September 2015 - Presque Isle Township

Meeting Of the
Presque Isle Township Parks and Recreation Committee
Held September 28, 2015
Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Committee vice Chair N. Crouch.
Pledge was recited.
Roll Call: In attendance were; N. Crouch, J. Wieczorkowski, N. Kinney, B. Moran & M. Nefske. Committee
Chair; D. Spencer was absent.
Audience Present: 6 guests.
Comments from the Audience: No Comments.
Agenda Approval: J. Wieczorkowski added Christmas at the Lighthouse under New Business. M. Nefske
made a motion to approve the agenda with the addition. Seconded by; J. Wieczorkowski. All ayes; motion
Approval of Minutes (August 31, 2015): J. Wieczorkowski made a motion to approve the minutes as
written. Seconded by; M. Nefske. All ayes; motion carried.
Correspondence: J. Wieczorkowski advised that D. Spencer had spoken with Mark Straley of RS Scott
regarding the posting of the Marine Heritage signs at the Range Light Park (RLP). The response was to delay
the posting of the signs until the RLP project is completely closed by the DNR. N. Kinney also advised that
she had spoken with Mark Straley regarding the signs and the location of posting the signs. The response
was to make sure the signs did not exceed the height of the hand rail leading to the pavilion and that the
signs should be delayed in posting until the DNR completely closes the project.
Member Reports
Budget & TWP Board Liaison (J. Wieczorkowski): A detailed written liaison report and the Cash
Management report were provided. J. Wieczorkowski advised that the TWP Board had received a report
regarding the program “Under the Radar” from Beth Budnik. She mentioned that there were a lot of
positive comments for the viewing of the Presque Isle County highlights. J. Wieczorkowski also advised that
the Board of Trustees (BOT) along with the Planning Commission (PC) had a special meeting to go over the
report of the hydrology study that was provided by Dr. Hyndman. She mentioned that the BOT approved an
extension for recommendation from the PC regarding the Lafarge rezone request until the November 2015
meeting. She then mentioned that L. Taylor requested information regarding the signage that was listed
and required of the Special Use permit of the Site Plan Review for the RLP project. N. Kinney stated that she
was aware of the required signage and would talk to D. Spencer for an update. J. Wieczorkowski provided
information from L. Taylor for the proper signage that is required to be posted.
Maintenance (M. Bedard): A detailed written report was provided. M. Bedard advised that the Re-Key
project is complete and all old keys should be returned. He advised that he has removed the swimming
buoy from the RLP swimming area and there is one buoy missing and it will need to be replaced for the next
season. He mentioned that he has started the seasonal shutdown process of the parks and will be
completing the quarterly water testing. He also advised that the big project for next year will be the
refurbishment of the Old Lighthouse tower. He will be putting in a ventilation system as well as removing
the paint from the outside of the tower and repainting. He mentioned that he will be working with RS Scott
Associates regarding a grant for the refurbishment of the tower.
PITMS (N. Crouch): No written report was provided. N. Crouch did mention that the cleaning of the vault
toilet at the New Lighthouse Park is in question. M. Bedard stated that he would follow up as to who is
responsible for cleaning it.
Committee Chair (D. Spencer): No written report was provided. D. Spencer was not present. However, J.
Wieczorkowski advised that she would relay to him the information regarding the required signage at the
RLP and the Heritage trail signage.
Advertising/Activities (N. Kinney): No written report was provided. N. Kinney advised that she had the
draft for the corrected brochure and provided a copy to the committee members. Members will be looking
over the draft and give approval at the October meeting. N. Kinney also advised that the signs for the
Heritage Trail are ready to be posted and have already been posted in several locations throughout the
County; she stated that if we do not get approval to post these sign soon, we will be the only place that will
not have the signs posted. J. Wieczorkowski advised that it has been asked several times to have another
meeting with Jeff Gray to get a better perspective as to what type of signs and size will be posted. M.
Bedard asked who the board is that will need to approve the request. N. Kinney was not sure as to how the
complete process should be handled and stated that she has tried to get ahold of Mark to set up a meeting
with Jeff Gray. The committee decided that they will need to have further information regarding the signs
before a decision can be made.
Fireworks (M. Nefske): No report provided. M. Nefske advised that she is waiting for D. Spencer to give her
direction as to what she will need to keep a report on and the avenues that need to be taken for advertising
and fundraising.
New Business
Christmas at the Lighthouse: B. Moran advised that it will be held on the 1st Saturday in December
which will be December 5, 2015. She stated that she does have someone in mind to play Santa. J.
Wieczorkowski asked Jeni Matuszak if the 1905 house could be available for tours at that time. J.
Matuszak advised that it could and she will follow up with the Museum Society for a definite answer.
Discussion was made regarding the options of hot cocoa and cookie decorating as well as wagon rides
and a photographer. B. Moran stated that everything went so well last year, and she would like to do
the same activities this year.
Unfinished Business
McKenna Associates (reports): The committee members provided their working reports and went over
the various changes that have been highlighted throughout each one. J. Wieczorkowski advised that she
would go through and make the requested changes and look at it again at the October meeting before
getting it back to McKenna Associates.
Adjournment: With no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.
The next Parks and Rec. Committee meeting will be held on Monday, October 26, 2015 pm.
Respectfully submitted; Kimberly S. Bedard, Administrative Assistant