iCRAG PhD studentship TP 1.4 WP4 Metallogenesis of Cu deposits in Upper Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks, southern Ireland. A four year PhD research studentship (starting October 2015) in the combined fields of structural geology, geochemistry and mineralogy will be available for a highly motivated individual in the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, at University College Cork, Ireland. Geofluids play a pivotal role in the structural and geochemical evolution of sedimentary and vein- hosted copper deposits. The ubiquitous presence of fluids in such settings can directly influence the distribution of heat, mineral reactions and deformation process from the microscopic to the megascopic scale. Veins, in which mineral phases trap circulating fluids, offer a very effective tool to track the physical and chemical evolution of such fluids over the complete history of such a setting. This project will address some fundamental questions related to the development of Cu deposits from key localities across southern Ireland. The core research questions relate to identifying the key structural and geochemical controls related to Cu mineralisation in Upper Palaeozoic sedimentary sequences. Central to this is determining whether there is a genetic link between the well-known Cu deposits of SW Ireland and those of the southern sector of the Irish Midlands Orefield. iCRAG, the new Irish Centre for Research in Applied Geosciences, is funded under the SFI Research Centres Programme and is co-funded under the European Regional Development Fund. It is supporting >40 new early career research opportunities. The candidate will be part of a larger research team belonging to the Irish Centre for Research in Applied Geosciences. The ideal candidate is a geoscience graduate with interests in structural geology, mineralogy and economic geology. The project is open to EU students only (students who have been resident for 3 out of the last 5 years in the EU) and includes fees and a tax-free stipend of €18k per annum for 48 months. Prospective candidates can get additional information by e-mailing Dr. Pat Meere (p.meere@ucc.ie). If applying they should send an academic CV, a letter of motivation and the names and contact details of two academic referees to Dr. Meere. The application deadline is the 18th September 2015. The start date of the position will be in early October 2015.