Symons: With all this and more to do in the park you’ll want to stay a few nights at Bonnie Vale
[Image changes to show the entrance sign to the Bonnie Vale Camping Area and then images flash
through of the campground and the beach]
[Text appears: Bonnie Vale Campground,, Sydney weekender]
Nestled between the beach and the bush there’s plenty of action for the entire family.
[Image changes to show the tour group on the cliff and then the image changes to show four shags
perched on a rock]
Back on the cliffs we’re trying a new technique for whale watching.
[Image changes to show the tour group on the cliff and the camera pans from the rear of the group
forwards over the cliff and across the water]
We’re speaking whale language.
Ian Wells: We’re speaking whale. OK. Three, two, one...
Tour Group: Wha---le.
Ian Wells: You’ve gotta believe, you’ve gotta put more heart into it.
Mel Symons: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[Image changes to show Ian Wells pointing out towards the water]
Ian Wells: Come on. We’ve joined [indistinct 2:31] It’s out there, see.
Mel Symons: Stop it.
[Image changes to show the whale in the water]
Ian Wells: It is, look.
Mel Symons: Oh, wow,
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[Image changes back to show Ian Wells and the tour group looking at the whales]
Ian Wells: See there. It just blew there.
[Image changes back to show the whales swimming in the ocean again]
Mel Symons : Oh there’s two, there’s two.
Ian Wells: Yes, that’s a mum and a baby. It’s a humpback, two out there.
[Image changes to show Ian Wells with Mel Symons holding up two fingers]
Mel Symons: Oh, we saw them, two humpbacks, right on cue.
[Image changes to show the humpback whales swimming in the ocean]
And my trip is complete.
[Faint images of the park and tour group flash through in the background and NSW Government and
National Parks and Wildlife logos and text appears: Royal National Park, Sydney weekender,]
[Text appears: Sydney weekender]
Narrator: To book your tour of the Royal National Park and get some big viewer discounts log on to
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