Contact University Police for all Emergencies at 711or 9-911 Report to University Public Safety and provide your location and a list Suspicious Package using a University phone or (570)484-2278 or 911using a cell Without touching or disturbing the item, note the size, shape and of any individuals with you. phone. locations. Life-Threatening Injuries EMERGENCY Desk Reference Provide the information immediately to University Public Safety. Call University Public Safety or 911. Instruct everyone to stay away. Provide as much information as possible about the injury and victim. Planning for an Emergency Be prepared to evacuate. University Public Safety will respond and alert medical responders. Contact University Public Safety for all Emergencies at (570) 484-2278 Bomb Threat If trained in First Aid/CPR, act within your expertise. Review the evacuation plan for your area. Evacuate the Building. DO NOT pull the fire alarm. Remain calm and stay with the person. Know where your primary and secondary exits routes are located. Collect your immediate belongings and exit by the nearest designated Non-Life Threatening Injuries Know how and where to report emergencies. route. Call University Public Safety or 911 when any medical assistance may Participate in routine emergency drills. Proceed to your designated assembly area and report to the coordinator. be necessary. Emergency Notification Do not return to the building until directed by University Public Safety Employees must report all work-related injuries to their immediate For Police, injury or all emergency calls, contact University Public Safety or Emergency Response Officials. supervisor and Human Resources. at 711 (using University phone only) 570-484-2278 (cell phones) or 911. Bomb Threat Phone Call Students or visitors must complete an accident/injury form available at Remain calm, state your name, location, nature of the emergency and stay Remain calm and keep the caller on the line. University Public Safety. on the line until directed. Ask: Hazardous Materials and Chemical Incidents Watch for the arrival of emergency personnel and direct them to the Where is the bomb? When will it explode? Pull the fire alarm. emergency locations. What kind of bomb is it? What does it look like? Evacuate the building, closing doors behind you. Fires and Evacuations What is your name? Why did you place the bomb? Once outside, stay clear and UPWIND. Always evacuate at the sound of an alarm. Where are you now? If not in immediate danger, call University Public Safety If you discover a fire, pull the nearest fire alarm. Hang up after the caller hangs up. Report any chemical information, MSDS, injuries, types of chemicals, Collect your immediate belongings and exit by the nearest designated Dial 24 on the same line, then hang up. hazards (fire, reactivity, health), odors, and container type. route. Provide the information immediately to University Public Safety by Only trained individuals are to handle hazardous materials and Support those that may need assistance. dialing 711 using a University phone; cell phone dial (570)-484-2278. chemicals. Persons requiring special assistance may be directed to the closest Area of Active Shooter Do not return until directed by University Public Safety. Rescue Assistance then notify University Public Safety or 911. GET OUT: If possible, exit the building immediately and warn others. Gas Leak Close but DO NOT LOCK doors as you leave. CALL OUT: After securing yourself, call University Public Safety or Stop all operations. DO NOT USE ELEVATORS. 911. DO NOT turn lights, electrical equipment or cell phones on or off. Proceed to your designated assembly area and report to the coordinator. HIDE OUT: Find a safe place to hide. Remove sources of ignition (cigarettes and candles). Do not return to the building until directed by University Public Safety. KEEP OUT: Lock and barricade doors, close windows, turn off lights, Leave and report to designated assembly site. Persons Requiring Assistance and AV equipment. Contact University Public Safety. Assist individuals that may need assistance. Do not activate the fire alarm. Elevator Failure Use a designated buddy system. Remain until directed by University Public Safety. If trapped, use the emergency phone to notify University Public Safety. Move to the building’s nearest Area of Rescue Assistance. TAKE OUT: Attempting to overcome an armed subject with force is a If a phone is not present, turn on the emergency alarm located on the Notify emergency responders of your location via emergency telephone if last resort that should only be initiated in the most extreme front panel. available. circumstances. Remain calm. On-Campus Sheltering Event Shelter in Place DO NOT attempt to exit the elevator without instructions form If a campus-wide evacuation is needed, report to Thomas Field House. If inside and in a safe location, stay where you are. University Public Safety. The alternate reporting site is the Student Rec Center. If outdoors, be aware of directives to proceed to designated buildings. Locate an interior room to shelter inside. Shut windows, vents and close exterior doors.