View full JIG detail - London School of Paediatrics

‘JIG’ Job Information Guide
Post Title
ST4-ST5 Paediatrics (Neonates, Paediatrics, Burns and Community Paediatrics)
Coding No
Hospital Details
Name: Broomfield Hospital, Mid Essex Hospital Services
College Tutor: Dr Manas Datta (
London deanery TPD : Dr Shanti Shantamuligham
Educational lead: Dr Rachel Thomas (
Rota: Ms Sandra Sullman HR (
It’s a fixed leave rota but swaps are possible if you ask other SpRs.
In the community, there is not fixed leave but sufficient notice is
required for clinics to be cancelled.
Travel Info
Train/Tube: Abelio great Anglia from Liverpool St or Stratford to Chelmsford train
station (train station 3miles from the Hospital)
Bus: 42/70/352 15min ride to hospital (15min weekly 30min-1h weekends) buy a
monthly or 3 monthly pass you can get NHS discount.
Car/Parking: can pay directly from your salary for the hospital. The community
job would ideally require having a car and travel expenses are reimbursed.
Hospital Accommodation Email:
Swan Housing on site private accommodation. Short stay for
on calls contact them at least 2 days in advance (
prices£26.38 for a day or £162 for a week). There is also long
term accommodation they have a waiting list.
Phone number: 01245442192
Local Area
No of Consultants: 8 Registrars: 8 ( +2 community) SHOs: 11
Rota &
Link to an example rota:
Week plan:
Neonates and paediatrics on a rolling rota with a week of burns and clinic.
Every morning there is a consultant lead handover at 8.45 in Phoenix ward.
Everyone attends handover except the burns unit Spr. Evening handover starts at
16.45 in Dr office Phoenix ward.
Neonates level 2 Unit:
8.45-17.15h Registrar covering NNU, Labour ward and Postnatal ward. Holds
neonatal arrest Cord blue call bleep 3522
Neonatal daily ward round in the unit with a different consultant everyday (1 SHO in
neonatal Unit +1 SHO postnates). Daily Registrar ward round in the postnatal ward
(babies on antibiotics/ unwell). SEND updates and signing all discharge SEND in
the unit.
Phoenix ward (General Paediatrics)
8.45-17.15h daily ward round with consultant of the week. (1 or 2 SHO in the ward)
Work ward and supporting Paediatric Assessment Unit Registrar. Good practice to
get a mobile computer and do discharge letters on the ward round (if enough
Paediatric Assessment Unit ( PAU)
8.45-21.15h The registrar holds paediatric emergency bleep 3520.(1 SHO in PAU)
Registrar accepts referrals from GP/A&E. Review/ clerk patients on PAU as well as
review daycare patients and open access patients. Oncology patients might be
admitted to the ward straight away but will need clerking by admitting team.
Consultant rapid access clinic daily on PAU might need support.
Late A&E/PAU/Neonates
13.00 -21.15h weekdays second registrar to support with A&E and PAU or
Neonatal Unit depending on the workload.
Burns and clinic
8.30-17.15 h Morning ward round in the burns intensive care unit and paediatric
burns unit. Attend clinic in outpatients consultant led with support. On Thursdays,
specific SpR clinic.
20:45-09:15h One SpR at night, covering Paediatrics, neonates and A&E with two
SHOs (1 paediatrics /1 neonates). Busy especially in winter good opportunity to
develop leadership skills and improve management decisions. Good consultant
support over the phone and attending the hospital overnight when needed.
Weekend Nights the neonatal SHO does the baby checks on Friday and Saturday
night and weekly bloods on Sunday night.
0845-21.15h One Spr two SHOs. The consultant will do a ward round in the
paediatric unit with the paeds SHO. SpR does the ward round on the Neonatal Unit
with the neonatal SHO.
Consultant will hand over the patients on the Phoenix and the SpR will cover both
paediatric and neonatal unit (same as nights).
There are 2 Community SpRs with a separate rota and 1 in 4 weekend day on calls
in the department. There is a wide geographical area to cover so a car is useful.
There are 3 consultants, 3 Associate Specialists and a wide MDT to support and
see patients. A majority of the referrals are regarding developmental delay, autism,
ADHD and some other children with complex needs. A majority of
neurodevelopmental patients are seen in the hospital. There is an extensive variety
of learning opportunities with other services including sexual assault training,
ADOS, attending specialised schools and working with the paramedical
professionals. Audits and projects are supported and encouraged.
The community team does not do Child Protection or Looked After Child Medicals
so this will be organised and done by the Burns or Paediatric SpR depending on
the type of referral and after discussion with week consultant.
Consultant team supportive and good a teaching and challenging Spr work to
improve on leadership and management of the ward.
Good opportunity to learn about burns and further management once they are
transferred to a tertiary care unit. Good to attend burns clinics in the paediatric ward
to see evolution of burns and further management.
Good opportunity to consolidate Neonatal skills with a good nursing team to
support you.
Lots of opportunities to do work based assessments throughout the placement.
Consultants are busy but willing to do assessments (Good plan to start
assessments early so that there is enough time to complete them)
The community team are extremely friendly and supportive and willing to help you
achieve your personal learning needs.
There is a great variety of clinics to attend
Use the opportunities to present or discuss patients with consultant to ask for work
place assessments
Opportunities to do a variety of audits and clinical guideline reviews.
Tuesday 13.15 XR meeting in Dr office Phoenix ward
Wednesdays 13.15 Neonatal teaching on Phoenix Ward
Thursdays 13.15Consultant of the week teaching
Fridays 08:30 Journal club
Bite size teaching 5-10 min after hand over3-4 times a week clinical topic relevant
to current patients
RSM Teaching days from RSM for London trainees
Eastern Deanery trainees have teaching the second Wednesday of the month in
Cambridge (watch out for clashing dates)
Study Leave forms available from HR to be handed in 6 weeks in advance at least
need to be signed by clinical director and handed over to Sandra Sullman.
Top tips
In the community, consultant supervision (and opportunity for discussion and
learning) is timetabled into your rota but there is always someone available to ask
questions in a suitable time frame.
Broomfield is very good experience for ST4-5 with a range of opportunities to be
involved in level 2 neonates and general paediatrics as well as burns patients.
This job also deals with all child protection cases giving a lot of experience on
writing reports.
There is support available from consultants, nursing and other healthcare
professionals in the department.
Trust Rep contact details: Dr Montserrat Doukrou (
and Dr Rupa Vora (