STUDENT TEACHER CONFERENCE MATHEMATICS Student Teacher: IWU Supervisor: Subjects and/or grade: Cooperating Teacher: School: Conference Date: MIDTERM Check one: FINAL Directions: Bring this form and accompanying evidence to guide the discussion at the midterm and final conferences. Your goal is to discuss those areas in which you have demonstrated proficiency with respect to each standard indicator and provide supporting narrative or physical evidence. Also note areas in which you need opportunities to demonstrate proficiency. This form is for your use. Feel free to write in notes as needed prior to the conference. For the final conference, simply update the form, and complete the last page as indicated. The IWU supervisor will complete an evaluative summary after your midterm conference which reflects the comments of all conference participants. Evidence may speak to more than one indicator. Evidence may include the following: • Student Teaching Checklist (requirement) • Teaching Context information (TPA requirement) • Collegial Coaching reflection • Digital videos of teaching and student learning (with permissions) • Recorded field observations of students • Materials from professional conferences or in‐service days • Slide shows of one’s teaching and student work • Journal entries or reflection essays (dated and labeled by topic) • Communications to parents written by student teacher • Unit and lesson plans in specific content areas • Assessment instruments developed and used by student teacher • Sample student work (with identifying information removed) • Photos of one’s teaching and classroom (with permissions) • Any work completed for the Teacher Performance Assessment (TPA) TEACHER SCHOLARS FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE 1. Discuss the ways you have demonstrated ongoing and thoughtful reflection, resourcefulness, and responsiveness with respect to student diversity (e.g., race, culture, ethnicity, language, class, gender, and/or ability). Share and explain supporting evidence. For example: Describe the ways you have been attentive to issues of equity, opportunity and achievement in the classroom. Describe any alternative approaches to teaching and learning, such as inclusion and other alternatives to ability grouping, authentic assessments beyond testing, and alternatives to traditional classroom discipline you have implemented? Describe how you have developed caring, compassionate, and respectful relationships with students and their families? 2. What additional opportunities might be provided during the remainder of the student teaching term that would allow you to meaningfully demonstrate the above dispositions? Check (X) the boxes below, as applicable. I have Narrative evidence Artifact evidence Only partial or no evidence yet; I intend to discuss plans to obtain evidence. Student Teacher Conference Form-MATHEMATICS Page 2 of 5 TEACHING DIVERSE STUDENTS 1. Discuss the ways you have applied understandings of the diverse characteristics and abilities of each student and the context of his or her social, economic, cultural, linguistic, and academic experiences to create instructional opportunities that maximize student learning. Share and explain supporting evidence. 2. What additional opportunities might be provided during the remainder of the student teaching term that would allow you to demonstrate your ability to teach students with diverse characteristics? CONTENT AREA AND PEDAGOGICAL KNOWLEDGE Creates meaningful learning experiences for each student, applying in-depth understanding of content area knowledge-including content area literacy, pedagogical knowledge, and evidence-based practice. 1. Indicate what content areas you have taught thus far. 2. Discuss the ways you have demonstrated depth and breadth of content knowledge in mathematics, including problem solving; mathematical reasoning; numbers; measurement; algebra patterns, functions, symbols, & models; geometry; and probability (as applicable). 3. Discuss the strengths you have demonstrated in drawing upon content knowledge to create meaningful learning experiences (e.g., engaged students in critical thinking, integrated curriculum, or effectively applied educational technology). Share and explain supporting evidence. Check (X) the boxes below, as applicable. I have Narrative evidence Artifact evidence Only partial or no evidence yet; I intend to discuss plans to obtain evidence. Check (X) the boxes below, as applicable. I have Narrative evidence Artifact evidence Only partial or no evidence yet; I intend to discuss plans to obtain evidence. 4. Discuss what content you would like to take responsibility for during the remainder of the term so that you will be able to demonstrate proficiency across content areas by the end of student teaching. PLANNING FOR DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION (note: this standard is partially addressed through the TPA, task 1.) 1. Discuss your demonstrated strengths in lesson and unit planning. For example, explain how your plans demonstrate knowledge of the content to be taught, in what ways your plans are based on students’ learning styles, abilities, and prior knowledge, as well as the local community context. Describe how your plans align with Common Core or other state or district learning goals. Explain how your lessons allow for active student engagement and modifications for different learners (differentiation). Discuss how your plans include assessment components. Share and explain supporting evidence. 2. What additional opportunities might be provided during the remainder of student teaching that would allow you to demonstrate proficiency in instructional planning? Check (X) the boxes below, as applicable. I have Narrative evidence Artifact evidence Only partial or no evidence yet; I intend to discuss plans to obtain evidence. Student Teacher Conference Form-MATHEMATICS Page 3 of 5 LEARNING ENVIRONMENT (note: this standard is partially addressed through the TPA, task 2.) 1. Discuss your effectiveness in managing the classroom learning environment. For example, describe how you have communicated clear expectations and encouraged students to take responsibility for their behavior and learning. Discuss how you have facilitated cultural and linguistic responsiveness, emotional well-being, self-efficacy, positive social interaction, mutual respect in the classroom. Share and explain supporting evidence. 2. What additional opportunities might be provided during the remainder of the term that would allow you to demonstrate proficiency in creating responsive classroom environments? INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY (note: this standard is partially addressed through the TPA, task 2.) 1. Discuss the effectiveness of the teaching strategies you have used. For example, explain how you have varied instruction in response to students during and after a lesson. Describe how you differentiate instruction for students of varying abilities. Describe the teaching technologies you have applied to support student learning. Explain how you manage transitions. Share and explain supporting evidence. 2. What additional opportunities might be provided during the remainder of the term that would allow you to demonstrate proficiency in instructional delivery? READING, WRITING, and ORAL COMMUNICATION 1. Discuss how you have engaged students in reading, writing, and oral communication to facilitate their content learning. For example, discuss your selection and use of printed, visual, or auditory materials, and online resources appropriate to different content areas and the reading needs and levels of each student (including ELLs, and struggling and advanced readers). Explain how you have used student work and classroom observation to assess and plan for the development of students’ communication skills in different content areas (e.g., vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, analysis and synthesis). Share and explain supporting evidence. 2. What additional opportunities might be provided during the remainder of the term that would allow you to demonstrate proficiency in the assessment and teaching of reading, writing, and oral communication? ASSESSMENT (note: this standard is partially addressed through the TPA.) 1. Describe the formative and summative assessments you have used. For example, discuss assessment instruments and measures you have created or selected that are sensitive to student diversity, including students with varied abilities. Describe how you have demonstrated skill engaging students in self-assessment to help them become aware of their strengths and needs and encouraged them to establish learning goals. Explain how Check (X) the boxes below, as applicable. I have Narrative evidence Artifact evidence Only partial or no evidence yet; I intend to discuss plans to obtain evidence. Check (X) the boxes below, as applicable. I have Narrative evidence Artifact evidence Only partial or no evidence yet; I intend to discuss plans to obtain evidence. Check (X) the boxes below, as applicable. I have Narrative evidence Artifact evidence Only partial or no evidence yet; I intend to discuss plans to obtain evidence. Check (X) the boxes below, as applicable. I have Narrative evidence Artifact evidence Only partial or Student Teacher Conference Form-MATHEMATICS Page 4 of 5 you maintain accurate records of student work and performance and effectively used this information to plan for and evaluate student learning. Discuss how you have communicated and solicited information about student learning with parents or guardians. Share and explain supporting evidence. 2. no evidence yet; I intend to discuss plans to obtain evidence. What additional opportunities might be provided during the remainder of the term that would allow you to demonstrate proficiency in assessment of student learning? COLLABORATIVE RELATIONSHIPS 1. Describe your collaboration with school personnel to make decisions to support student learning and well-being. For example, describe how you have taken initiative to communicate and co-plan with your cooperating teacher. Discuss the ways you have consulted with the school librarian, special education teachers, or information technology staff. Share and explain supporting evidence. 2. Describe your collaboration with parents and guardians. For example, describe how you have solicited and respectfully responded to parent input. Explain how you have drawn upon community resources. Describe how you have demonstrated appreciation and respect for diversity among families. Discuss your ability to resolve conflict and engage in problem-solving. Share and explain supporting evidence. 3. What additional opportunities might be provided during the remainder of the term that would allow you to demonstrate your collaboration skills? PROFESSIONALISM, LEADERSHIP, AND ADVOCACY 1. Discuss the ways in which you have demonstrated professionalism. For example, describe how you adhere to confidentiality and demonstrate ethical behavior, personal responsibility, and advocacy on behalf of students. Discuss how you have engaged in reflection and modified your practices to improve teaching and student learning. Describe how you have communicated with families and responded to their concerns. Explain how you have complied with all legal mandates, such as mandated reporting and copyright laws. Share and explain supporting evidence. 2. What additional opportunities might be provided during the remainder of the term for you to demonstrate your professionalism? Check (X) the boxes below, as applicable. I have Narrative evidence Artifact evidence Only partial or no evidence yet; I intend to discuss plans to obtain evidence. Check (X) the boxes below, as applicable. I have Narrative evidence Artifact evidence Only partial or no evidence yet; I intend to discuss plans to obtain evidence. Student Teacher Conference Form-MATHEMATICS Page 5 of 5 MIDTERM Summary of strengths and performance goals 1. Drawing from the above, indicate the two or three most impressive strengths you believe you have demonstrated thus far. 2. Drawing from the above, indicate the two or three most important goals for you would like to focus on during the remainder of the student teaching term. 3. Please be prepared to discuss with your Cooperating Teacher and IWU supervisor your readiness for full-time teaching responsibilities and what those will be and the timeline for implementation. Be sure to discuss any remaining requirements for your TPA, including arrangements for video recording. Student Teacher signature date FINAL Summary 1. Drawing from the above, indicate the two or three most impressive strengths you believe you have demonstrated over the semester. 2. Drawing from the above, indicate the two or three most important professional development goals for your first years of teaching and your plan for continued learning. Student Teacher signature date