MnDot Contract 98611 Exhibit A Scope of Work The Selected

MnDot Contract 98611
Exhibit A
Scope of Work
The Selected Responder will perform the following duties:
A. Project Work
1. Schedule:
Establish a draft project schedule based on the following major project milestones:
a. Estimated contract start date: 6/15/11, with electronic file handoff from Mn/DOT to
the Contractor on 8/1/11.
b. Project plan turn-in: 12/15/11 (submit final plans/special provisions/estimate to
District 3 with all signatures).
c. The project schedule must include (but is not limited to) the following information:
Submit final deliverables, preliminary plan/special provisions/estimate review, final
plan/special provisions/estimate review (submit to Mn/DOT).
d. The initial schedule must be developed as soon as possible and must be finalized
during the design process, based on Mn/DOT’s project timeline (schedules must be
submitted to the Mn/DOT Project Manager.)
2. Project Meetings/Coordination:
a. Meet with District 3 staff a minimum of 4 times face-to-face at initial project start up
and 3 additional times to be determined by both parties. These meetings will be to
determine details of project and establish appropriate contact personnel.
b. Conduct other Mn/DOT contact by telecommunications as appropriate to facilitate
plan development.
c. Set up meetings as needed to coordinate design details/standards with various
affected agencies, consultant(s) and other Mn/DOT staff, such as the state signal and
sign engineer.
d. Send meeting minutes, letters, e-mails, notes, etc. to affected parties summarizing
project decisions.
e. Field reviews to gather project information.
f. Meet with the power company to verify source of power and document the outcome.
g. Utilize the Mn/DOT Traffic Web Site for appropriate reference material (checklists,
sample plan, CADD detail sheets, etc.)
3. Engineers Estimate:
a. Work on an estimate with the Mn/DOT Project Manager and final design engineer.
b. Include in the estimate: A total quantity & cost for each pay item detailing funding
splits (state aid funds, local, state, federal etc.), a separate total quantity & cost for
non-contract items (state/county/city furnished materials & labor) with funding splits,
and a separate tabulation containing a detailed listing of all signal, fiber, signing,
lighting and striping quantity proposed.
4. Signal/Fiber/Lighting Plans:
a. Prepare plan sheets for a new permanent signal system as shown on the attached
layout for the diverging diamond interchange.
b. Include removal of the existing signal system on the plan sheets.
c. Design temporary signal systems for construction staging both on the trunk highway
and detour.
d. Signal and lighting plans will be in the proper plan format, coordinate correct, and
will contain all necessary design information including (but not limited to) the
following: Statement of Estimated, Quantity Tabulation (if applicable), Signature
MnDot Contract 98611
Exhibit A
Scope of Work
Block, Abbreviations, Symbols, Details (standard & special), Intersection Layout(s)
and Wiring Diagram(s), Mast Arm Signing, Interconnect, and “For Information
Only” Signal Plans. Incorporate all special needs (R/W limitations, existing sidewalk
replacements for conduit and hand hole work, pedestrian ramps, directional boring
needs, bridge design needs, special lighting and signal footing needs for retaining
wall/ ramp/ bridge / rock or poor soils, etc.) into the design (as applicable) .
e. Prepare a photometric analysis (lighting level computations) of the interchange and
have it reviewed by Mn/DOT.
5. Special Foundations Work
a. Design special footings for signal and lighting bases that can be installed into
bridges, ramps, retaining walls.
b. Ensure that a foundations engineer is available to answer questions and prepare a
design for Mn/DOT review of special lighting base designs and or special signal base
designs. Some light bases may end up in the retaining walls.
6. Signal Issues
a. Incorporate two permanent signal systems into the new interchange that conform to
the geometric layout on hand. The design criteria (phasing) of each system will be
delivered to the Contractor at initial meeting.
b. Work closely with Mn/DOT staff to determine the appropriate layout for the signal
design. Two signal cabinets with EVP, battery backup and fiber interconnect are
c. Design one PTZ camera on a signal and connected to the fiber for inclusion in the
Note: The signal design for the project includes 2 temporary signals, to facilitate
construction, to be folded into the work zone plan. Mn/DOT does not expect to close the
intersection of CR120 during construction.
7. Fiber Issues
a. Prepare fiber in conduit plans from CR 120, north to Stearns CSAH 1 and south to
12th Street North. The final termini of the fiber is at 12th Street .
8. Utility Coordination
a. Coordinate with District 3 for signing, work zone, fiber and signal plans, as the final
roadway plans will require utility adjustment and relocation. Utility relocation plans,
utility tab boxes of existing facilities will need to be proposed and tab boxed by
District 3.
b. Ensure that District 3 is aware of utilities that interfere with the Contractor’s design.
c. Inform District 3 of what the appropriate utility relocation solution is to avoid a
conflict with the Contractor’s design.
d. Show utility plans on the traffic control plan sheets.
9. Permanent Signing and Striping Plans
a. Prepare Pavement Marking and Signing.
b. Follow all appropriate ,MnMUTCD, AASHTO and federal requirements
c. Research best practices of governmental agencies for information to appropriately
sign and stripe the diverging diamond interchange.
MnDot Contract 98611
Exhibit A
Scope of Work
d. Show existing signs in the plan to be salvaged and or installed on the local road. All
existing signs on TH15 will be removed and replaced.
e. Design new signs to appropriate Mn/DOT standards for installation on U posts,
overhead signal mast arms and/ or monotubes. Final sign plans are subject to review
by District 3 and the State Sign Engineer.
f. New pavement markings will be ground in poly perform tape on CR120, and ground
in epoxy and ground in poly perform tape on TH15.
g. Design interim pavement markings for construction staging.
10. Work Zone Plan
a. Working with District 3 program delivery staff , review Mn/DOT plan sheets on
proposed bridge, temporary bypass, detour, r/w, subcuts, retaining walls, proposed tie
in of bypasses, final geometric design, roadway profile and location, hydraulic
information, final curb and catch basin data, utility company relocation plans, project
management team notes, and pavement selection type to design a work zone staging
plan that is consistent with the Mn/DOT design engineer verbally suggested staging
plan. District 3 will propose a verbal staging and detour plan. Mn/DOT final design
squads will prepare a preliminary bypass design for traffic control staging. Later on
in the project, the Mn/DOT’s final design engineer will retool the bypass and
incorporate the bypass into Mn/DOT’s own final design plan sheet.
b. Work along with Mn/DOT designers to develop an appropriate staging plan.
c. Take the basic District 3 staging plan and design temporary signing, striping, and
temporary signals to carry TH15 and CR120 traffic safely thru the work zone. The
work zone plan will be implemented in the field by the general contractor during
d. Review and design locations of F barrier.
11. Detour Plan Sheets
a. CR 120 will be rerouted to provide a temporary crossing point of TH15. Design
temporary signals, signing, pavement marking and plans making sure to coordinate
with District 3 staff.
12. Special Provisions
a. Write special provisions in accordance to Mn/DOT standards. Sections of special
provisions that must be written are section SS, SL and ST.
b. Include a list of any state, county, or city furnished materials.
c. Prepare special provisions for fiber, signals, lighting, signing and pavement markings
need in final format for bid letting, and signed by the Contractor’s engineer for bid
13. Bidding and Construction Assistance
a. Be available for necessary plan interpretation/questions during the bidding process
b. Attend a preconstruction meeting.
B. Mn/DOT Supplied Materials
1. Base mapping & in place utility information
2. Geometric layouts
3. In-place signal plans (hard copy, scanned or CADD file as available)
4. Mn/DOT construction plans for the project on email, FTP website or CDROM disks
MnDot Contract 98611
Exhibit A
Scope of Work
(microstation v8 files from MnDot’s design and project development office)
5. Mn/DOT Traffic Web Site (
6. Plan/special provisions/estimate review comments
7. Minor technical assistance as needed
8. Verbal descriptions of Staging, Detour, and Work Zone concepts
C. Contractor Deliverables
1. Plan sheet completion for review:
 30% plan
 60% plan
 90% plan
 100% plan
30%, 60%, 90 and 100% plans, as well as the Final hardcopy plan, Word, Excel, and
Microstation files and special provisions are needed in paper format and electronic format
for the following:
 Permanent signal systems
 Temporary signal systems
 Complete Lighting system
 Lighting system foundation plans (in retaining walls or ramps or the bridge)
 Signing
 Pavement markings (temporary and final)
 Sign monotubes or sign bridges
 Work Zone Traffic control
 Detour plan
 Fiber Interconnect Plans with fiber diagram and conduit
 Special Provisions for the above
 Engineers estimate for the above
 Sign Cad files (proprietary sgn sign design files)
 Work product spreadsheets for design computations
The Contractor will convert their work to microstation V8 so V8 files can be submitted to
MnDOT for review as well as final archiving.
2. Contractor Timeframes on deliverables
 30% plan completed on 9/1/11
 60% plan completed on 10/1/11
 90% plan completed on 11/1/11
 100% plan completed on 12/15/11
Deliverable Notes:
A project schedule based on major project milestones (milestones may be adjusted as
necessary during the design process.) Documentation (meeting minutes, notes, e-mails,
etc.) of major project decisions including recommendations for staging (if necessary)
need to be completed by the Contractor.