4-15-13 Name of Teacher: ______________________________________ School: ______________________________________________ HCPSS Student Learning Objective Secondary Science- Data Collection & Analysis Component Student Learning Objective (SLO) Population Learning Content Instructional Interval Evidence of Growth Baseline Description 100% of students will demonstrate growth in the ability to collect and analyze scientific data as measured by growth on the HCPSS Secondary Science Data Collection & Analysis Holistic Rubric. Eighth grade students in Science HCPSS Middle School Science Essential Curriculum School year 2013-14 (one year) 1. First quarter administration of baseline scientific data collection & analysis assignments 2. Fourth quarter administration of scientific data collection & analysis assignments. Baseline scores on the data collection & analysis assignments are on the attached roster. Summary of scores: o (insert number) students earned a score of 1 on the baseline assignment o (insert number) students earned a score of 2 on the baseline assignment o (insert number) students earned a score of 3 on the baseline assignment o (insert number) students earned a score of 4 on the baseline assignment For students to develop Science literacy, they must deepen their understanding and ability to apply the Practices of Science and Engineering and the Skills and Processes of Science. Actively engaging in these scientific practices allows students to apply cross-cutting concepts of Science and deepen their understandings of core ideas in the field of Science. Rationale for Students Learning Objective This Student Learning Objective focuses specifically on how students collect and analyze scientific data. This skill is essential for students to meet the expectations of the HCPSS Essential Curriculum and the Common Core State Standards. The Framework for K-12 Science Education Practice 3- Planning & carrying out investigations Practice 4- Analyzing & Interpreting Data Practice 5- Using Mathematics and Computational thinking. This SLO is a sample. Targets need to be adjusted based on your students’ data. Student growth should be achieved for all students. 4-15-13 Target Students who earned 1 or 2 will earn at least a 3 on a similar assignment. Students who earned 3 or 4 will earn a 3 or 4 on a similar assignment based on more complex performance tasks. *Please note: Students identified by IEP teams as having significant cognitive disabilities will have individual targets. Criteria for Effectiveness Full Attainment of Target More than 90% of students meet agreed upon learning targets. Strategies Partial Attainment of Target Between 75% and 90% of students meet agreed upon learning targets. Insufficient Attainment of Target Less than 75% of students meet agreed upon learning targets. Extensive opportunities for students to engage in data collection & analysis in Science through student performance tasks, student labs and analysis of data collected from reputable sources. Provide opportunities for formative checks on student learning through performance tasks, student labs or analysis of data collected from reputable sources. Students will review their own performance data and develop individual targets for improvement in identified areas. Students collect work samples throughout the school year for a portfolio that will demonstrate their mastery of Scientific Practices (Skills & Processes) This SLO is a sample. Targets need to be adjusted based on your students’ data. Student growth should be achieved for all students. HCPSS Secondary Science Data Collection & Analysis Holistic Rubric Fully Developed 4 Adequately Developed 3 Partially Developed 2 Undeveloped 1 Data Collection Thorough and independent planning and designing of an investigation to collect a data set at an appropriate level of precision. Data collection reflects appropriate selection and strategic/effective use of tools. Quantity of data elements/trials, and units is reasonable. Adequate planning and designing of an investigation to collect a data set at a mostly appropriate level of precision. Data collection reflects appropriate selection and mostly accurate use of tools. Quantity of data elements/trials, and units has some inconsistency. Limited planning and designing of an investigation to collect a data set that lacks precision. Data collection reflects somewhat appropriate selection and/or inconsistent use of tools. Quantity of data elements/trials, and units has many inconsistencies. Inadequate planning and designing of an investigation to collect a data set, or an ineffective level of precision. Data collection reflects inappropriate selection and ineffective use of tools. Quantity of data elements/trials, and units is limited or incomplete. Data Presentation Exemplary presentation of data that is logical and clear and uses spreadsheets, databases, tables, charts, or computerbased visualization tools effectively. Graphical displays clearly show relationships among variables. Graphical representations are appropriate for the data, focused & clear for the intended audience. Sufficient presentation of data that adequately uses spreadsheets, databases, tables, charts, or computer-based visualization tools . Graphical displays mostly show relationships among variables. Graphical representations are somewhat appropriate for the data and adequate for the intended audience. Inconsistent presentation of data. Limited use of spreadsheets, databases, tables, charts, or computer-based visualization tools. Graphical displays minimally show relationships among variables. Graphical representations are not appropriate for the data, are unclear, or inconsistent. Ineffective presentation of data. Very limited or incomplete use of spreadsheets, databases, tables, charts, or computerbased visualization tools. Graphical displays do not show relationships among variables. Graphical representations are not appropriate for the data, or are not present. Data Analysis Systematically analyzes data to identify patterns and effectively supporst whether data are consistent with an initial hypothesis or accepted theory. Clearly identifies and recognizes patterns in data that suggest relationships worth investigating further. Appropriate calculation tools such as spreadsheets are used effectively and accurately to analyze data using grade appropriate statistical functions. Adequately analyzes data to identify patterns an somewhat supports whether data are consistent with an initial hypothesis or accepted theory. Sufficiently identifies and recognizes patterns in data that suggest relationships worth investigating further. Appropriate calculation tools such as spreadsheets are mostly used with accuracy to analyze data using grade appropriate statistical functions. Attempts to analyze data to identify patterns and minimally supports whether data are consistent with an initial hypothesis or accepted theory. Minimally recognizes patterns in data that suggest relationships worth investigating further. Calculation tools such as spreadsheets are used ineffectively or inconsistently to analyze data. Statistical analysis is somewhat grade appropriate. Inadequately analyzes data to identify patterns and inadequately supports whether data are consistent with an initial hypothesis or accepted theory. Does not recognize patterns in data that suggest relationships worth investigating further. Calculation tools such as spreadsheets are used inaccurately to analyze data. Statistical analysis is not grade appropriate. Data Communication Supports Practices 3, 4, & 5 from The Framework for K-12 Science Education and HCPSS Essential Curriculum in Science Skillfully evaluates the strength of scientific conclusions derived from the data set(s). Accurately uses mathematical arguments to skillfully describe and support conclusions. Correlations are identified accurately, and causation and correlation are clearly distinguished. Plausibly evaluates the strength of scientific conclusions derived from the data set(s). Sufficient use of mathematical arguments to describe and support conclusions. Correlations are identified appropriately, and causation and correlation are adequately distinguished. Attempts to evaluate the strength of scientific conclusions derived from the data set(s). Minimal use of mathematical arguments to describe and support conclusions. Correlations are identified ineffectively, and causation and correlation are minimally distinguished. Little or no attempt to evaluate the strength of scientific conclusions derived from the data set(s). Makes little use of mathematical arguments to describe and support conclusions. Correlations are identified inaccurately, and causation and correlation are minimal or missing. A Score of “0” = indicates a blank or incoherent response HCPSS- Office of Secondary Science April 4, 2013