NEVADA CEMETERY DISTRICT 10523 Willow Valley Road Nevada City, CA 95959 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE NEVADA CEMETERY DISTRICT JUNE 17, 2015 GENE ALBAUGH COMMUNITY ROOM MADELYN HELLING LIBRARY 980 HELLING WAY, NEVBADA CITY, CA 95959 5:10 I. A. Meeting of the District Personnel Committee (Archer and Hurst) to discuss Job Classifications, Performance and Step Increases for District Employees as recommended by the District Operations Manager. Trustees Archer and Hurst were present with District Operations Manager Melugin. Trustee Archer called the meeting to order at 5:09 PM. A discuss was held regarding the pay increase of the new employee, Cory Bridge. Manager Melugin discussed his reasoning as to why he is recommending moving Mr. Bridge to a Step 2 pay scale. Trustee Archer moved to accept the recommendation of moving Mr. Bridge to Step 2 in pay scale. Trustee Hurst agreed. B. The meeting of the District Personnel Committee adjourned at 5:18 PM II. BOARD CALL TO ORDER: 5:30 PM III. ROLL CALL : All Trustees present. District Manager Melugin and guests. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON AGENDA: This is the time for any member of the public to address the Board with any item not on the Agenda. According to CA Gov Code 54954, the public may talk about anything within the subject matter jurisdiction of the NCD Board, but the Board generally cannot act on or discuss an item not on the Agenda. However, the Board may “briefly respond” to comments or questions from the members of the public. *Please see rules for public comment at the bottom of Agenda. Copies of the agency and items are available. Equipment can be available for the hearing impaired. Call District Office in advance to request this. None 1 V. CONSENT CALENDAR: All matters listed under the Consent Calendar are considered to be routine by the Board of Directors and will be enacted by one motion at the appropriate time. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Approval of Minutes of May 20, 2015 Regular Meeting Approval of May 30, 2015 Monthly Financial Report Approval of May 30, 2015 Annual Financial Report Approval of May 30, 2015 Reserve Fund Report Staff report on Sales for June to date Approval of Auditor Controller’s report of warrants issued Manager’s Written Report Trustee Archer moved to approve items A – G. Trustee Mertens seconded the motion. Approved 5-0 VII**DISCUSSION OF GREEN BURIALS : Outside recommendations will be heard, information only. Guests present: Morgan and Debbie Olson from Hooper and Weaver; Akhila Murphy from Full Circle Living and Dying Collective. Morgan: There are concerns over how remains will be handled. She is concerned about what problems will arise. The very minimum requirement is that there is a shroud for the body. There is a concern about bodies that have not been embalmed and carcinogens and contagious matter going into the ground. For the burial, the very minimum requirements would be a shroud or a container for green burial. Shrouds have a built in backboard made of wood that decomposes. They have built in straps: one set for carrying the body and one set of lowering straps. This is a one-time use that eliminates contamination. She questioned the possible liability issue for family members if they were to lower the body into the burial site. Shrouds have an absorbent lining to help absorb fluids. Wicker baskets and full caskets made of bamboo are available. Trustee Cassella asked, “How much of a request do they get for green burials?” Morgan stated that there are enough requests that people are going out of county to do green burials. Nearest cemeteries are in Bay Area. Some are opting for cremation only because we do not have a green burial area. 2 Akhila Murphy, of the Full Circle Living and Dying Collective, stated that their purpose is to give people options in death and dying. They hold educational seminars in area. Green burials are discussed more often. About 20 – 40 people per event want green burial. Trustee Bushore stated that he heard about a radio program where they were talking about charging two women who want to put someone in their backyard. Morgan has not heard anything about it. Trustee Cassella will call the radio station about this. Morgan stated that people can bury a person in their backyard but the amount of money required for the permits and the effort involved does not make it feasible. Trustee Archer stated that we need to know what the legal aspects are to green burials. Debbie Olson from Hooper and Weaver stated that they now have two segregated sections to their cemetery, one of them being a Jewish section. Operations Manager Melugin stated for a business reason it costs as much for a green burial as for a regular one. Trustee Cassella stated that main issue with green burials is the ground water. Red Dog cemetery might meet that criteria. There could be a designated section for green burial only whether it would be with just a shroud, or a wicker basket. Trustee Bushore suggested that rather than vault, using a poly lid for going over the body would work. He does not see that it would be a problem. If the workers are digging with a backhoe, then they could not hit the body or have animals dig it up. Have done Jewish burials and there does not seem to be a problem. Morgan stated that contagious diseases and pathogens need a living host. By the time the body is buried, most diseases have already died. Trustee Cassella stated he had a concern about a person who dies on Friday night and we don’t come to work until Monday morning. How do we handle that? How do we deal with people who bring a body in, in the back of pickup truck? How do we go about making sure the family has enough people with them to move the body. How do we inform people on how to keep physiological changes to a minimum? Operations Manager Melugin stated that Nevada County Environmental Health Director, Amy Irani could not find anything in the state health code that goes against the green burials. 3 Morgan stated that green burial options will not be less than regular options due to it being new and those options have not been worked out. Another option for lowering bodies: Colfax uses a backhoe to lower bodies using just straps on backhoe to lower it into the grave. Trustee Archer stated that his main concern was the leaching of body fluids into the water table. Does a heavy rain increase the possibility of pollution into water table? If someone finds body pollution in their water we would be liable for that. He wants to make sure we fully check this out. In a discussion on the Red Dog cemetery, it was mentioned that no study has been done in that area for the water table. It is not listed as being in a flood plain. That is the only information we could get from the county. We should do our own water table study. All the water in that area is on wells. The closest property to use any ground water would be a local mine now being discussed. Manager Melugin stated that we need to do a soil analysis; depth of water table study: and a study on the direction of the water flow. Morgan stated that there is a “green embalming” solution that is being used. The solution used is a formaldehyde free solution. It is plant based essential oils. It does have preserving agents. It is how the Egyptians embalmed. It is not harmful to the environment and is a certified green burial component. However, it does not have the full capacity to destroy carcinogens and contagious matter. When asked what Hooper and Weaver does with all the fluids when they embalm, Morgan stated that they go through the sewer treatment process. VIII. STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Finance Committee: The Committee will present any recommendations it has for the Board. 1. Consideration and Adoption of Resolution 2015-6 approving the 2015-2016 Preliminary Operating Budget. Trustee Mertens moved to adopt Resolution 2015-6. Trustee Hurst seconded the motion. The roll call was held. Approved 5 – 0 2. Review and accept the district audit proposal from Stroub and Company CPAs, for the district audits for 2015-2017. 4 Manager Melugin stated that the proposal from Stroub and Company was less expensive than our present Auditor. The first year will cost $4,550; year two, $4,950; year three $5,250. Trustee Archer moved to accept the proposal from Stroub and Company with a letter of engagement. Trustee Mertens seconded the motion. Approved 5-0 B. Marketing Committee: The Committee will report the status of its activities. The Board will take any action necessary. 1. Discussion of marketing video and other marketing strategies. Board may take actions deemed necessary. Trustee Bushore shared his proposal for the marketing video. He handed out a full outline of what he had envisioned. He discussed his ideas of how the video could be done with simulated movement rather than actual movement as well as a simulated historical feeling if necessary. His stress is on the historical aspect. Manager Melugin will show a video and a power point presentation that have been done by former Manager Plunkett at the next meeting. C. Personnel Committee: The Committee will present the status of its activities 1. Report of, and Recommendations of the Personnel Committee. Board make take any appropriate action. Trustee Archer stated that the committee met and received a recommendation from Manager Melugin about the new employee Cory Bridge. He has successfully completed his probation period. His skills have surpassed what they thought and expected. There is a provision that any person can move to the Step 2 pay scale when they show a value in that capability. He has saved the District money as he has done things in house that were normally sent out to be done. A performance evaluation was completed. Trustee Archer moved that Mr. Bridge be moved to the Step 2 employee category effectual July 1, 2015. Trustee Hurst seconded the motion. Approved 5-0 2. Report if available concerning CalPERS Health insurance Plans and Rates, information only. Trustee Cassella reported that CalPERS has gone forward with United Healthcare as the only health care provider for employees on Medicare If a person has Medicare Advantage through CalPERS then they can only have United Healthcare. The employee 5 and their spouse must be on the same health plan. Any employee not on Medicare can still choose other providers. D. Property Committee: 1. LAFCO Proposed Annexations: The Committee will present and review/ act on any LAFCO requests. None expected. Nothing presented. They are looking to employee a public member and an alternate public member. No public employee can apply. 2. Consideration and Adoption of Resolution 2015-7 accepting, pursuant to Government Code Section 27281, certain real property related to the Penn Valley Cemetery from the County of Nevada described as a portion (.89 acres) of Assessor Parcel 51-220-16 to provide access to the Penn Valley Cemetery. The County has sent an agreement to the District. Trustee Cassella moved to authorize the chair to accept the agreement and Resolution 2015-7. Trustee Archer seconded the motion. Roll call was held. Approved 5-0. 3. CLOSED SESSION: Closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(4), the Board is meeting with District Counsel to receive legal advice concerning litigation against Auburn Cemetery District. Report of action taken will be made. Cancelled at this time. IX. **OLD BUSINESS NONE X. * NEW BUSINESS: 1. CLOSED SESSION: Closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 (b) (1) to evaluate the initial performance of the District Operations Manager. 6 Salary increases must be discussed in open session. Report of action taken will be made. The individual Board members met in closed session with district Operation Manager Melugin. His performance has been very satisfactory. He was given suggestions to improve further his performance. 2. Assignment of District Operations Manager to Step 2 due to the early retirement of the previous manager. Step increase date to be July 1, 2015 and next step increase date will be July 1, 2016. Trustee Archer moved to assign District Operation Manager to the Step 2 pay scale. Trustee Bushore seconded the motion. Approved 5-0 3. Election of District Officers (Chair and Vice Chair) for the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 and appointment of committee members. Trustee Bushore moved to appoint Trustee Cassella to the position of Chair for the fiscal Year 2015-2016. Trustee Mertens seconded the motion. Approved 5-0 Trustee Archer moved to appoint Trustee Bushore to the position of Vice Chair for the fiscal Year 2015-2016. Trustee Hurst seconded the motion. Approved 4-0 Trustee Bushore abstained. Trustee Cassella stated that all board committees will continue into 2015-2016. XI. APPROVAL OF BILLS: The Board will review the report of the Auditor-Controller of warrants issued and warrant report for Board items and approve warrants for: a) Lisa LaBarbera, payroll and bookkeeping services b) Patricia Haller, Secretarial Services c) Trustee warrants d) District Counsel Jim Curtis dd) Dennis Cassella: travel to Williams and 3 board lunches at GSRMA training. e) Other warrants as necessary Trustee Mertens moved to approve all bills except dd as it had already been approved in May. Trustee Hurst seconded the motion. Approved 5-0 XII. ***BOARD DISCUSSION: The Board will identify other relevant items and agendize action items and reports for future meeting(s). 7 XIII. ADJOURNMENT Trustee Bushore moved to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Archer seconded the motion. Approved 5-0 Adjournment at 8:00 PM *Members of the public may comment for a maximum period of 3 minutes each concerning any issue in the regular order of the agenda. The Board may act after such comments have been heard. The Board may discuss these items (**) at any time except where a time certain has been identified in advance. The Board shall not change the order of discussion for the purpose of restricting the opportunity for discussion. **The Board of Trustees can discuss these items at any time during the meeting. ***The Board will present issues/concerns for the next meeting Agenda. Board Secretary, Patricia Haller Board Chair, Dennis Cassella 8