Teacher Guide

Unit 3: Social Structures
Grade 4
Teacher Guide
Learning Center 3 of 6: Nobles, Lords & Ladies
Focus: Medieval Social Structure
5.3.1 Explain the importance of social
Students will learn about the nobility in the medieval feudal system
structure in a society from the middle
though an exploration of what it would be like to be a lord or lady who as
been awarded land by the monarch. Will learn about the responsibilities
and considerations a noble might have to make in regards to where to
build their castle and what items would be of the utmost importance. This
will stimulate reflection on the role of castles and their importance in the
Student Territory Map
feudal system.
Castle Planning Sheet (Rank
Item information sheet (to explain
the rank order items)
Students will learn more about castles and why they were built
Book: What Were Castles For?
in certain places geographically (because they were easier to
Book: Castles
Computers for center
Journal Rubric
Students will learn what castles were for and the important role
in maintaining the feudal system (protection, etc.)
Other Resources
Students will put themselves in the shoes of a lord or lady who
has been given a plot of land by the monarch! They must decide
where they will build their castle (using the territory map) based
on their knowledge of where castles will built. They must also
write a journal reflection on their rationale for choosing this spot
as a check for understanding.
Teacher Guide
Students will use the knowledge they have gained on castles,
lords, ladies, and other members of the feudal system to rank (in
order of importance) the objects on the Castle Planning Sheet.
Students will be given an item information sheet that clearly
outlines the importance of various objects or traits of castles.
Students reflect on their rankings in their journal.
This is classified as a “Must” activity. See center rotation guide for
detailed structure and ordering.
Students read the provided books about castles and watch the
YouTube video “Medieval Europe: Castles” at
Students follow these directions: “Put yourself in the shoes of a
Lord or Lady who has been given a plot of land by the Monarch!
Where will you build it? What things would be most important
for you in building your castle?”
Students use the item information sheet and the Castle Planning
Sheet to rank order the importance of objects to be used in their
castle (from the perspective of the lord or lady). They must write
a rationale in their journal for why they chose to rank the items
Students use the territory map (of the land awarded by the
monarch) and choose the ideal spot for their castle. They mark it
with an “X” In their Social Studies journal they must explain
1) Why they chose to rank the items the way they did. Why did they
emphasize certain items? They must use examples from their research
to back up their answers.
2) Why they chose to build their castle where they did. What are the
physical characteristics of that spot that make it a good place for a
castle? Students must use evidence from what you read to support
your answers.
Teacher Guide
Students who finish early they have a choice to do the following for
bonus marks: “Draw your castle according to where you decided to place
it on the map. Name your castle, and make sure to clearly include the
objects that you ranked highly; label these items and the geographical
features around your castle. “
For students who require accommodation, get them to rank the top 3
items instead of ranking all.
Students will be evaluated based on their reflections in their Social
Studies journal. Students will be marked according to the attached rubric.
They must have reflected on both 1) the location they chose on the
territory map and 2) the rank order of their items.
Territory map
Castle planning sheet
Item information sheet
Journal Marking Rubric
Rotation Guide
Teacher Guide