Name of Teacher: School: HCPSS Student Learning Objective Library Media – Grades 6 - 8 Component Student Learning Objective (SLO) Population Learning Content Instructional Interval Evidence of Growth Baseline Rationale for Student Learning Objective Target Description 100% of students will demonstrate growth toward mastery in the ability to successfully plan, develop, and complete a research project as measured by a Research Process Rubric (attached). English/Science/Social studies/CTE class - Grade 6 (7, or 8) HCPSS Library Media Essential Curriculum Maryland School Library Media State Curriculum Common Core State Standards for Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects, Grades 6 – 8 Content This unit consists of one quarter of instruction, 52 minutes every other day. 1. Administration of HCPSS-approved baseline assessments and/or performance tasks 2. Post-administration of HCPSS-approved assessment and performance tasks (By the end of the unit, students will have completed a research project that incorporates the information literacy skills learned during the course.) Of the XX students in the class, XX earned 85% or above on baseline assessments. Of the XX students in the class, XX earned scores between 75% and 84% on baseline assessments. Of the XX students in the class, XX earned scores between 60% and 74% on baseline assessments. Of the XX students in the class, XX earned scores between 50% and 59% on baseline assessments. Of the XX students in the class, XX earned scores lower than 50% on baseline assessments. Conducting research is a major component of the Common Core State Standards for Writing across all disciplines (W7, 8, 9). Students need to learn information literacy skills in order to be successful in conducting research, an ability that will be used in college and careers. Students who have not attained these skills will learn how to apply them during this course. Students who have already attained some of these skills will maintain the existing skills and learn how to extend and deepen their research abilities. Students will use information literacy skills to plan, develop, and present a research project. All students who achieved less than 50% learning targets at 9-19-12 Name of Teacher: Criteria for Effectiveness School: baseline will increase achievement to at least 65% on the research project. All students who achieved between 50% and 59% learning targets at baseline will increase achievement to at least 70% on the research project. All students who achieved between 60% and 74% learning targets at baseline will increase achievement to at least 75% on the research project. All students who achieved between 75% and 84% learning targets at baseline will increase achievement to at least 85% on the research project. All students who achieved 85% or more learning targets at baseline will maintain level of mastery on the research project. Highly Effective Effective Ineffective More than 90% of students meet agreed upon learning targets. Strategies Between 75% and 90 % of students meet agreed upon learning targets. Less than 75 % of students meet agreed upon learning targets. Opportunities for students to demonstrate their understanding of library media content, skills, and processes aligned with CCSS ELA curriculum by representing knowledge in multiple ways. Examples include: processing assignments; teacher and/or HCPSSdeveloped assessments, and formal and informal writing. Providing opportunities for formative checks on student learning through performance tasks. Students will review their own performance data and develop individual targets for improvement in identified areas. Students collect work samples throughout the assignment period for a portfolio that will demonstrate their mastery of key ideas and concepts in library media content, skills, and processes as aligned with CCSS ELA. Students follow an inquiry process – define a problem, locate and evaluate resources, gather relevant information, assess credibility, synthesizing multiple sources, cite sources. 9-19-12 Name of Teacher: School: Research Process Rubric CATEGORY Research Questions Selection of Sources Note-taking & Keywords Organization & Synthesis Citations/ Documentation Exemplary 3 points Wrote thoughtful, creative, well-worded specific questions that were relevant to the assigned topic. 3 points Identified highly appropriate sources in a variety of formats . Proficient 2 points Wrote well-worded, specific questions that were relevant to the assigned topic Partially Proficient 1 point Wrote questions which lacked focus, were poorly stated, and were not entirely relevant to the assigned topic. 1 point Identified a few appropriate sources but made little attempt to balance format types. 1 point Extracted a lot of information which wasn’t relevant. Selected some keywords that were not effective in researching the questions. Incomplete 0 points Wrote questions which lacked a specific focus, were poorly stated, and not relevant to the assigned topic. 0 points Identified no appropriate sources in any format. POINTS __/3 3 points Extracted relevant information. 2 points Extracted mostly relevant information. 0 points Extracted irrelevant information. __/3 Brainstormed keywords, categories, related terms that were effective in researching the questions. Wrote notes including succinct key facts which directly answered all of the research questions and were written in the student’s own words. Selected mostly effective keywords t use in researching the questions. Wrote notes which included facts that answered most of the research questions and were written in the student’s own words. Wrote notes which included irrelevant facts which did not answer the research questions. Some notes were copied directly from the original source. 3 points Presented content clearly and concisely with a logical progression of ideas and effective supporting evidence. 2 points Presented most of the content with a logical progression of ideas and supporting evidence. Selected an appropriate and effective format to creatively communicate research findings. 3 points Cited all sources of information accurately to demonstrate the credibility and authority of the information presented. Used information ethically all of the time. Selected an appropriate format to structure and communicate research findings. 1 point Presented content which failed to maintain a consistent focus, showed minimal organization and effort, and lacked an adequate amount of supporting evidence. Needed to select a more effective format to structure and communicate research findings. Wrote notes which included a majority of facts which did not answer the research questions. Most or all notes were copied word-for-word from the original source. 0 points Presented content which was unfocused, poorly organized, showed little thought or effort and lacked supporting evidence. 2 points Identified mostly appropriate sources in a variety of formats. 2 points Cited most sources of information in proper format and documented sources to enable accuracy checking. Used information ethically most of the time. 1 point Cited most sources of information improperly and provided little or no supporting documentation to check accuracy. Failed to sue information ethically some of the time. __/3 Selected no effective keywords to use in researching the questions. __/3 Failed to select an appropriate format to structure and communicate research findings. 0 points Created citations which were incomplete or inaccurate, and provided no way to check the validity of the information gathered. Failed to use information ethically. TOTAL POINTS __/3 ___/15 9-19-12