Jacksonville Marine Transportation Exchange, Inc. Post Office Box 3171 Jacksonville, Florida 32206-3171 (904) 634-1599 JMTX Harbor Safety Ops Committee Wednesday December 12, 2012 at 1300 FDLE CONFERENCE CENTER 921 N. Davis St Meeting Minutes Captain Mike Getchell opened the meeting at 1305 by welcoming those attending and then asked that we go around the room and make introductions Opening Remarks Capt. Tom Allan welcomed meeting participants. Customs and Border Protection Report Mr. Tom Steffanello addressed the expiration of the current CES (Container Examination Station) contract coming in May 2013. New bidders will have 60 days to submit applications. CBP team headed up by Mr. Steffanello will review the apps. During this process, the public will have an opportunity to submit comments concerning the need for a CES. Ms. Maureen Blanchard discussed the topic of Centers for Excellence and Expertise. CEEs were established in 2011 to expand partnerships by expanding participation in the Trusted Trade Partners program. Their purpose is to convey Industry-based knowledge to CBP. At present, these centers are located in a few ports and cover only a limited number of topics. In 2013 CBP plans expansion into other ports and industry products. Questions concerning CEEs can directed to Maureen @ 904 360 5036. US Army Corps of Engineers Report Mr. Jose Bilbao, introduced himself as our new Port manager replacing Mr. Gavin Jackson. Given the fiscal realities, Gavin has been reassigned to other duties. Mr. Bilbao reported that the Mile Point re-design is on track with a scheduled may 2013 completion. Designs are ongoing and all permits should be in hand by January 2013. He reported that the maintenance dredge project involving the area from West Channel to Talleyrand was scheduled to begin Feb 2013. He also provided a timeline for the Harbor Deepening project: Eco-modeling estimated completion December 2012. Economic modeling is on-going with a deepest draft benefit statement due January 2013. The draft GERR is still on track for completion April 2013. USCG Report LCDR Rob Butts lead off the USCG report with a discussion regarding Uninspected Passenger Vessel Operations. LCDR Butts commended the maritime community with letting the Sector know about a pontoon passenger vessel operation on the ICW. The Making Jacksonville the Port of Choice. USCG’s investigation revealed that the operator was not certed for carrying passengers. He also reported on TWIC Renewal challenges such as lengthy hold-times experienced by callers. This issue is being resolved. The TSA website is being updated with current information needed for applicants seeking renewal. TSA recommends applicants submit their applications 4 months prior to expiration. Facility’s Certificates of Adequacy will have to be updated soon. As of January 1, 2013, those items that vessels were permitted to throw over the side, will be allowed no more. As such, facilities will be required to accept all garbage from vessels and update their capacity to receive such on their COAs. A pamphlet was provided and is available from the Sector that outlined the rules and enforcement criteria. LT Megan Trivett reported that with the end of Hurricane Season the port was now in Condition 5. She stated that with the end of the season comes the opportunity to make improvements to the Port’s Heavy Weather Plan with incorporating some Lessons Learned. Mr. Al Sandrik, Warning Coordination Meteorologist for the National Weather Service said that his attendance at these meetings has gone a long way in understanding Port Ops and the implications of their warnings have on such. With that, he was able to convince the NWS to modify their Break Points along the Florida coast at the NOAA Hurricane Conference. Beginning next year, the new Break Points for our area will be St Aug/ PonteVedra/Fernandina. These changes may prove to have huge beneficial economic impacts, as well as in our preparations. LT Trivett finished with informing the group that the Port Heavy Weather Calls are recorded and available for those not able to get in on the teleconference calls. Mr. Doug Campbell with the Sector’s MTSR Unit provided a PPT presentation with the NY/NJ MTSRU’s efforts to prep for and recover from Super Storm Sandy. The port had significant damage with ATONS damaged or missing, floating/sunk containers in the waterway, shoaling, spills, Pilot Station destroyed, USACE facility damaged and the VTS not operational. Within 72 hours fuel barges started moving AFTER the USACE’s NTRs completed their channel assessments. Deep draft traffic resumed after 96 hours. SE NOS Navigation Manager’s Update Mr. Kyle Ward provided a PPT presentation of NOAA’s response to Hurricane Sandy indicating the challenges NOAA faced in responding to a major storm. However, NOAA’s NRTs should be lauded for their efforts. As reported above in the USCG report, the NRTs were able to provide channel assessments within 24 hrs after the storm’s passage, allowing limited fuel deliveries to resume 72 hrs after the storm. NOAA conducted 20 square nautical miles of surveys and opened NY-NJ Ports 5 days after Sandy struck. Normal high tides in the area are 4 ft and Sandy came ashore 14 ft above sea level. Kyle worked with the Marine Transportation System-Recovery Unit (MTSRU) throughout the assessment and restoration of the navigable waterways. KUDOS TO NOAA’S NRTs!!! FSCJ OSHA Training Center Mr. Jamey Suber with FSCJ’s Military & Gov’t Programs Contracting provided an overview of the degrees and certificates the college offers. The courses offered by the Military Public Safety and Security division center on Security and Tactical Training and Seaport Security. They also run the Fire Academy of the South. The school has started and OSHA Train-the–Trainer course that will be maritime specific. He stressed that the school would be very flexible and mobile if needed. Most importantly, Mr. Suber put out a call for Instructors for this course. The minimum requirements are 5 years experience in the Occupational Safety Field. 5-10 Instructors are needed. Right Whale Update Mr. Jim McLaughlin, NOAA’s Right Whale Shipping Industry Liaison, reminded us that the NARW season has started. He announced the roll-out of a new mapping site for Right Whales, http://sero.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/mm/rightwhales/RightWhalesSouth.ht m. The map site has about a one-day delay in posting sightings and can give a good overview of activity in an area. His big news involved tagging. Beginning with the next season, NOAA SERO was confident we would have a tagging protocol in place. Given the fiscal realities of the federal government, NOAA would be looking for a Port sponsor to cover the cost of 1-2 tags. Last, Mr. McLaughlin announced that NOAA enforcement would be stepping up for speed rules violations. Waterway Notes Capt. Mike Getchell announced that a new facility would be breaking ground soon on the old Nichols Creek property on the West Channel. Peeples Industries would be putting in a combination export/import terminal. They would export wood pellets destined for European power plants and import construction aggregate. Capt Getchell also spoke of a meeting held with the local fishing community to discuss rights conveyed by submerged land leases. The takeaway from the meeting was that the local fishing community would identify their fishing “hot spots”. Getchell, in turn, would attempt to supply facility contact information so that the two parties could discuss permissions for access. Old Business/ New Business None Adjourn 1505 Submitted, Capt. Mike Getchell/JMTX Harbor Safety Chair