SASD Curriculum Map Content Area:_Mathematics UNIT Title/Focus DRIVING QUESTION(S) Course:_University of Pittsburgh Statistics TIME OF YEAR/LENGTH (E.G. Oct-Nov/3 weeks) Introduction First Week of September What is Statistics? What can it be used for and where do we see it? CONTENT VOCABULARY TOPIC ELIGIBLE CONTENT/ STANDARDS OBJECTIVES What is statistics? General background info Types of data Identify data types: Quantitative or Categorical ASSESSMENT RESOURCES SASD Curriculum Map Content Area:_Mathematics UNIT Title/Focus DRIVING QUESTION(S) Course:_University of Pittsburgh Statistics TIME OF YEAR/LENGTH (E.G. Oct-Nov/3 weeks) Descriptive Statistics (one variable) September to Early October (3-4 weeks) How can data be displayed in an easy to understand format? What can we use to describe data? CONTENT VOCABULARY TOPIC ELIGIBLE CONTENT/ STANDARDS Descriptive Statistics Involving One Variable UNIT Title/Focus DRIVING QUESTION(S) OBJECTIVES ASSESSMENT RESOURCES Students should be able to construct and interpret: Histograms, box plots, symmetry and skewness, mean, median, percentiles, range, interquartile range, the standard deviation. TIME OF YEAR/LENGTH (E.G. Oct-Nov/3 weeks) Association and Regression Early October to Late October (3 weeks) How can I represent, describe, and model the association between two quantitative variables? CONTENT VOCABULARY TOPIC Descriptive Statistics Involving One Variable ELIGIBLE CONTENT/ STANDARDS OBJECTIVES Students should be able to construct and interpret: Scatter plots, correlation, fitting straight lines, meaning of slope and intercept, residuals, coefficient of determination (r-squared) ASSESSMENT RESOURCES SASD Curriculum Map Content Area:_Mathematics UNIT Title/Focus DRIVING QUESTION(S) Course:_University of Pittsburgh Statistics TIME OF YEAR/LENGTH (E.G. Oct-Nov/3 weeks) Causation and Evidence Late October to Late November (3-4 weeks) How can I reliably gather data and evidence in a sample to accurately represent a population? CONTENT VOCABULARY TOPIC ELIGIBLE CONTENT/ STANDARDS Simulation, Sampling, and Study Design UNIT Title/Focus DRIVING QUESTION(S) OBJECTIVES ASSESSMENT RESOURCES Students should be able to make use of observational studies or experiments to attempt to answer questions of causation. Some basic types of sampling and experiments-stratified samples, simple and blocked designs. TIME OF YEAR/LENGTH (E.G. Oct-Nov/3 weeks) Probability Late November to Early January (3-4 weeks) What are the basic rules of probability? How can I remove any misconceptions I have concerning probability? CONTENT VOCABULARY TOPIC Probability ELIGIBLE CONTENT/ STANDARDS OBJECTIVES Students should be able to identify and describe random variables and their distributions: Basic probability rules, discrete random variables, rules for means and variances. Statistical independence, independent observations. Normal and binomial distributions. ASSESSMENT RESOURCES SASD Curriculum Map Content Area:_Mathematics UNIT Title/Focus DRIVING QUESTION(S) Distribution of sample proportion and distribution of sample mean from random samples Course:_University of Pittsburgh Statistics TIME OF YEAR/LENGTH (E.G. Oct-Nov/3 weeks) Early January to Late January (2-3 weeks) What rules to random samples from a population (means and proportions) follow? CONTENT VOCABULARY TOPIC ELIGIBLE CONTENT/ STANDARDS Sampling Distributions of Means and Proportions UNIT Title/Focus DRIVING QUESTION(S) OBJECTIVES ASSESSMENT RESOURCES Students should be able to discuss and apply the Central limit Theorem, law of large numbers. Hands-on or computer simulations of sampling distributions. Calculate probabilities. Confidence intervals for means (known standard deviation) and proportions in one sample TIME OF YEAR/LENGTH (E.G. Oct-Nov/3 weeks) Late January to Mid February (2-3 weeks) How can I make predictions about a population based on a random sample? CONTENT VOCABULARY TOPIC Confidence Intervals for Mean and Proportion ELIGIBLE CONTENT/ STANDARDS OBJECTIVES Students should be able to construct confidence intervals from data; use computer experiments to illustrate concept. ASSESSMENT RESOURCES SASD Curriculum Map Content Area:_Mathematics UNIT Title/Focus DRIVING QUESTION(S) Tests of hypotheses about means (known standard deviation) and proportions in one sample Course:_University of Pittsburgh Statistics TIME OF YEAR/LENGTH (E.G. Oct-Nov/3 weeks) Mid February to Mid March (3-4 weeks) How can I test claims about populations based on a random sample? CONTENT VOCABULARY TOPIC ELIGIBLE CONTENT/ STANDARDS Hypothesis Testing for Mean and Proportion UNIT Title/Focus DRIVING QUESTION(S) OBJECTIVES ASSESSMENT RESOURCES Students should be able to calculate and interpret P-value, level of significance. Type I and Type II error. Meaning of (but not calculation of) power and relation to effect size, sample size, and size of standard deviation. Computer experiments to illustrate these concepts. TIME OF YEAR/LENGTH (E.G. Oct-Nov/3 weeks) One-sample, paired-sample and two-sample t-tests Mid March to Mid April (3-4 weeks) How can I make predictions and test claims about a population based on a random sample? CONTENT VOCABULARY TOPIC Hypothesis Testing for more variable situations ELIGIBLE CONTENT/ STANDARDS OBJECTIVES Students should be able to understand importance of degrees of freedom and use of t-tables. Related confidence intervals. Interpretation of computer output concerning tests and confidence intervals. Advantages and disadvantages of paired designs over two sample designs. ASSESSMENT RESOURCES SASD Curriculum Map Content Area:_Mathematics UNIT Title/Focus DRIVING QUESTION(S) Course:_University of Pittsburgh Statistics TIME OF YEAR/LENGTH (E.G. Oct-Nov/3 weeks) Introduction to more advance topics Mid April to Mid May (3-4 weeks) How can I make predictions and test claims about a population based on a random sample? CONTENT VOCABULARY TOPIC ELIGIBLE CONTENT/ STANDARDS Advanced Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals UNIT Title/Focus DRIVING QUESTION(S) OBJECTIVES ASSESSMENT RESOURCES Students should be able to construct and interpret one-way analysis of variance tests (ANOVA table, degrees of freedom, sums of squares and mean squares, F statistic and F tables), contingency tables and chi-square tests for independence, inference concerning the slope(s) and intercept in linear regression models. TIME OF YEAR/LENGTH (E.G. Oct-Nov/3 weeks) Review of Course Content Mid May to Early June (1-2 weeks) What have I learned this year? CONTENT VOCABULARY TOPIC All course content ELIGIBLE CONTENT/ STANDARDS OBJECTIVES Recall all course content for final exam ASSESSMENT RESOURCES SASD Curriculum Map Content Area:_Mathematics Course:_University of Pittsburgh Statistics