Chapter 2

Chapter 2: The Skills of Analysis
1. Debate begins with the analysis of a problem area and its solutions. Define the
process of analysis.
 Analysis is an active thought process
 Process of analysis used in forensics are:
i. Problem area
ii. The problem statement
iii. The audience
 Beginning point: forensic analysis
i. The process of breaking down an idea or a proposition into its
 Analysis traditionally follows a fairly standard process of seeking pro and
con positions on the stock issues
2. What is the difference between a problem area and a problem statement?
 Problem area is a general area of concern to a community
i. Usually broad umbrellas that cover many particular problems
 Problem statement narrows a general discussion area
i. Instead of examining all aspects of pollution, you might wish to know
why one specific aspect persists
ii. Explore the merits of a single solution
 The beginning point for analysis is a definition of the terms by which the
problem is stated
3. When wording a proposition for debate, what characteristics should you consider?
 Problem should be significant in scope
 Affecting people throughout the country or even around the world
 The problem must be within the realm of government jurisdiction
 Timeliness is important- the problem must be current
 Problem area must have durability and debatability- the problem area must
be arguable on both sides
4. Propositions may be classified intro three categories: Propositions of fact, value, and
policy . How are they different from one another?
 Simplest of propositions is the proposition of fact
i. Involves definition and classification in order to establish the truth or
falseness of a claim
 Increasing in complexity is the proposition of value
i. Asks criteria be applied in order to determine the worth or value of a
particular thing
 Highest level of complexity is the proposition of policy
i. Demands that after establishing certain facts and values, a
consideration of things such as expediency and practicality leads
people to propose a certain defensible plan
 A proposition of fact is an objective statement that something exists
 A proposition of value expresses judgments about the qualities of a person,
place, thing, idea, or event
A proposition of policy is a statement of a course of action to be considered
for adoption
5. There are three general categories for propositions of policy. What are these and
how are they different from one another?
 You may propose a new policy to guide decisions and actions where no
policy exists. This is the starting point for all policies
 You may propose amendments to alter policies that exist but are no longer
 You may propose to abolish an existing policy