SE PTSO minutes - May 2015

Selinsgrove Area Elementary School
Minutes for May 7, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 6:36 p.m. by President Jessica Landis with 23 in
4 Officers were present:
o President- Jessica Landis, Recording Secretary- Ami Goudreau, Corresponding
Secretary- Beth Vasquez, Treasurer- Amanda Martin
President’s Report
o A vote of all present approved the April meeting minutes
Secretary’s Report
o Several thank-you notes have been received. They were available for reading at
the meeting.
o Thank you notes will be sent to Ard’s, Rita’s and Alexander Ford for field day
donations. A note will be sent to James Wright for the book fair donation for
Treasurer’s Report
o A projected budget for the 2015-2016 school year was shared and approved by
those in attendance after combining the related arts and student life budgets.
Committee Reports
o Fundraiser Committees
 Gift Cards
 Gift cards continue to be available for purchase in the office.
 Spell-A-Thon
 $2,548.05 has been collected so far
 The classes that earned the pizza party for the most money
collected were Mrs. Shaffer, Ms. Nava and Mrs Davis.
 Box Tops
 Please continue to save and send in box tops.
 The next submission will be the end of October.
Campbell’s Labels for Education
 Nothing new to report
 Papa John’s
 Fliers go home every month with the coupons to be used on
Fridays at Papa John’s
 Signs are posted outside the school on Fridays as a reminder.
 Texas Roadhouse Dinner
 The fundraiser seemed very successful. We will not know final
amounts raised until the restaurant closes their books for the
 $67.00 was collected in the donation bucket.
 There were a lot of families in attendance, and all students and
teachers had a great time!
 Book Fair
 $770 in scholastic dollars was raised for Mrs. Barrick to purchase
items for the library.
 Pavers
 Prices have not changed.
 Order forms have been sent home.
Monthly Event Committees
 May Event- Olympics organized by the National Honor Society
 Thank you to Jen K for organizing snacks.
 Approximately 75 students were in attendance and much fun was
had by all!
 The yearbooks have been delivered to the school and are locked away
until distribution.
 Shirts have been delivered to all students.
 The shirts are purchased by the PTSO for students to use on field trips
and for field day
Field Day- May 28
 Janel Ashburn/Michele Pryor- chairs, Jen K will organize volunteers
 2 inflatables have been reserved at a cost of $506
 Blaise Alexander donated water bottles for the event
 Ard’s and Rita’s will be donating snack items.
 Volunteers are still needed to help run stations
Teacher Appreciation Week- May 4-8
 Beth V. and Ami G. covered teacher surprises/activities for the week
 A breakfast will be held for all staff on Thursday May 7
o Secretary Appreciation Day- April 22
 PTSO covered the office and the secretaries were treated to lunch at BJ’s.
Principal’s Report
o A Japanese drum assembly was held for all students on May 1
o Mrs. Wright has received the Excellence in Education Award from the Chamber
of Commerce
 We’ve had 3 teachers receive the award this school year; Mrs. Wright,
Mrs. Burdett and Mrs. Morris. Congratulations!
o Reading Incentive Program
 The goal is for all students to collectively read 100,000 books by May 22.
If the goal is met, Mr. Heintzelman will dye his hair red and blue and
sleep on the roof of the school.
 Currently, the students are very close to reaching the goal. Keep up the
great reading!
o Elise Zimmerman has won the WVIA/PBS writing contest
 WVIA will present Elise’s award to her in her classroom
 Her writing will be entered into a national competition
 Congratulations Elise!
New Business
o New Officers
 The bylaws and duties were reviewed for each office prior to the election
 The election was held via secret ballot
 The following people will serve as officers for the 2015-2016 school year
 President- Helene Everhart
 Vice President- Erica Amato
 Treasurer- Sara Duigan
 Recording Secretary- Ami Goudreau
 Corresponding Secretary- Beth Vasquez
Important Dates
o May 8- Sheep to Shawl program for 2nd grade
o May 18- Orientation at the Intermediate School for 2nd grade
o May 20 and 21- 2nd grade field trip to Little Buffalo State Park
o May 28- Field Day
o May 29- Move up day for kindergarten and 1st grade
May meeting adjourned at 7:27 p.m.
This was the final meeting for the 2014-2015 school year. See you in August!
 You are able to email us on the district website
 And you can…
EDUCATION! You can place your labels in the drawers outside of the school office or save
them up and send in an envelope labeled PTSO in your child’s school folder. Ask family &
friends to help too J
Please keep in mind that only the portion of the label with the barcode needs to be sent in.