Purple room—ROYALTY
Green room---LUCK/ENVY
Orange room ---CAUTION
White room---PURITY/PEACE
Violet room ---FEMININITY
Black room –--EVIL/FEAR/DEATH
BLUE – Birth
PURPLE – Growth
GREEN- Youth
ORANGE- Autumn of life
WHITE-Age (white hair & bones)
VIOLET- Darkness
BLACK- Death
The Red Death walked from Blue
Room to the Black
Room---it walks the course of life, leading from birth to death.
Prospero & his followers metaphorically & literally walk the
“course of life to death”
The Clock = The Passing of Life
The Masquerade = Fantasy,
Escape from Reality
Castellated Abbey =
Worldly Power; Threatening
“like a thief in the night” = a line taken from the Thessalonians 5:4 (referring to last judgment when you least expect it)
Represents the end of the world
Prince & followers (sinners) ignore the inevitable & were “caught unprepared”; indulging in the “pleasures of the world”
Poe may have been trying to warn people ---to be prepared for death and not to act like we will live forever
“And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all”
Decide on an OVERALL THEME for your room
You MUST have at least 6 items that specifically symbolize something
You MUST COLOR your room.
Make a “Legend” for your symbols
Your title is the THEME of your room
You will be graded on: CREATIVITY,
PARTICIPATION, 6 ITEMS meaning/theme