Specialist Leaders of Education (SLEs) Specialist leaders of education (SLEs) are outstanding middle and senior leaders who have the skills to support individuals or teams in similar positions in other schools. They understand what outstanding leadership practice in their area of expertise looks like and are skilled in helping other leaders to achieve it in their own context. SLEs have a successful track record of working effectively within and beyond their own school. They demonstrate excellent communication and interpersonal skills and high levels of emotional intelligence to work sensitively and collaboratively with peer colleagues. We currently have ten SLEs designated in a range of specialisms. This document details what our SLEs can offer. Should you wish to make an enquiry about SLE support please contact lpalmer@themead.wilts.sch.uk. Sarah Ashton Current role: Second in English with responsibility for Teaching and Learning, SEN and Literacy Kingdown School, Warminster Specialist Area: English 1 Document1 Assessment for Learning Teaching and learning (KS3) Experience and examples of work: I have taught in local comprehensive schools for 13 years, teaching to the full age and ability range. I am currently 2nd in a Department of 13 full time members of staff, with responsibility for teaching and learning, Literacy lessons, and special educational needs in English. I have been graded as ‘Outstanding’ in lesson observations, and have had good results with exam classes, helping pupils to achieve target grades and make progress. I have had experience of Leading Key Stage Three, and creating a KS3 curriculum which has put the explicit teaching of skills and Assessment for Learning at the heart of teaching and learning in the department. I am currently running the ‘Good to Outstanding’ project within the Department, which involves informal observation of colleagues on a focussed area of teaching and learning, and then organising and leading training to share good practice. I have also run training sessions on AFL as part of whole school professional development sessions which offered tips and strategies and also encouraged colleagues to share practical ideas to use in their subject. This year, I am working closely with the Assistant Head in charge of Literacy across the curriculum to embed the teaching of Literacy across the school. I have written, and am monitoring, the delivery of weekly Literacy lessons, and have employed various strategies to encourage members of staff in all areas to embrace the teaching of Literacy in their subject areas. I am also in the process of developing and monitoring a differentiated curriculum for SEN and vulnerable pupils in KS3 to ensure provision for the learning needs of all pupils in English. I currently co-lead the Trowbridge Literacy Forum, which provides an opportunity for Primary and Secondary colleagues to discuss Literacy teaching, transition from KS2 to 3, and offers the chance to moderate assessed work. I can offer support, coaching and mentoring in: Leading Key Stage 3 Moving teachers from ‘good’ to ‘outstanding’ Incorporating Assessment for Learning into Schemes of Work Developing Literacy Across the Curriculum Curriculum development and planning Tracy Boulton Current role: Assistant Head The Mead Primary School, Trowbridge Specialist Area: Teaching and Learning KS2/KS3 Transition 2 Document1 Experience and examples of work I have 11 years’ experience of teaching in a variety of schools in Dorset and Wiltshire. I have taught across KS1 and 2 and have previously been a Leading Teacher for Literacy in Wiltshire. In my current role I lead on Teaching and Learning across a large split-site school, supporting colleagues to provide a curriculum that is both rich and engaging, whilst ensuring standards, coverage and progression are maintained through thorough planning and rigorous assessment. I very much enjoy exploring new pedagogical ideas and techniques to enhance teaching and learning and have led on initiatives such as Building Learning Power and developing higher order questioning. I currently lead the schools numeracy team. Through the National Centre for Excellence in Teaching Maths I have successfully gained accreditation as a Primary CPD leader. This is a new and exciting role supporting colleagues with their mathematical understanding and new and innovative ideas for classroom practice. I lead on KS2/3 transition and liaise closely with secondary colleagues to ensure a smooth transfer for pupils into the next stage in their education and I am an active member of the local schools collaborative working party for KS2-KS3 transition. Through The Mead’s work as a National Support School I have had the opportunity to work with colleagues in developing their classroom practice and I am currently accredited as a facilitator for both the Improving and Outstanding Teacher Programmes. I have co-written and facilitated a course for the Local Authority focussing on Learning Centred Leadership. I am passionate about ensuring children have the highest quality education to become lifelong autonomous learners through rich and engaging learning experiences I am able to offer coaching, support and mentoring to staff in developing teaching and learning, monitoring and evaluation, lesson observation, feedback and use of data to narrow the learning gap and improve teaching and learning and curriculum development. 3 Document1 Emma Holton Current role: Senior Teacher with responsibility for Literacy and Assessment The Mead Primary School, Trowbridge Specialist Area: KS1 and 2 Literacy Talk for writing Drama conventions Handwriting Phonics Early reading and writing Assessment of reading and writing Data analysis and target setting Development of the learning environment to provide rich literate experiences Experience and examples of work: I have 11 years experience working at The Mead Community Primary school teaching in all years from Foundation Stage to Year 5. I am passionate about teaching and learning in all areas of Literacy and have been Literacy Leader at The Mead for 7 years. I am very proud to be considered an outstanding teacher and take great pride in striving to provide the very best opportunities for all children. I have worked alongside colleagues from other schools as part of our National Support School role. This work has involved developing literacy provision including team planning, assessing and moderating writing, development of the learning environment and supporting the teaching of basic skills (handwriting, spelling and phonics). I currently co-facilitate the ‘Trowbridge Literacy Forum’ which meets six times per year to discuss current literacy provision across our collaborative of schools and the next steps for literacy transition between KS2 and KS3. I have a range of experiences using mentoring and coaching. I have led training for Bath Spa University on ‘Talk for Writing’ and for Gloucester University’s GTP programme on ‘Phonics and the Development of Early Reading and Writing’. I am able to offer wide-ranging support including the following: Development of a rich and engaging literate environment. Finding ways to develop role play, storytelling and drama opportunities. Supporting teachers with planning, teaching and assessment in literacy. Supporting the use of APP and target setting to identify next steps in pupils’ skills development. Using ‘Talk for Writing’ strategies to enhance literacy lessons. Using assessment data to understand key priorities in English. Supporting new literacy subject leaders to develop their role. 4 Document1 Kirsty Jamieson MAEd, PGCert (NASENCO) Current role: Assistant Head (Inclusion) and SENCO, The Mead Primary School, Trowbridge Specialist Area: Special Educational Needs Behaviour social and emotional difficulties Experience and examples of work: I have taught in a wide range of provision including, mainstream pre-school and primary school settings and special schools for children from 3 – 7 years and from 11 – 16 years of age. I worked as an advisory teacher for Wiltshire’s Primary Behaviour Support Service and led a number of initiatives focusing on early intervention. I am about to lead national training for SENCOs on behalf of the National Association of Special Educational Needs (NASEN). I work with Bath Spa University as an associate lecturer to deliver the Master’s level ‘National Award for SEN ‘. I am fortunate to be able to lead sessions, mentor new SENCOs and mark Master’s assignments. Through The Mead’s National Support School work I have coached and advised SENCOs and teachers, TAs and MDSAs and provide a range of professional development sessions. I very much enjoy reflecting on practice through a culture of enquiry and research and joint practice development. I believe in a culture of professional learning within which all staff including teachers, senior leaders and teaching assistants pursue learning journeys alongside each other. My passion is around inclusion of those children vulnerable to under-achievement. By having high aspirations for ALL children I have seen the impact of removing barriers to learning on the learning experiences, achievements and life chances of children and young people. I am able to offer support in the following areas: Coaching and mentoring for staff – SEN & behaviour. SENCO support – SEN systems and processes eg provision mapping, IEPs, record keeping etc. Provision management – including deployment of TAs. Support for NQTs . Preparation for Ofsted. 5 Document1 Mandy Mills Current role: AST for Art & Design Kingdown School, Warminster Specialist Area: Art and design Experience and examples of work: I have 23 years experience as Head of subject, 15 years moderator for GCSE, 10 years approved moderator for Applied Advanced Level, 14 years coach and mentor for PGCE students and NQT’s. I have worked as an AST for Wiltshire LA. I am also experienced in the provision of conferences for primary, secondary and special school art and design teachers and have provided six primary cluster courses focussing on schemes of work and the use of artists in school. I have developed a tried and proven method of group-work which promotes selfsupported learning. I am confident in my knowledge, skills and experience and can offer the following: Support the writing of comprehensive KS3, KS4 or KS5 schemes of work to include progression, thinking skills, kinesthetic teaching, citizenship, differentiation and work related learning. Choose a qualification and an Examination Board and liaise with external bodies Facilitate primary and secondary school art workshops in skills such as printing, ceramics, textiles, sculpture, painting, drawing, photography, and mixed media for pupils and/or staff. Develop Teaching and learning including Assessment for Learning: setting challenging teaching and learning objectives including effective use of peer assessment Effective use of support staff and management of their work within your classroom Strategies to promote good behaviour and create a safe, purposeful learning environment; Health and Safety. Support in preparation for Ofsted. 6 Document1 Rita Owen Current role: Early Years Specialist Personal Tutor (PGCE 3 – 7yrs) The Mead Primary School, Trowbridge Specialist Area: Early Years Early Language and Literacy Experience and examples of work: I am passionate about the Early Years and all aspects of Early Year’s pedagogy and currently work as an SLE for Early Years and Early Lit/Lang at The Mead Community Primary School. As part of the school’s National Support School role I am working with teachers to support the development of quality first practice in foundation stage settings and also within a KS1 context. In addition I am working as a Personal Tutor at Bath Spa University on the Early Years PGCE and teach both on the Professional Studies and English modules of the course. I am currently leading a research project which will focus on children’s early narrative invention and am working with a range of settings both locally and nationally to initiate enquiry and reflection in this field. Prior to my current post I have worked in small school rural environments and in urban, multicultural contexts both in London and Hong Kong. I have worked as advisory teacher both for English and Early Years and have also worked as a Deputy Headteacher and Associate Headteacher. I have had extensive opportunities to work alongside teachers to improve outcomes for young children and have worked in several challenging contexts including the support of schools in Ofsted categories. I am available to provide coaching, support and mentoring to staff within such settings in order to improve provision and thus improve outcomes for young children. My particular interests within Early Years are: Children’s imaginative and creative thinking. Concepts related to childhood and outdoor learning. Enabling environments. Global dimensions in Early Years research provision. The development of young children’s language and how they become readers and writers. Children for whom English is an additional language. Currently leading a research project which will focus on children’s early narrative invention and am working with a range of settings both locally and nationally to initiate enquiry and reflection in this field. 7 Document1 Helen Tate Current role: Senior Teacher The Mead Primary School, Trowbridge Specialist Area: Early Years Developing role play throughout the school Outdoor learning (Forest School) Experience and examples of work I qualified as a Primary School Teacher in 1992 and since then the majority of my teaching practice has been within Early Years classes. I have also worked for the Wiltshire Early Years Team as a Teacher Consultant, where my role enabled me to meet and work alongside Early Years practitioners across maintained and non - maintained settings, either through leading training on effective early years practice or by visiting and working alongside others in their setting. I have also worked with Early Years settings on developing a self- evaluation framework and coaching teams through quality assurance schemes such as Bristol Standard and EEL. I feel very passionate about the opportunities we provide for all children, but particularly those within Early Years Education. I consider creativity to be at the core of everything opportunities and provision within my settings is based upon every child being able to express themselves as a unique individual and achieve to their full potential in all aspects of their development. I enjoy working alongside children to create a learning environment, based on their own personal interests, and I really value role play as a key part of the environment to support and develop many aspects of learning. I am particularly interested in child initiated learning and how we as practitioners can use our observations of children’s learning to feed into planning and the learning environment. This includes the outdoor learning environment as well as indoors. Using our local wooded area to facilitate and engage children’s fascinations is an aspect of my practice which I thoroughly enjoy and value as a crucial part of my teaching and children’s learning. In addition, I am also a professional tutor for Bath Spa Early Years PGCE students who attend weekly sessions at The Mead. 8 Document1 Lisa Wickes Current role: Senior Teacher The Mead Primary School, Trowbridge Specialist Area: Initial Teacher Training (ITT) Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT) development Experience and examples of work I have been an NQT Induction Tutor at The Mead for the last nine years. I am a member of the NQT Verification Panel for Wiltshire Council (2008 to present). This involves working with a small group of Primary and Secondary NQT Induction Tutors to ensure a consistent approach for NQTs in their induction year in Wiltshire. I am a member of the steering group for Trowbridge Collaborative Schools Ltd for a new NQT Induction Programme. I have led training sessions and collaborated with colleagues to provide bespoke training for the 18 NQTs currently in Trowbridge. I liaise with Bath Spa University for Undergraduate and PGCE placements at The Mead Community Primary School and have started to run sessions at the University. I was the Graduate Training Manager for the Wiltshire Cluster of Graduate Teacher’s for the University of Gloucester from 2009 to 2011. I worked with various schools in Wiltshire supporting the mentors/Head Teachers and, in total, nine Graduate Teachers to the award of Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). I am passionate about every new teacher/trainee teacher delivering the best teaching and learning opportunities they can, for all children, with an effective mentor leading the way. As an SLE for ITT/NQT development I can offer schools: Support with current NQT or future student placements, including policy, processes and mandatory expectations. Resources that can support an NQT or the designated NQT Induction Tutor school including paperwork to support all aspects of the induction year journey of an NQT. Support with objective lesson observations for NQTs and trainee teachers, giving feedback, setting appropriate targets, following up on those actions and writing reports of the NQT/trainee teacher. 9 Document1 Sarah Wilton- Rhead Current role: Mathematics Advanced Skills Teacher Associate Member of the Strategic Leadership Team The John of Gaunt School Specialist Area: Mathematics Experience and examples of work: I am currently based at The John of Gaunt School and have extensive classroom experience and innovative ideas and teaching strategies. I am passionate about the teaching of mathematics and helping students achieve their potential. I have worked as a local authority AST for several years and have had wide ranging experience working with teachers and leaders, supporting classroom practice. I use coaching to empower teachers to feel more confident in the classroom. I currently lead the mathematics learning community for the Trowbridge Schools Collaborative, which bring Primary and Secondary teachers together to discuss the teaching and learning priorities in the area. I feel confident in my knowledge skills abilities to offer a range of support to schools including: Supporting NQTs or teachers in their first few years of teaching including advice on classroom management. Moving teachers towards good and outstanding practice. Teaching and learning strategies at all secondary Key stages, including effective lesson planning, the use of APP, ICT and whiteboards, the use of questioning and problem solving, maximising the impact of teacher feedback. Integrating functional skills into mathematics teaching. Supporting students: revision sessions for KS4 students, enrichment activities for Gifted and Talented KS2 and KS3 students, whole class problem solving activities. Developing schemes of work using “fluid” principles. Support with new GCSE courses and functional elements (including exam board advice). Developing resources and “rich tasks” to promote problem solving and collaborative working. Facilitating INSET professional development. Preparation for OFSETD. 10 Document1 Phil Wylie Current role: PE Consultant Trowbridge Schools Specialist Area: Raising achievement through physical education Experience and examples of work: I am a secondary trained PE teacher with 10 years of teaching experience in a variety of secondary schools. I became a School Sports Coordinator three years ago and this role has allowed me to work with a variety of primary and secondary schools observing and developing best practice in PE. My role has since developed into providing school support using my expertise in PE. I also work for The Mead Primary School as a class teacher, as well as my SLE role. The experiences and opportunities I have had in recent years has helped me to improve my own teaching as well as develop innovative ways to engage children in their learning. I have run a series of successful projects in local schools including: Supporting transition for year 6 through the ‘Olympic Values’ program. Developing social skills through the ‘Team Player’ Intervention program. Raising aspirations through the ‘No Limits’ Intervention program. ‘Living for sport’ project to develop personal and social skills for learning. Developing ‘learning to learn’ skills with year 4 through PE. Raising attainment in year 5/6 through the ‘Learning Leaders’ Program. Raising achievement through the ‘Learning Champions Program. I feel confident in my knowledge skills abilities to offer a range of support to schools including: Raising achievement using Physical Education as the vehicle for change: developing Personal and Social learning skills and confidence through PE. Supporting Transition: Developing the confidence and skills required to be a happy successful learner at secondary school. Engaging parents in their child’s learning: Developing adult confidence and knowledge to support their child’s learning at home, through after school family Funs clubs; helping schools to set up and run their own Family learning club. staff inset training around PE: developing the whole child, effective AFL and physical literacy for all 11 Document1