2014 PTA Start the Arts Week Flyer

Join [PTA NAME] each day for the following arts activities based on the
2014-2015 Reflections program theme:
“The World Would Be A Better Place If…”
Monday - Dance Choreography.
Sample Idea: Choose a time during the school day and invite everyone to dance together. Choose a story
based on the theme that is read aloud or song based on the theme and have students create movements
phrases that communicate the theme. Consider giveaways that relate to dance/promote the program
Tuesday - Film Production.
Sample Idea: Have students start their reflection by creating a storyboard/comic based on their
interpretation on the theme or have students create a documentary on arts programs and activities in
their school. A student produced commercial for Reflections and other activities can be shared with the
school and online. consider giveaways that relate to film/promote the program theme.
Wednesday – Literature.
Sample Idea: Have students write a poem/short story related to the theme or consider a prompt related
to your school’s goals (e.g. The world would be a better place if there were no bullying). Start with
collective brainstorming around words in the theme/prompt and identify books for students to read
about positive impact/change around the world. Consider inviting a guest author to talk about how
he/she addresses an idea. Consider giveaways that relate to writing/promote the program theme.
Thursday – Music Composition.
Sample Idea: Host a drum circle or music making time with keyboards and access to multiple music
making instruments such as ORFF instruments, recorders, etc. or recording studio time where students
can explore sounds from around the world. Add new lyrics to existing songs about the world (e.g. We Are
the World) or create sounds from found objects. Consider giveaways that relate to music composition
(e.g. notation paper)/promote the program theme.
Friday – Photography & Visual Arts.
Sample Idea: Have students make a “passport” using tag board with their own image of the theme
without words. Students may use any photo/visual arts medium. Have students post their “passport” on a
designated wall that promotes the theme: The world would be a better place if… in large letters. Consider
giveaways related to photography and visual arts/promote the program theme.]