Kingfishers Overview 2015-16 Y3/4 Topic Autumn Term 1 English Greek Myths Aesops Fables Recounts Author study Texts Spring Term 1 Spring Term 2 Summer Term 1 CSI Smannell Sheer Magnetism Jungle explorers Newspaper Reports Non chronological reports Persuasive writing Mystery Stories Instructions Explanations Interviews Radio Braodcaats Playscripts Sories from other culturesCarribean & Africa Poetry Davd Waliiams Raold Dahl Paul Moxham Orchard book of Greek Myths Newspaper articles about the Olympics Non fiction books about Greece The Gulf by G Caughream Persusaive Writing Debates Arguments Stories which raise issues The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry Adverts Reference books on the Rainforests Stories about Anansi Structure of Plants Investigating requirements for life Life cycle of flowering plants Investigating differnte types of Rocks and Soils Classification keys Recognise that environments can change Printing Patterns Camouflage. Rainforest Collage Clay pot Groovy Greeks Aesops Fables Mathematics Science Art and Design Autumn Term 2 Compare & group materials based on investigations into their properties. Use of a variety of media to create Pandoras box Mythological creatures Use of a variety of media to create Greek Masks Greek pots Reference books on the human body and water cycle. Non chronological reports of Isaac Newton & other famous scientists. See maths plan Solida, liquids and Magnetismgases. Obsrve how Observe changes magnets attract in state and repel Evaporation & Investigating the condensation strength of magnets Use of line and tone Drawings of figures in various poses. Art of Leonardo Da Vinci Looking at the work of artist Henri Rouseau Observational drawings/paintings of plants/ flowers. Summer Term 2 Channing O'Banning and the Rainforest Rescue by Angela Spady Poems about rainforests RE Messages Angels Holi Design and Technology Greek Food Greek buildings Creating structures Making an alarm Days and months. Weather. Investigating Christmas traditions in France and one other French speaking country. Food and drink. A look at the role of food in French culture. Food tasting. Investigating French food. Suffering Sacred place Protection Textiles - Money container – linked to fair trade. Languages French numbers and greetings. Locating the countries that French is spoken and investigating why it is spoken there. An initial look at some elements of French culture. Geography Location of Greece in Europe Current events in Greece Physical & human features History Legacy of Greek Greek Olympics culture – Famous Greeks architecture, democracy. Hampshire Music Service provide instrumental tuition Football Basketball Gym Dance Changes in Crime and punishment over time Hampshire Music Service provide instrumental tuition Tag rugby Netball Dance Gym Hampshire Music Service provide instrumental tuition Rounders Cricket Athletics Athletics Visitors/ Outings/ Special Days Greek day Mini-Olympics Mini-Olympics Crime scene investigation Visit to Living Rainforest Calendar/ events Harvest Remembrance Christmas Music Physical Education Colours, holidays and festivals. Investigating Easter in French speaking countries. Learning special greetings used at the different holidays. Clothes and body parts. Investigating French speaking countries and clothing. Hobbies. Investigating French Artists and Sports stars. Water Cycle Biomes. Location and features of Rainforests Human and Physical characteristics of ???? Visit to Winchester Science Centre & Planetarium Easter Fairtrade Day Transfer afternoons