(PPTX, Unknown) - Tennessee Career Development

*Allie Rhinehart, M.A.
*Justina Farley, B.A.
*Tiffany Brooks, M.S.
*The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
* Career is one part of the whole person.
* The 21st century job market is fluid, as is a person’s
vocational personality.
* A holistic framework addresses multiple aspects of
an individual’s personality, as well as any
apprehensions he or she may have about finding a
place in the world of work.
(Savickas, 2011)
* Reid (2005) insists narrative theory must be
embraced to ensure successful career counseling in
the 21st century.
* Narrative Theory
* Shifts from objective measures
* Provides a more holistic, subjective, and positivistic approach
* Encompasses the importance of self-reflection
(Maxwell, 2007)
* Narrative Interventions
* Help counselors understand an individual’s personal story
* Facilitate the creation of a client’s career
* Assist in altering client’s story
(Savickas, 2005)
* Traditional trait-factor approaches do not take
into account the complexity of career behavior
(Bujold, 2004).
* Many career researchers and practitioners
embrace narrative approaches.
* Offer college students a place for self-exploration.
* Promote an increased knowledge base regarding
educational programs and the world of work.
* Improve decision-making skills
* Development of self-awareness
* Understanding of majors
(Kelly & Pulver, 2003)
* Discussion vs. Lecture
* Personal Reflections
* Experiential Activities
* Partner and Group Processing
* Technology
* PowerPoint, Prezi, Videos, Internet
* Guest Speakers
* Individual Appointments
* Life Circle
* Timeline
* Values Reflection
* Card sort
* Final Integrative Reflection
* Dream Job Activity
* Prompts
* What piece of your SII results can be a part of your
career story?
* Future Career Autobiography (FCA)
* Qualitative tool
* Personal and career motives, values, and
* Purpose:
* To measure change or lack of change in an
individual’s occupational narrative over time
* To assess for career intervention effectiveness
(Rehfuss, 2009)
* “Write a brief paragraph about where you hope
to be in life and what you hope to be doing
occupationally in 5 years after graduating from
* Goal:
* Empower individuals to be the narrator of their
career story
* Examine their current and future
* More research/practice is needed
(Rehfuss & Di Fabio, 2012)
* Promote storytelling by asking leading questions
and identifying themes
* Raise client awareness of themes and unresolved
* Help client construct a career to fit themes and
address issues
* Promote career adaptability
* Measure the effectiveness of career exploration
courses for undergraduate students
* Identify students with continued needs for career
* Opportunities to offer post course interventions
to students identified as having no change