2014Test 1 Study Guide

Name:_________________________________________________________________________ Period: ________________ Date of test:_______________
Test 1 Study Guide
Topics for Test 1
1. Experimental Design – handwashing lab
a. What is a hypothesis?
b. What are independent and dependent variables?
c. How do variables connect to the hypothesis and to a graph of your results?
i. What labels needs to be on a graph?
ii. Where do the dependent and independent variables go?
iii. What makes a good title?
2. HOUSE themes
3. Eight characteristics of living things – be able to define and apply (remember the virus question!)
a. Yeast Lab
4. Classification
a. Hierarchy of taxonomic groups –DKPCOFGS
i. What can you tell from the name of an organism?
b. Six Kingdom table:
i. which characteristics are useful to separate and organize kingdoms – lots of vocab!
c. Cladistics – T. rex lab
i. Be able to read a cladogram
ii. Be able to create a cladogram
Practice Questions: On a separate piece of paper, answer the following questions to help you prepare for the test. Make sure
you also study your class notes and review the textbook chapters we covered.
Scientific Method
 Match each example with the correct term (use choices more than once)
___1. Describes data on the X-axis of a graph
___2. In a quantitative experiment, this value is recorded as a number
___3. what you do or change (manipulate about an experiment)
___4. your prediction
___5. written as an IF-THEN statement
Applying Characteristics of Life (Ch 1-3)
 Match each example with the characteristic of life it shows
___1. A runner eats pasta before a big race
___2. A mouse is mature after 3 weeks and usually
lives 6-12 months
___3. A squirrel begins gathering acorns when the
weather gets colder
___ 4. A lioness is sandy colored so she can’t be seen
while stalking her prey
___5. A penguin pair meets to produce 1 egg each
___6. A blood sample has red blood cells, white
blood cells and platelets
A. Independent variable
B. Dependent variable
C. Hypotheses
Grow and Develop
Acquire Materials and
Respond to stimulus
Possess Adaptations
Explain how a computer has characteristics of living things but is not alive. (fill out a T chart to help you)
A computer is similar to living things
A computer is not alive because…
Six Kingdoms
 Fill in the Blank. Read Chapter 18-3 and use the 6 Kingdom table that you made in class to learn about the unity and
diversity of organisms in each of the kingdoms.
All kingdoms in the domain Eukarya have _______________________ cells, this means that a cell
contains a __________________ and other membrane-bound organelles.
A structural difference that separates Eubacteria from Archeabacteria is the presence of
___________________ in the cell wall. Organisms in the domain____________________ contain this molecule, while
organisms in the domain ___________________ do not.
Most people know that organisms in the kingdom Plantae are ____________________ meaning that they get
their energy from photosynthesis. Organisms in the kingdoms________________________, ______________________,
and _____________________ can also get their energy in this way.
If a students looks through a microscope and see a cell containing a nucleus, lacking cell walls, and
chloroplasts and part of a tissue, then the student is looking at a cell from the
All plants contain _______________________ in their cell walls, but only some _________________________ contain this
______________________ organisms, or organisms with only one cell, can exist in the kingdoms _________________,
__________________, ________________, and _______________.
Only organisms in the kingdom Fungi contain a substance called ________________ in their cell walls. Some
examples** of Fungi are _______________, _____________, and ____________.
Organisms that can live in extreme environments such as boiling or salty pools, or environments that lack
oxygen are found in the kingdom____________________, which is part of the domain___________________.
__________________, are part of the most diverse kingdom. These organism can be not only, unicellular or
multicellular, but they can also be ___________________. This means that several unicellular organisms live
together in a group.
 List the seven taxonomic categories (KPCOFGS):
Describe in your own words, what is binomial nomenclature?
Reading Figures. Look at the figures in your textbook and then answer the questions below.
The system of binomial nomenclature is important for clear communication about a species. Look at Figure 18-1
on page 447, what are some of the commons names for the species Felis concolor?
 Look at the pictures of the three bears and read about them in Figure 18-4 on page 449. Answer the Inferring
question below:
 What do following scientific names of three different kinds of bear, Ursus arctos, Ursus maritimus, and
Ailuropoda melanoleuca tell you about their similarities to each other?
What type of information do cladograms show us?
Examine the cladogram to the right:
 What are the derived characters of the mouse and
 Which organisms do not have lungs?
 Which organisms have claws or nails?
 Which organism is the chimp most closely related to?