Nombre: Fecha: Español 2H Señora Chu PROYECTO DE VERBOS Purpose: To assist students in remembering common verbs in Spanish. Task: Create a word (verb) wall in Spanish. Supplies needed: Posterboard or 20 large index cards Scissors Glue Internet access Color computer printer or crayons or markers (Please see me TODAY if you will not be able to access any of these items!) Instructions: You will write the name of the verb in Spanish (or type it). Then, near the verb, you will add a picture that shows the meaning of the verb. The picture must represent the meaning of the verb in such a way that anyone who does not speak Spanish will understand what that verb means. You may draw the pictures, cut them out of magazines/newspapers, or download them legally from the Internet. Pictures must be appropriate for school (see me if you do not understand what “appropriate” is). You will need to do this for 20 verbs. The name of the verb and the picture must be large enough to see well and clear enough to read. You will use 20 verbs on the Spanish 1 verb list on my website or verbs from Unit 1. DO NOT USE ANY VERBS NOT ON ONE OF THESE LISTS FOR THIS PROJECT. NO ENGLISH WORDS SHOULD APPEAR ANYWHERE ON THE PROJECT (except your name on the back of your project). Your project will be graded on the following criteria (grading rubric on back): Completeness - Are all 20 verbs represented? Correctness - Are the verbs correctly represented by the pictures? Spelling and accent marks must be correct as well. Creativity - Are the chosen pictures original and creative while representing the verb correctly? Neatness – Is your project neat, clear and easy to read? These projects will be displayed in the classroom. We will add to them throughout the year as needed to assist you in learning and remembering Spanish verbs. DUE DATE: FRIDAY 9/18/15 NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED – NO EXCEPTIONS! YOU MUST TURN IN THIS SHEET WITH YOUR PROJECT. NO SHEET IS AN AUTOMATIC LOSS OF 10 POINTS. Rubric for Project (verb wall) SCORE 4 3 2 1 0 COMPLETED REQUIREMENTS All 20 verbs and 20 pictures present. CORRECTNESS All verbs are spelled correctly (with accents, if needed) and all pictures represent each verb accurately. All (20) verbs Most verbs are present and spelled correctly most (17-19) (with accents, if pictures present. needed) and/or OR most pictures 17-19 verbs represent each present and all verb accurately. (20) pictures present. Some verbs (15- Some verbs are 19) present and spelled correctly some (15-19) and/or some pictures present. pictures represent each verb accurately. Few verbs (10Few verbs are 14) present and spelled and/or few (10-14) most few pictures present. pictures represent each verb accurately. Less than 10 No verbs are verbs and/or spelled correctly pictures. and/or no pictures correctly represent each verb. CREATIVITY Very creative representation of each verb. Excellent poster/card design. Creative representation of each verb. Good poster/cards design. Somewhat creative representation of some verbs. Some design creativity. Little creativity in representation of verb or design of poster/cards. No creativity in representation of verb or design of poster/cards. NEATNESS Poster/cards is (are) extremely neat and easy to read. Highly professional quality. Poster/cards is (are) neat and easy to read. Professional quality. Poster/cards is (are) neat and/or easy to read. Good quality. Difficult to read Poster/cards. Poor quality. Unreadable Poster/cards. Unacceptable quality.