Broomhill Bank North Job Description: Head of Care Grade: Kent Range 10 Responsible to: Head of School Purpose of the Job To provide professional leadership and management in order to secure effective and comprehensive learning, social and emotional development opportunities for all children and young people. To ensure effective safeguarding and child protection provision for all children and young people. To manage, develop and maintain the care and social development of all residential students. To make an effective contribution to the strategic development of the school. Main duties and responsibilities 1. To be part of the Strategic, Review and Development team of the school in order to ensure the effective implementation of the School’s Vision, Aims & Objectives, School Improvement Plan and wider learning opportunities; 2. To work closely with the Head of School and the Deputy Head of School in order to ensure that all learning opportunities, both formal and informal, are effective, evaluated and developed in order to ensure that they provide high quality teaching and learning opportunities, that meets statutory requirements and each individual's educational needs and choices; 3. To work closely with Medical Liaison Officer and Head of School to ensure the staff team are effective in meeting the health needs of all children and young people; 4. To be the lead for safeguarding and child protection ensuring that the School’s policies, procedures and arrangements fully meet statutory requirements and secure the safety and wellbeing of every child and young person; 5. To take a lead role in the writing and implementation of care plans. 6. To develop and motivate staff in order ensure that they are sufficiently supported, enabled and challenged to maintain high standards of provision, support and learning opportunities for all children and young people; 7. To undertake regular Performance Reviews, Supervisions and participate in the delivery of training; 8. To carry out all operational management tasks to ensure that the residential provision runs effectively. This will include the appropriate management and distribution of the department's budget, health & safety and other areas delegated by the Head of School; 9. To participate in the recruitment, selection and induction process of residential staff in liaison with the Head of School and Human Resources administration; 10. To lead the development of policies, procedures and protocols to enhance social care opportunities for students in accordance with current legislation and practice; 11. To ensure the Residential Care Department meets the requirement of the National Minimum Standards for Residential Special Schools securing outstanding outcomes from annual OfSTED inspections; 12. To liaise with Local Authority inspector and the Governor responsible for safeguarding at their monitoring visits; 13. To monitor, evaluate and review the provision for residential students and to provide an annual report on the quality of that provision; 14. To investigate, monitor and review incidents and complaints. 15. To ensure that communication with students, staff, parents, other departments and outside agencies contributes to securing efficiency and high standards of social care and outcomes for all children and young people; 16. To effectively contribute to the admissions and assessment process for new students coming to the school; 17. To lead on the provision of 24 hour curriculum; 18. To promote opportunities for children and young people to be actively involved in decisions affecting them; 19. To promote the involvement of parents and carers in decisions and interventions involving their children and young people; and to represent them or provide advocacy at multi agency meetings, promote effective multidisciplinary working/attend outside agency meetings etc 20. Undertake continuous professional development, updating personal specialist knowledge, skills and expertise in order to secure and maintain outstanding social care and student support throughout the School. 21. Carry out senior sleep-in / on-call role as required and to take safeguarding role when on call at night; 22. To support specific operational duties such as Administration of Medication if required; 23. Other duties and responsibilities commensurate with the role.