DIT PhD Project Supervisor name & contact details: Name: Dr Tony Betts Email: anthony.betts@dit.ie Supervisors Profile: Research Centre: The Applied Electrochemistry Group (AEG) in DIT’s Focas The Focas Research Institute addresses the common needs of research activities in Science and Engineering. It contributes strongly to the development of self-sustaining research teams in a number of strategic areas, such as Bio and Nano technologies. Recent notable research outputs include novel technologies for cervical cancer screening and antibacterial surface coatings. Its state of the art premises include an unrivalled suite of instrumentation for spectroscopic (UV to far IR) characterisation and imaging (Raman, FTIR) and optical (Confocal fluorescence), scanning probe (AFM, conductive AFM) and electron microscopy (SEM, WDX, EDX, variable pressure/cryo SEM, TEM). Research Centre website: http://www.dit.ie/focas/research/appliedelectr ochemistrygroup/ Supervisors Publication List: http://arrow.dit.ie/do/search/?q=author_lnam e%3A%22Betts%22%20AND%20author_fname %3A%22Tony%22&sort=date_desc&fq=ancest or_key:490738 http://arrow.dit.ie/do/search/?q=author_lnam e%3A%22Cassidy%22%20AND%20author_fna me%3A%22John%22&sort=date_desc&fq=ance stor_key:490738 Title of the Project: Nano-Catalysts for Direct Alkaline Alcohol Fuel Cells: Project Summary: With diminishing fossil fuel reserves the search for new catalysts for use in alternative energy systems, such as Fuel Cells is becoming ever more important. The low temperature Direct Alcohol Fuel Cell (DAFC) offers distinct advantages over conventional hydrogen-based Fuel Cells as hydrogen is very difficult (and expensive) to compress, store and transport. Hydrogen Fuel Cells also require very expensive platinum catalysts. The aim of this project is to develop inexpensive alternative nano-catalysts for DAFCs, which can accelerate the rate of oxidation of bio-fuels such as methanol and ethanol. Both fuels can be readily produced from biomass or cellulosic wastes. Recently DAFC performance has been markedly enhanced by using highly alkaline electrolytes in the Direct Alkaline Alcohol (or Alkaline Direct Alcohol) Fuel Cell (DAAFC/ADAFC). These Fuel Cells can employ catalysts which are entirely platinum-free or at least with significantly reduced levels of platinum. Nano-sized catalysts provide huge surface areas for such catalytic reactions. The facilities in Focas affords the opportunity to undertake the fabrication, characterisation and performance assessment of new DAAFC catalysts. This is an opportunity to develop new nanomaterials to provide electrical power for portable device and/or mobile (transport) applications. Such a technology utilising sustainable biomass materials is of obvious potential benefit to both Brazil and Ireland with their vibrant agricultural sectors. Ciência sem Fronteiras / Science Without Borders Priority Area: Nanotechnology and New Materials