3rd Hr - Southwest High School

Central America Unit Outline
Friday 2-6
Tuesday 2-10
Please read The Cold War and the Americas, 1945-1981 for
Monday on my web page.
Capitalism and Socialism and The Cold War
Please read Zinn 424-442 for Wednesday.
Cold War Video Extravaganza
Wednesday 2-11
Zinn discussion
Thursday 2-12
Current Event/Debate: “The 1950’s domestic threat to national
security was based on irrational fear.”
Read Skidmore/Smith ch. 10 316-327 & 348-354 for Tuesday.
Friday 2-13
Parent Conferences
Monday 2-9
Tuesday 2-17
Discussion of Skid/Smith
Wednesday 2-18
Video on Guatemala: A Coup Made in America
Please read ‘Interpreting the 1954 U.S. Intervention in
Guatemala: Realist, Revisionist, and Post revisionist
Perspectives’ for Thursday.
Thursday 2-19
U.S. Intervention Assessing Historical Interpretations
Friday 2-20
Current Event/Debate “Arbenz was a communist and his
government posed a true threat to the U.S.”
Monday 2-23
Tuesday 2-24
Wednesday 2-25
Thursday 2-26
Friday 2-27
Democracy Now on Guatemala
Please read Burns 9- Guatemala pg. 265-271 for Tuesday.
Burns Discussion
Video on Guatemala-‘When the Mountains Tremble’
Please read Greg Grandin- Death Squads, Disappearances and
Torture-From Latin America to Iraq
Discussion on Grandin reading
Current Event/Debate “U.S. should pay reparations for its
involvement in the Guatemalan civil war.”
CUBA 2015
Monday 3/2Two views of Castro video (Student led discussion on videos)
Tuesday 3/3 Discuss videos and begin Reading Cold War Tensions for Wed. Quiz
Wednesday 3/4 Quiz/Discussion on Cold War reading
Thursday 3/5 CIA Archives video
Read History Will Absolve Me- speech for Monday
Friday 3/6 Conferences-no school for students
Monday 3/9 –Discuss Castro speech begin lecture on Batista and pre rev. Cuba
Read Skid/Smith up to 269 for Wed. Quiz
Tuesday 3/10 Continue lecture
Wednesday 3/11 Quiz/Discussion on Skid/Smith,up to page 269
Assign groups Literacy Campaign-land reform-health reform- Bay of Pigs-expropriation
of foreign property and the building of a new economy- Cuban Exiles
Thursday 3/12 Research day
Friday 3/13 Current Events/Debate
Monday 3/16 Research day
Tuesday 3/17 gather in groups to strategize
Wednesday 3/18 Puebla talk, Mr. O’Connor is back from Mexico- groups present
Thursday 3/19 Groups Present- Form Missile crisis groups assign options and reading
pg. 14-17
Friday 3/20 Current/Debate
Homework-Research your option for Monday notes checked (10 points)
Monday 3/23 Gather in groups for Tuesday presentation
Tuesday 3/24 Options present to Kennedy Admin.
Wednesday 3/25 Wrap-up Missile crisis Forum
Thursday 3/26 Che and the Cuban Revolution
Friday 3/23 Current/Debate
Read Skidmore/Smith for Monday quiz/Discussion
Monday 3/23 Quiz/Discussion on Skid/Smith 269-288
Tuesday 3/24 Exam review
Wednesday 3/25 exam review
Thursday 3/26 Essay Exam (This exam will be graded for 4th Quarter)