Previous Workshops School Year 2013/2014



November 2013:

 November 4: Templeton Secondary School

Parent-teen Communication (Chinese), Part 1

Contact Koko Choi: 604-713-6000 ex: 2503

 November 7: Point Grey Secondary School

Building Bridges with your Teen (communications)

School Library

7 - 9 pm

 November 13: Eric Hamber Secondary School

Capacity Cafe - (Youth Voices)

6:15 pm - Light dinner served

 November 14: Templeton Secondary School

Building Bridges with your Teen (Communications)

School Library, 7 - 9 pm

 November 14: Point Grey Secondary School

Capacity Cafe (youth voices)

School Library

6:15 pm - Light dinner served

 November 18: Templeton Secondary School

Parent-teen Communication (Chinese), Part 2

Cantonese interpretation available

9:30 - 10:30 am in Staffroom

 November 20: John Oliver Secondary School

(Both John Oliver and David Thompson families are invited)

Building Bridges with Your Teen (Communications)

School Library, 7 - 9 pm

 November 21: Tupper Secondary School **NEW**

SACY Adult Toolkit

SACY STEP portable

6:30 to 8:30 pm

 November 26: Churchill Secondary School

Teens, Technology & Parenting

Churchill PAC meeting


7 - 9 pm

 November 28: John Oliver Secondary School

(Both John Oliver and David Thompson familes are invited)

Capacity Cafe (Youth Voices)

School Library

6:15 - 9 pm

December 2013:

 December 2: South Vancouver Neighbourhood House

Building Bridges with your Teen (Communications) (Korean translation available)

In collaboration with South Vancouver Neighbourhood House

7 - 9 pm

 December 4: District Resource & Placement Center

PART 1 Parent-Teen Communication

Korean interpretation available

Please call for times

 December 10: District Resource & Placement Center

PART 1 Parent-Teen Communication in Punjabi and Hindi

1 - 2:15 pm

 December 11: District Resource & Placement Center

PART 2 Parent-Teen Communication

Korean interpretation available

Please call for times

January 2014:

 Tuesday 14: District Resource & Placement Center

PART 2 Parent-Teen Communication

(Punjabi and Hindi)

1 - 2:15 pm

 Wednesday 15: Lord Byng Secondary School

Building Bridges with your Teen (communication)

School Library

7 - 9 pm

 Wednesday 15: University Hill Seconday School

Communicating with your Teen

U Hill PAC meeting presentation

 Wednesday 22: Killarney Secondary School

(Both Killarney and Windermere Families are invited)

Building Bridges with your Teen ( communication)


7 - 9 pm

 Saturday 25 : Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House

Adolescent Development and Communication

(Vietnamese interpretation available)

2 - 3:15 pm

 Tuesday 28: Templeton Secondary School

Capacity Cafe (youth voices)

School Library

6 pm - Light dinner served

 Wednesday 29: Magee Secondary School

Building Bridges with your Teen (communication) - Poster

School Library

7 - 9 pm

 Thursday 30: Killarney Secondary Library

Capacity Cafe (Youth Voices)

(Both Killarney and Windermere Families are invited)

6:15 - 9 pm

February 2014:

 Wednesday 5: Vancouver Technical Secondary School

Building Bridges with your teen (communication)

Staff Cafeteria

7 pm - 9 pm

 Tuesday 11: District Reception and Placement Centre

Different styles of parenting

(Punjabi & Hindi)

1 - 2:15 pm

 Tuesday 18: John Oliver Secondary School

Learn and Practice Effective Communication Strategies

(Punjabi & Hindi)

School Library

6 - 7:30 pm

 Thursday 27: Sir Charles Tupper Secondary School **NEW**

SACY Adult Toolkit ( click here for poster )

SACY STEP portable

6:30 - 8:30 pm

March 2014:

 Tuesday 4: Lord Byng Secondary School

Capacity Cafe (youth voices)

Lord Byng Art Gallery

6 pm - Light dinner serves

 Tuesday 11: Vancouver Technical Secondary School

Holding a Family Meeting (collaborative problem solving)

Staff Cafeteria

7-9 pm

 Tuesday 11: District Reception and Placement Centre

How to set boundaries with your teen (Collaborative Problem Solving)

(Punjabi & Hindi)

1 - 2:15 pm

April 2014

 Tuesday 8: District Reception and Placement Centre

Teens, Technology and Parenting

(Punjabi and Hindi)

1 - 2:15 pm

 Wednesday 9: Vancouver Technical Secondary School

Capacity Cafe (youth voices)

Staff Cafeteria

6-9 pm - Light dinner served

 Wednesday 9: Kitsilano Secondary School

Setting Boundaries (Around drugs, alcohol, parties, curfews, homework and more)

School Library

7 - 9 pm ( Registration )

 Thursday 10: Magee Secondary School

Capacity Cafe (youth voices) Poster

6:30 - 9 pm

 Tuesday 15: John Oliver Secondary School

Learn and Practice Effective Communication Strategies (Cont'd)

(Punjabi & Hindi)

School Library

6 - 7:30 pm

 Wednesday 23: Kitsilano Secondary School

Capacity Cafe (youth voices)

School Library - Light dinner served

6:15 - 8:30 pm ( Registration )

May 2014:

 Thursday 01: David Thompson Secondary School

Parenting your Teen


School Library

7 - 9 pm

 Tuesday 6: Lord Byng Secondary School

Westside Community Forum Part 1: Let's talk about: Teens, Parties & Social Media ( Poster )

School Library

 7 - 9 pm

 Tuesday 13: District Reception and Placement Centre

Build assets & reduce risks in your teen's life

(Punjabi and Hindi)

 Wednesday 14: Prince of Wales Secondary School

Westside Community Forum Part 2: Guiding & Supporting Youth ( Poster )

School Library

7 - 9 pm

 Tuesday 20: John Oliver Secondary School

Parenting Styles that Support Healthy Development

(Punjabi & Hindi)

School Library

6 - 7:30 pm

 Thursday 22: Sir Charles Tupper Secondary School **NEW**

SACY Adult Toolkit ( click here for poster )

SACY STEP portable

6:30 - 8:30 pm

 Tuesday 27: South Vancouver Youth Centre

Adolescent Development and Communication

6:30 - 8:30 pm

 Thursday 29: Sir Charles Tupper Secondary School

Building Bridges with your Teen (communication)

School Staffroom

7 - 9 pm

June 2014:

 Tuesday 03: Britannia Secondary School

Builing Bridges with your Teen

(Spanish, Vietnamese, and Cantonese)

7 - 9 pm

 Wednesday 04: Sir Charles Tupper Secondary School

Capacity Cafe (Youth Voices)

School Staffroom

6:15 - 9 pm

 Tuesday 17: John Oliver Secondary School

How to set boundaries with your Teen (collaborative problem solving)

(Punjabi and Hindi)

School Library

6 - 7:30 pm
