Batch Transaction Processing Systems

Information Processes and Technology
Pay for I.T
Transaction Processing Systems
Batch Transaction Processing Systems
Processed as a
Batch procesing is a method of processing data in which data is collected at the
time of the event. The data is then prepared for input as a single unit and the
actual updating takes place when it is scheduled or when there is sufficient data.
Quite often the updating is automated – that is, when the update is executed
there is no interaction between the user and computer. Eg. A MICR reader
processing cheques
Batch processing was the only feasible method of processing data, however, as
telecommunication technologies have become increasingly used in business,
real-time processing has become a more common-place.
Batch processing is still commonly used for applications such as Cheque
Clearance, Bill Generation, Credit Card Transactions??, Payrolls, Stock control,
Overdue Library books, Accounting and hotel accounts.
Advantages Of Batch Processing
Disadvantages of Batch
Information Processes and Technology
Pay for I.T
Transaction Processing Systems
Transaction Processing systems provide data for other systems. Batch
processing is transaction processing in which information for individual
transactions are gathered at the time of the event and stored but is not
processed immediately. Batch processing often occurs ata time convienient to
the system or when there is enough data and without any further interaction with
the users.
Some systems appear to be real time, processing transactions as they occur, but
the actual updating is processed in a batch such as with credit cards.
Complete the following table for each of the examples
Electricity Bills
(carry out the Processes)
End Users
(Who benefit from the
(Hardware, Software,
Connection Mediums)
Cheque Payment
Credit Card Payment
Information Processes and Technology
Pay for I.T
Transaction Processing Systems
EFTPOS – Batch or Real Time???
(Electronic Funds Transfer at point of Sale) refers to electronic, online
authorisation of a transaction from a remote terminal by a financial institution or a
host processor that is typically part of the computer system of a bank or creditcard issuer.
Many people assume credit card transactions at an EFTPOS machine are
occurring in real time, when in fact they occur in a batch. The only data that is
checked online at the time of a credit transaction is:
a) Is the card lost or stolen
b) Is the card over the credit limit
The remainder of the transaction, that is the updating stage, (money transfer and
calculation of the new balance) is performed in a batch anything from a few hours
to several days later…particularly with overseas transactions. Credit or EFTPOS
transactions conducted using the impression machine and the carbonised paper
are obviously processed as a batch at the end of every day or two.
The two major concerns of real time transaction processing that relate to the
ACID properties; Atomicity and Consistency (which relates to Concurrency)
Information Processes and Technology
Pay for I.T
Transaction Processing Systems
Real Time Transaction Processing – also known as On-Line
Transaction Processing (OLTP)
Processed as
transaction takes
Real time transaction processing systems imply the immediate processing of
data – that is as the transaction is taking place, the data is being processed. This
is often referred to as online transaction processing as the data is generally
entered into a workstation (POS terminal) which is connected in a topology
formation to a network, with the data eventually residing somewhere on a server.
Data is verified (validated) as it is entered.
Real time processing involves users simultaneously entering transactions and
controlling the processing of the transaction.
The system would quite often be “conversational” – that is there is a continual
exchange of information between the participant and the system.
The main examples of real time transaction processing systems include ticket
reservation systems (airline, theatre etc), Library Loans Systems, and Point of
Sale Systems.
Information Processes and Technology
Pay for I.T
Transaction Processing Systems
Advantages Of Real Time
Disadvantages of Real Time
Transaction Processing systems provide data for other systems. Batch
processing is transaction processing in which information for individual
transactions are gathered at the time of the event and stored but is not
processed immediately. Real time processing refers to transaction processing in
which each transaction is processed immediately at the time of the event.
For each of the characteristics below, decide whether it refers to ral time or
Large amounts of data
Access to online database
Each transaction is a stand alone transaction
Easier to maintain
Database required online all the time
Fewer errors
Response time is not critical
More errors during organising and storage
More computer operators required
Each transaction is part of a group
Database not accessible at all times
Up to date information is an important
Information gathered, stored and not
processed immediately
Fast response time
Infrequent errors may occur but the system is
not shut down
Real Time or Batch
Information Processes and Technology
Pay for I.T
Transaction Processing Systems
Is it Batch or Real Time Processing?
Some systems appear to be real time TPS, processing transactions as they
occur , but actual updating is processed in a batch. Explain carefully which part
of the transaction is batch and which part is realtime processing for each of the
examples below.
Credit Card
A file is sent to the
Presenting a
cheque for payment
Withdrawing cash
from an ATM
Real Time
Information Processes and Technology
Pay for I.T
Transaction Processing Systems
Construct a Context Diagram and DFD Diagram
for a Bill Generation System eg. Mobile phone
Information Processes and Technology
Pay for I.T
Transaction Processing Systems
HSC Questions Real Time and Batch
Transaction Processing Systems
Question 25 — Transaction Processing Systems (20 marks)
(c) Compare and contrast batch and real-time transaction processing. Include
examples in your answer. (5 Marks)
Speciman Paper
Question 25 (continued)
(b) Country Bakers produces a wide variety of delicious pies made with
fresh fruit. Each variety of pie is ‘seasonal’ as it is only made when
the fruit is in season. Some time ago Country Bakers established a website to
advertise its pies and provide information about placing orders via the telephone,
facsimile and e-mail. Since the establishment of the website, the
number of orders received has increased markedly.
All orders received are entered into the Sales System. The Sales
System processes all transactions relating to sales and stock, and
maintains customer and stock databases.
A number of problems have arisen with the increase in orders:
• Staff are having trouble finding enough time to enter all the
additional orders.
• Many of the orders received by e-mail and facsimile require
changes as they include pies that are out of season. In these cases
the customer has to be contacted, significantly slowing the
fulfilment of orders.
• Many customers pay for the orders by credit card. Each of these
payments is currently processed manually, which is time
consuming and error prone.
The manager of Country Bakers is very happy with the increase in
business, but wonders if the website could be used to solve the
problems that have arisen from the increased number of orders.
(i) Propose and justify ways in which the website could be modified or
extended to address the current problems.
Information Processes and Technology
Pay for I.T
Transaction Processing Systems
2001 HSC Exam
Question 25 — Transaction Processing Systems (20 marks)
(a) (i) Define batch processing, and briefly describe a situation where batch
processing is appropriate.
(3 Marks)
2002 HSC Examination
(a) (i) Define real-time processing, and briefly describe a situation where
real-time processing is appropriate.
(3 Marks)
2003 HSC Examination
No direct questions pertaining to Real time and Batch Transaction
Processing Systems.
2004 HSC Examination
No direct questions pertaining to Real time and Batch Transaction
Processing Systems.
Information Processes and Technology
Pay for I.T
Transaction Processing Systems
2005 HSC Examination
(i) Define batch processing and give an example. (3 marks)
(ii) Define MICR and give an example of its use. (3 marks)
Use the following information to answer parts (b)–(c).
A cinema allows customers to purchase movie tickets via the internet. Using a
web browser, customers select the movie session they wish to see and submit
credit card details. The system provides the customer with an image of a ticket
which contains a unique bar code. The customer prints the image and brings the
hard copy to the cinema. Entry to the movie is via a turnstile capable of reading
that bar code.
(i) Design a suitable web-based data entry screen for the customer to submit
data about their choice of movie session, and their credit card details.
Indicate clearly what screen elements are being used to input the data
(eg, text field, pull-down menu, radio buttons), and justify your choices.
(4 marks)
(ii) Describe the sequence in which this real-time transaction processing
occurs, and identify the main information technology required at each
stage. (4 marks)
Information Processes and Technology
Pay for I.T
Transaction Processing Systems
2006 HSC Examination
Use the following information to answer parts (b) and (c).
In 2001 the Australian Capital Territory successfully used the EVACS electronic
voting system in a parliamentary election. At the polling place, a vote is
processed in the following steps:
Information Processes and Technology
Pay for I.T
Transaction Processing Systems
(i) Outline real-time processing and batch processing in the EVACS system, and
clarify the sequence in which real-time and batch processing occur. (4 marks)
(ii) Identify and describe security measures that could be used in the EVACS
system to protect data during storage and retrieval. (4 marks)
(c) Predict and explain the issues that might arise if SMS (short messaging
system) votes from mobile phones were used for future parliamentary elections.
In your response, you may consider aspects such as:
• security
• interface design
• technology
• social issues. (6 marks)
2007 HSC Examination
Information Processes and Technology
Pay for I.T
Transaction Processing Systems
2008 HSC Examination
Information Processes and Technology
Pay for I.T
Transaction Processing Systems
2009 HSC Examination