Assignment 3



Introduce yourself to orogenic ores and gold occurrences in Ilomantsi area (Figure 1) by retrieving information from GTK:s webpage.

Learn to use the tools on the right (Figure 2)

Using MDaE data base, find investigation reports of mineral occurrences in the so called Karelian gold line.

Concerning Pampalo ore and Hosko, Rämepuro and Muurinsuo mineral resources. Find using the database and the investigation reports:

What kind of anomalies were applied to localize the mineralization? Geochemical? What elements?

Geophysical field investigations? What geophysical anomalies are associated with the deposits?

What kind of host rocks?

The present state of ore reserve evaluation/mineral resource estimation.

What are the dimensions and characteristics of gold mineralization.

Any differences between these deposits? Similarities? Compare to the smaller deposits (note the size of the symbols is proportional to the estimated size of the deposit)

Compile your findings to a short list/a table and submit it by MyCourses

Finally utilize the database tools to produce maps (Figure 3).

Select one of the deposits and zoom in. Turn on the detailed geochemical data. You can plot the sample locations on the map and find information about even the single sample points or groups of sample points (the sample ids). The actual data can be found from the records. Most of the data to be ”published” comprises probably these data sets.

Select airborne geophysical data.

What kind of lineaments are associated with the gold deposits:

Magnetic? Magnetic anomalies induced by magnetic minerals (magnetite and most of pyrhotite) and are indications of BIF-layers, mafic and ultramafic volcanics which comprise important host rocks for orogenic gold deposits.

EM in-phase (real) component. Compare anomalies? These type of anomalies indicate high electric conductivity, ”strong conduits”. Hig values reflect high metal sulfide and oxide contents, particularly.

However, if magnetite is disseminated without forming electric connections between particles, a high magnetic anomaly can be associated with negative EM- real component.

Turn of Quadrature-component (imaginary component). This measures weakly electrically conductive materials and can be an indication of rock fracturing and weathering (clay minerals alteration products). The component is more sensitive to disseminated distribution of conductive minerals than real component.

Digitize lineaments (Draw and measure, Saving-tools on top of the screen, Figure 4) using different symbols reflecting qualitative differences in geophysical properties in an area about 20 km x 20 km area and save the data. Compile a map showing the lineaments and geochemical sampling points and bedrock map.

Figure 1: Gold deposits in Ilomantsi area.

Figure 2. Info tools provide a link to the reports (blue arrow)

Figure 3. Map tools of the user interface.

Figure 4. Map editing tools available.
