Christopher Columbus Also known as: Cristoforo Colombo

Christopher Columbus
Also known as: Cristoforo Colombo; Crostóbal Colón
dates he/she lived,
 1451 - 1506
Born: 1451
Sets sail from Spain: Aug. 3, 1492
Discovered America: Oct. 12, 1492
Died: May 21, 1506
 where he/she is from,
Nationality - Born in Italy. Lived in Portugal and in Spain. Patrons - King Ferdinand
and Queen Isabella of Spain
 any major idea or event in which he/she is known
Famous for discovering the New World, yet he died thinking he had reached the Indies.
The names of the Ships of Christopher Columbus:
The Nina
The Pinta
The Santa Maria
Accomplished works with titles and dates,
Christopher Columbus discovered America when he was seeking a westward route to India. To his dying day,
he believed he had achieved his quest, and denied discovering a new continent. While Columbus was not the first
European to encounter America, he did achieve what no known previous explorer had: he sailed directly across the
uncharted sea, without staying in sight of land, navigating by the stars. It would be a decade before Europeans realized
that the lands Columbus had reached were not part of Asia but an entirely different continent. Without the voyages of
Columbus, Vespucci would not have conclude a "new continent" had been discovered, and the Americas would not have
been opened to European incursion -- for good or for ill -- at that time in history. The development of American
civilization, and perhaps even world civilization, could therefore have proceeded along entirely different lines.
Columbus fails to gain the patronage the King of Portugal to search for a trade route to the Indies
His wife dies and Columbus moves to Spain where he opens a shop supplying maps & charts
Columbus meets Dona Beatriz Enriquez de Arana from Cordova in Spain, who he marries
Columbus petitions his plans to the Spanish court but is refused any patronage
Works in the service of the Duke of Medina Celi, Don Luis de la Cerda
Columbus submits his plans to King Henry VII - England and King Charles VIII – France, again his proposals are
Columbus again appeals to King Ferdinand of Spain for patronage but he was again refused
A priest called Father Perez pleads with Queen Isabella to fund Columbus emphasizing that he would be able to
convert heathen races to Christianity
King Ferdinand & Queen Isabella of Spain, as patrons to Columbus and provide money and ships
August: He leaves Spain in search of the Indies on the Santa Maria. Martin Alonso Pinzon commanded the Pinta & his
brother, Vicente Yanez Pinzon commanded the Nina. - 3 ships carried 120 men.
September 8: The Voyages of Christopher Columbus begin
September 15: The ships reach the Canaries under favorable conditions
September 20: At the Sargasso Sea the weather conditions change. Columbus keeps two log books to deceive the crew
as to the real length of the voyage
September 23: The crew become disgruntled
October 7: False landfall is spotted
October 11: There is near Mutiny from the crew
October 12: Land seen by one of the Pinta's crew - they land in the Bahamas, West Indies. The discoverers name the
island San Salvador and Columbus believes that he has reached the passage to India and China
October 28: The fleet reaches Cuba
December 5: The Santa Maria sinks off the cost of Hispaniola, Columbus establishes the first Spanish settlement in the
New World
January 16: Columbus starts the return journey to Spain
1493 5 March: Christopher Columbus arrives in Spain bringing his news of the New World