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Programme funded by the



Development of Bi-literacy among the students of elementary school

Implementing institution: Centre for civil integration and inter-Ethnic Relations, +99532

2922595; info@cciir.ge

; web-site: www.cciir.ge

Country and Place: Georgia, Tbilisi, Kvemo Kartli and Samtkhe-Javakheti Regions

Author: Natia Gorgadze, ngorgadze@cciir.ge

+995 599390495

Shalva Tabatadze, stabatadze@cciir.ge

+995 591305955

Short description of the BP:

Centre for Civil Integration and Inter-Ethnic Relations (CCIIR) started implementing the activities which aims at an improvement of literacy among the students of ethnic minorities and thus, guarantee joy of equal education opportunities for all. More specifically, the following activities were impemented: (a) Developed bilingual levelled textbooks which is based on the best practices of levelled materials and simultaneously encompasses the specifics of target languages; (b) Developed Eapplications including E-versions of the levelled materials in order to advance E-literacy and ICT skills of students and their teachers and thus, give them a better chances for reading progress (c)

Developed web-portal which is up-graded regularly collecting reading materials, teachers’ instructions and advises, video-audio lesson examples, parents’ corner, ect (d) Developed childfriendly trilingual e-dictionary with illustrations which is incorporated into the reading texts and supports the young leader in reading process; (e) Organized professional development programs for

432 native language/reading teachers of minority schools .

The value added component of the described BP is that it complements the education reform in

Georgia which facilitates capacity building in ICT and targets first graders while providing them with personal net-books. The E-materials developed by the CCIIR will be integrated into the netbooks of the students. The teachers’ development program will target those teachers who are beyond of teachers’ professional development efforts due to limited knowledge of state language.

Objectives of the BP:

The BP strived to solve the following objectives:


To develop comprehensive levelled reading materials (app. 400 books)in order to assist students of elementary school to progress their reading skills in native and second language and transform in effective reader and critical thinker for future success;


To create an E-space and technological resources for developing E-literacy among the school society


To advance teachers’ professional skills through intensive in- and E-trainings for effective instruction in the classroom;

Problems addressed of the BP:

The 2006-2007 international assessments in primary grades revealed appalling data. Georgia ranked 37th among 45 randomly selected countries in the PIRLS and 26th- among 35 countries in the

TIMSS. Reading comprehension was one of the most important problems indicated the assessment study.

PISA 2009 and PISA 2009+ revealed deplorable results as well. Georgia’s students attained an average score on the reading literacy level below the average attained in all OECD countries. 38% of students in Georgia are estimated to have a proficiency in reading literacy that is at or above the baseline needed to participate effectively and productively in life. The majority of students therefore perform below the baseline level of proficiency in reading. Georgia ranked 67 th among 74 countries participated countries in PISA 2009 and PISA 2009+.

Common borders. Common Solutions.

Programme funded by the


National Curriculum and Assessment Centre conduct two surveys in Georgian language in 2004 and 2009. The assessment study revealed problems in reading literacy of Georgian students as well.

In the 2004 assessment, 38% of students did not demonstrate sufficient results in reading. On average, only 11% of the text was understood. In the 2009 national survey, 33 % of students demonstrated low level achievement. Almost one third of Georgia’s students have very low levels of reading literacy.

There are 416 minority schools in Georgia where the language of instruction isn’t a state language but Armenian or Azeri languages. Minority schools started to implement bilingual programs from 2010. According to the model of bilingual education, the subjects should be taught in both – native and state languages. Nonetheless, literacy is one the most critical issues for the students. The lack of exact information on literacy level in those minority schools aggravates even more the problem. There is no data, on children with reading problems as well as the specifics the minority students face in native or second language literacy.

Year and period of implementation: Dec 2012 - Dec. 2013


The most significant result of the practice is its complex character of approach. It targets students, their parents, teachers and policy makers simultaneously. At the same time the BP is to be expended and can be replicated in different countries easily. At the same time the outcomes of the BP is based on baseline study of students’ as a part of the activity and therefore shapes different aspects of academic, pedagogical and country-specific knowledge.

 As a result of the BP


an effective, attracting non-curricular reading materials which is levelled based on academic knowledge and practical experience is developed and fully available to those students who need to transform from straggling to independent readers;

The materials have a high value since they correspond to readers’ interests while covering different topics, encompassing fiction and non-fiction materials and enabling the students to progress reading competencies – phonetic knowledge, grammar, comprehension, vocabulary so that the process of learning is easy and pleasant for students;

 The reading process is comfortable and challengeable since the students improve their computer skills working on their netbooks or in internet, reading, preparing different exercises and other tasks.

 The reading process is instructed by teachers, who possess modern reading methodologies and can apply them in practice

 The BP results in engagement of parents in children’s reading process which is a great motivation for kids not from the literacy perspective but for their general academic achievements.

And finally,

 The BP creates a good platform for policy makers to cooperate with wide range of stakeholders, adapt effective practices, incorporate them in education process for the best attainments and tailor policy reforms to existing challenges.

Financing (e.g. governmental, municipal, private, project, donor, fund-raising campaign, etc.):

The activities are financed by the USAID program “All Children Read”

Common borders. Common Solutions.
