April 2012 - Thunder Bay Island Lighthouse Preservation Society

Thunder bay Island Preservation Society
April 24, 2012
The meeting was called to order by Vice President Lee Thomson at 7:00. Guest Tammy Veasy and Timothy
Birdsey were introduced. Members present were Walt Plohocky, Jane & Don Speer, Sue Brown, Sue Skibbe,
Robt Neidzwiecki, Tom Ritter, Sue Skibbe, Nancy Hammond and arriving late Jerry Plohocky.
Sue B. moved that the minutes of the March mtg. be accepted as read, Jane seconded, motion carried. Secretary
noted that meeting announcement had been in the paper and it was reported that they had heard a radio
Treasurer report: Sue S. reported income from one membership, expenses of G.L. Storage and reorder of Walt
Plohocky's book for a balance of $4,106.67.
Committee Reports
Building & Grounds- There is a need to get the dock in before by May 7th is possible. Don is working on this.
Government Liaison- Don reported that he had updated the 5-10 year Master Plan. He will be meeting with
BLM representative Carol Gunderman with Marie Twite of the Alpena Township on April 25th.
Don also reported that there will be teleconference meeting on May 1st with BLM, USCG, TETRATECH,
Alpena Township and TBIPS. Jerry, Don & Sue will participate.
Fundraising: Participation in to be voted on at the May mtg.
Long Lake Lights Festival & Craft Show- Saturday June 30th 10-6
Art on the Bay Arts & Craft Show- Saturday July 14th 10-6
Sunday July 15th 10-4
Thunder Bay Maritime Festival- Monday July 4th
Great Lakes Lighthouse Festival - Oct 12th-14th
All-You-Can-Eat Pancake Dinner ( McDonalds) Oct & Nov
Presidents Report: Please submit any articles/pictures for the Newsletter via email (jpbrowns57@yahoo.com)
no later than April 30th
Old Business: Discussion on merchandise tabled until the May mtg. Community Endowment Grant, tabled until
May mtg., meeting with elected officials tabled until May mtg.
New Business: Sue S. has given Bill Powell , Scoutmaster, Walt's name and number to contact for a Scout
project on the Island. Bill had indicated that the Scouts would be available for a project in Aug. Nancy
suggested that Walt could meet Bill f/f at the Presbyterian Church when they have their Scout mtgs. on Monday
nights. Sue also suggested that we consider a membership workbee the weekend the Scouts would be on the
Island, a possible overnighter.
Walt suggested that we try and figure a way to get the Sea Cadets involved in the Island also.
Don S suggested that we look into Pace & Hong Online Auction as a possible fundraiser.
Jane suggested that we consider adopting a street within the City Limits, much like ACC has done for litter
Nancy reminded the group of the info. Jane had given us about the possible scholarship. Especially in light of
the Maritime course that starting at ACC this summer. We will invite Penny Boldry to speak to the group in the
fall about the scholarship process.
With no further business to come before the group, Lee thank everyone for coming, Jerry moved for
adjournment, motion carried meeting adjourned at 7:42
Next meeting is Tues May 22nd at the Alpena Yacht Club. 7:00 p.m.