DIT PhD Project Supervisor name & contact details: Name Email Dr. Susan McKeever susan.mckeever@dit.ie Supervisors Profile: Weblinkhttp://www.dit.ie/computing/staff/drsusan mckeever/ Research Centre (if applicable): Cedar/ School of Computing Research Centre website (if applicable): ceADAR group @ http://www.dit.ie/computing/research/ Supervisors Publication List: http://arrow.dit.ie/do/search/?q=susan%20mc keever&start=0&context=680085k to arrow Title of the Project: Automated Classification of internet video content Project Summary: Key words: Machine learning, classification, multi media, image processing. There has been enormous growth in the volume of video material posted on the internet for public and private consumption. For example, 300 hours of new video footage is uploaded to YouTube every minute [1]. A major challenge for businesses is to process the volume of uploaded video content. The video content needs to be classified into safe versus abusive content – and further into genres such as news, sports, comedy and education. Current methods focus heavily on visual and /or text content of video, with less focus on including embedded audio content [2]. This project initially proposes to use an audio-led machine learning approach to classification, based on the premise that the audio content of a digital audio-visual segment will provide rich information for classification. We will enhance our approach through exploring the latest techniques in image content for building classification features. The student will have the freedom to explore new mechanisms for improving video classification results. 1] 2015 YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/yt/press/statistics.html [2] 2011, W Hu, N Xie, L Li, X Zeng, “A Survey on Visual Content-Based Video Indexing and Retrieval”, IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Volume 14, Issue 6. Ciência sem Fronteiras / Science Without Borders Priority Area: Engineering and other technological areas Pure and Natural Sciences (e.g. mathematics, physics, chemistry) Health and Biomedical Sciences Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Aerospace Pharmaceuticals Sustainable Agricultural Production Oil, Gas and Coal Renewable Energy Minerals Biotechnology Nanotechnology and New Materials Technology of prevention and remediation of natural disasters Biodiversity and Bioprospection Marine Sciences X Creative Industry New technologies in constructive engineering Capacity Building for technological personnel