Theme: Neighborhood (week 3) Center/Classroom: Teachers: Week of: (A) General Information Study/Topic - BIG IDEAS this week: Students will conclude their study of “Neighborhood” by delving deeper into concepts of trash and recycling. Monday “To Do” List: Support for Dual Language Learners: Family/ Community Involvement: Key vocabulary: 1. Trash, litter (la basura) 2. Recycling (el reciclaje) 3. Decompose, decay, rot (descomponerse, pudrirse) 4. Reuse (reusar) 5. Plastic, paper, glass (plastic, papel, vidrio) 6. Dumpster (basurero) (Get assistance, if needed, to translate these words/phrases for ALL children.) Review Planned Read-Alouds; read books through at least once. Review Small Group Activity forms and gather/create materials, including Recycling: A Handbook for Kids (by Gail Gibbons); variety of recyclable items; bins/boxes for sorting; collage materials. - Find lyrics to “One Bottle of Pop” (and hear the tune at and create song chart. - Gather/create materials for centers and circle time, including bins, recycling symbols, shredded paper - Second Step (SS) WeekRemind families about donating recyclables (paper, cardboard, plastic bottles – should be empty and reasonably clean!) - Use gestures and real items wherever possible to help DLL children understand the concepts and vocabulary in this theme. For example, you could pantomime digging in the trashcan and then pulling out a reusable item. Explain key concepts in children’s native language when possible. For example, a bilingual teacher could explain in Spanish, “She found that bottle in the trash. But she doesn’t want to throw it away. She wants to reuse it!” (Do this when previewing an activity, but avoid “simultaneous translation” during an activity or discussion, as this can confuse children and does not help language development.) Ask custodians to come talk to the students about recycling. Make plans for neighborhood walk to observe trash/recycling pickup (if possible – see Outside Time, below). Talk to families about the different aspects of “Neighborhood” you have explored during the past few weeks – for example, specific buildings or places in the community; jobs that children were interested in; trash and recycling. Different children will respond to different aspects of the curriculum and you can share those individual experiences with families. Encourage families to continue exploring and talking about their neighborhood even after this theme ends. TEACHERS: Review this lesson plan thoroughly in advance. If you make any modifications (only if needed for your children), these must be approved by Education Manager/Supervisor. You also need to complete the Individualized Learning Plan. Last updated: 09/09/13 (B) Materials to Enhance Children’s Play Blocks Dramatic Play Add: Keep: “Neighborhood Place” Garbage trucks Add: Small containers to serve as “trash cans” Wastebaskets/trash cans, recycling bins Toys and Games Keep any items from previous week(s) that children were particularly engaged with. Pictures of garbage or recycling trucks, litter/trash, dumps/landfills, etc. Art Library/Writing Discovery/Science Add: Add: Keep: Recycling bins Materials to make recycling labels/signs (including examples of recycling symbol; find examples online) “Decomposition Bins” to observe Recycled objects or reusable trash for sculptures/collages: scrap paper, clean food wrappers, plastic bottles, etc. (plus construction paper, glue, tape) – see “Garbage Art” small-group activity Journals for recording/drawing observations Newspaper Sand and Water Add: Music and Movement Add: Shredded paper, scissors, hole punches, small containers to fill and sort Computers “Gabriela Cleans Up”: in this online game (from Sid the Science Kid), children must pick up pieces of litter and recycle them before animals and wind knock down their bins. Outdoors Cooking Take a neighborhood walk – ideally on trash pick-up day – to see trash/recycling in action. Count trashcans, look for the recycling symbol, or perhaps even see the trash/recycling truck and talk to the sanitation worker! Alternatively, take a “clean-up walk” to pick up litter (wearing disposable gloves and being careful of sharp or dangerous objects). © 2012 Acelero, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Uses are subject to the limitations set forth in your user agreement. Your right to use these materials is contingent upon remaining a current SARGE subscriber with Acelero, Inc. (C) Group Experiences Monday Arrival Opening Circle Movement Relaxation Transitions Closing Circle Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Arrival: Attendance graph Arrival: Attendance graph Arrival: Attendance graph Arrival: Attendance graph Morning Circle: Welcome song & one other Morning Circle: Welcome song & one other -Morning Circle: Welcome song & one other Morning Circle: Welcome song & one other -Decomposition bin: Bring bin/jar to meeting area and ask children what changes they notice since last week. Point out the changes in food items vs. plastic bottles (or similar). Explain that some items won’t ever decompose – that’s why we need to recycle them! Show Recycle book and preview that children will learn more about recycling during small-group time. -Introduce Small-Group Activity: Show children a few of the materials available for “garbage art” and ask them what they think they could make with these. -What would you like to find in a dumpster? [Provide 2-3 choices, with visual examples if possible] Review daily schedule and rules now and throughout the day Music/Movement: SS Song “One Bottle of Pop” – introduce/teach song Find lyrics online and hear the tune at watch?v=sbwp4VZPYRI -Morning Message: What are some ways we can keep our classroom clean? You can write this message in front of children (asking for their help) or write it in advance and read aloud during meeting. Briefly engage children in noticing concepts of print (such as which direction to read); then have follow-up discussion, inviting children to share ideas about keeping the classroom clean. SS-Puppet Script Transition: Question of the Day (QOTD): Did you throw something in the trash today? (Yes/No/Not Sure) Charting with whiteboard/ pocket chart/etc. Review daily schedule and rules now and throughout the day Transition: SS-Brain Builder- And one other song.. Review daily schedule and rules now and throughout the day Review daily schedule and rules now and throughout the day SS-Skill Practice ActivityTransition: Music/Movement: “The Caring & Helping Song” “One Bottle of Pop” – create new verse related to recycling, if desired & one other Relaxation: Transition: SS-Brain Builder- Transition: SS-Brain Builder- Music/Movement: SS song of the week & one other Closing Circle: Goodbye song Relaxation: © 2012 Acelero, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Uses are subject to the limitations set forth in your user agreement. Your right to use these materials is contingent upon remaining a current SARGE subscriber with Acelero, Inc. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Music/Movement: SS-Song of the week & one other Transition: insert rhyming activity here Relaxation: Closing Circle: Goodbye song Transition: SS-Brain Builder- Thursday “One Bottle of Pop” Relaxation: Transition: Friday What have we learned about trash and recycling? Prompt children by referring back to their activities of this week or earlier in theme. Chart children’s ideas if possible. Closing Circle: Goodbye song Closing Circle: Review QOTD results during closing circle with the full group, counting each column and writing the numeral. Goodbye song Group 1: SS-Story and discussion ReadAlouds Group 2: Recycle! A handbook for kids Group 1 – Sorting Recycling (see activity guide) Group 2 – Decomposition: Part 2(see activity guide) SmallGroup Activity Special Activities Tangible Acknowledgement System: Group 1: Recycle! A Group 1: SS Book- handbook for kids Group 1: Book about Decomposition Group 2: SS-Story and discussion Group 2: Book about Decomposition Group 2: SS Book- Group 1 – Decomposition: Part 2(see activity guide) Group 1: SS-Skill Practice Activity Group 1: Patterns with Caps(see activity guide) Group 2 – Sorting Recycling (see activity guide) Group 2: Patterns with Caps(see activity guide) Group 2: SS-Skill Practice Activity Garbage Art at Free choice (see activity guide) Garbage Art at Free choice (see activity guide) © 2012 Acelero, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Uses are subject to the limitations set forth in your user agreement. Your right to use these materials is contingent upon remaining a current SARGE subscriber with Acelero, Inc. Monday Outside Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Inclement Weather Plan: © 2012 Acelero, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Uses are subject to the limitations set forth in your user agreement. Your right to use these materials is contingent upon remaining a current SARGE subscriber with Acelero, Inc. Individual Child Planning Form School Readiness Goal Focus Domain(s) Physical Approaches to Learning Language & Literacy Cogn./ Gen. Knowledge Name Soc-Emotional Focus Date Child’s Week of: Strategy/Activity Focus TS GOLD Objective(s) Why Chosen? (IFSP, TS Gold Report, family input, conference goal, etc.) NOTE: Children with similar needs may benefit from differentiated instruction (e.g. during small-group activity). You can use the “Small Group” column at right to make notes about possible groupings. Example: 1. Routine – activity, state how you are individualizing for this child. CHECK when implemented Teachers: Possible small-group? Center/Classroom: 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. © 2012 Acelero, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Uses are subject to the limitations set forth in your user agreement. Your right to use these materials is contingent upon remaining a current SARGE subscriber with Acelero, Inc. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. IFSP Child Planning Child’s Name IFSP Goals Classroom Plan: What’s the Activity/Who’s Supporting the Child *Please review all IFSP plans including Speech Only to ensure implementation of all classroom goals. *For speech goals the what/who would be: Directed by the Speech Language Therapist © 2012 Acelero, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Uses are subject to the limitations set forth in your user agreement. Your right to use these materials is contingent upon remaining a current SARGE subscriber with Acelero, Inc.