Food for Life Syllabus Ms. DeMott (706) 367-5003 ext. 13515 Room E-15 Class Website: Course Description: Food for Life is an advanced course in food and nutrition that addresses the variation in nutritional needs at specific stages of the human life cycle: lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood including elderly. The most common nutritional concerns, their relationship to food choices and health status and strategies to enhance well-being at each stage of the lifecycle are emphasized. This course provides knowledge for real life and offers students a pathway into dietetics, consumer foods, and nutrition science careers with additional education at the post-secondary level. There will be hands-on projects and lab experience. Course Outline: This outline is subject to change. Employability Skills Digestive System/ Nutrient Absorption Designing a Nutritious Diet Food Allergies Government Nutrition Prenatal Nutrition Newborn Nutrition Infant Nutrition Childhood Nutrition Adolescent Nutrition Adult Nutrition Senior Adult Nutrition Careers in Nutrition Georgia Performance Standards: Standards will be listed for each assignment in the gradebook. 1. Demonstrate employability skills required by business and industry. 2. Outline the function of the digestive system and absorption process during the lifespan. 3. Design and demonstrate a nutritious diet. 4. Identify and discuss the requirements of maternal and fetal nutrition during pregnancy. 5. Investigate the proper feeding of newborns by analyzing nutritional requirements and potential deficiencies of mother and child during the first weeks after birth. 6. Develop a nutritionally balanced diet for infants from birth through the first year of life. 7. Develop a nutritionally balanced diet for children in the different stages of childhood. 8. Develop a nutritionally balanced diet for an adolescent. 9. Develop a nutritionally balanced diet for the middle adult years. 10. Develop a nutritionally balanced diet for the elderly. 11. Research careers in foods and nutrition. A complete list of the standards for this course can be found at: or by visiting my class website. Textbook: We will use the “Nutrition and Wellness for Life” textbook throughout the semester. If students need to take home a book, they MUST check it out with Ms. DeMott. Grading Criteria: Coursework Average: Daily Grades/ Warm Ups Tests/ Projects Cooking Labs Cookbook Project Coursework Average 30% 40% 15% 15% 100% Final Average: Coursework Average Final Assessment Final Average 90% 10% 100% Late Work: If students turn in their work late, points will be deducted for each day it is late. Grading Scale: A= 90-100 B= 80-89 C= 70-79 F= Below 69 Materials Needed: Students will need a section in their notebook for their coursework or a separate 3 ring notebook for the coursework as well as paper and pencils. Students will be assigned a cookbook project and they will need a 1-2 inch 3 ring notebook for the recipes. Class Website: Students and parents, please visit our class website frequently for information on the course. All three courses will be on the website so find your course and click on it. Reminders, assignments, and other information will be found on your class page. Instagram: Students and parents, follow Nutrition and Food Science on Instagram and see what we are doing in class! All three courses will be on this page (Food Nutrition and Wellness, Food for Life, and Food Science). Not only will you get to see the fun things we do in class, you will also be reminded of due dates and other events. Students will not be asked to be followed back. Search for JCCHS_Nutrition or Nutrition and Food Science and follow our pathway!! Class Discipline: In this course, the school wide discipline procedures will be followed. Any infractions will follow the steps listed below. 1. Verbal warning/ Seating assignment change 2. Student/ teacher conference 3. Before school/ After school detention with Ms. DeMott or lunch detention 4. Parent contact 5. Administrative referral Tardy Policy: Any student who is not in the classroom when the bell rings to begin class will be considered tardy and must report to the front office or café to receive a pass to class. The corrective action for being tardy is: 1st and 2nd Tardy – warning 3rd Tardy – 1 lunch detention, parent call 4th Tardy – 2 lunch detentions, parent call 5th Tardy – 1 day of ISS, loss of parking privileges for 2 days 6th Tardy – 2 days ISS, loss of parking privileges for 5 days 7th Tardy & over – Administration Discretion Class Expectations/ Procedures: 1. No cell phones in class unless instructed to use for assignments. 2. Enter the classroom quietly and respectfully and begin your warm up on the board each day. 3. Restroom breaks need to take place during class change. If a student must use the restroom during class, use a hall pass when going to the restroom. Sign out and in. 4. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to see me about make up work. Failure to do so will result in a zero in the grade book. 5. No playing around in the kitchens during labs. It will not be tolerated. JCCHS Academic Honesty Policy: Academic dishonesty is inexcusable conduct, and will not be tolerated. Students at Jackson County High School are expected to submit work for evaluation that has been completed solely by that student, unless group assignments have been so designated. Students are expected to maintain academic integrity at all times. A student who chooses to cheat will receive a zero for the assignment, the teacher will contact the parents, and the student will be referred to the administration. For first time offenders, teachers will work with the student to establish a timeline to make up / retake the assignment; however, the highest grade they will be able to receive will be a 70. For any subsequent cheating infractions, a zero will be received for the assignment without the option to re-submit. The JCCHS Academic Honesty Policy in its entirety is available in the student handbook.