Lesson 4: Levels of Cellular Organization Unit 2: The Cell Dates: Learning Goals for this Lesson: Students Will Know: What an atom is What a molecule is What a tissue is What an organ is What an organ system is Standards: SC6.L.14.1 Students Will Be Able To: Describe the different levels of organization in living things Lesson Essential Question: How are living things organized? Activating Strategy: Class discuss previous knowledge of cells, tissues, and organs Key Vocabulary to Preview and Vocabulary Strategy: Atom, molecule, tissue, organ, organ system, structure, function Lesson Instruction: Learning Activity 1: REG/ADV: Students will take notes off of a powerpoint presentation on what a cell is made of (atoms/molecules) ESE: Students will receive cloze notes Graphic Organizer: Fishbone chart (atommoleculecellstissueorganorgan system) Assessment Prompt for LA 1: REG/ADV/ESE: Think-Pair-Share: Students will discuss the answer to: what is the difference between a cell and an atom? And what is the difference between an atom and a molecule Learning Activity 2: Assignment: REG/ADV: Students will follow along to a powepoint presentation while they fill in a fishbone chart showing the levels of cellular organization. REG/ADV/ESE: Lesson Review page 113, questions 1-8 ESE: Students will receive a fishbone chart that is partially filled in Assessment Prompt for LA 2: REG/ADV/ESE: Think-Pair-Share: Students will discuss the answer to: what functions do some of the tissues from animals and humans have in common? And how do organs relate to cells and tissues? Learning Activity 3: Assessment Prompt for LA 3: Summarizing Strategy: Answer the LEQ Student: Modification/Accommodation: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Seat student near teacher. Stand near student when giving directions/presenting. Provide visual aids/graphic organizers. Ensure oral directions are understood. Allow extra time to complete tasks. Simplify complex written directions. Give test items orally. Provide peer assistance/study groups.