Thunderbolt Science




Grade Life Science

Investigations in

Environmental Science

Course Description

Builds Upon Experiences & Provides Foundation

Four Content Strands

– Observing Living Things

Understanding Populations and Ecosystems

Chesapeake Bay

Exploring Heredity and Diversity

Strands developed through variety of instructional strategies

Emphasis on observation, experimentation, discussion, generalization and application, 85% Hands-On---Learn Through Doing

Learn concepts in a variety of ways

– laboratory investigation, making predictions, designing experiments, collect and organize data in charts and graphs, models, communicate results

Computer technologies integrated with instruction

CD-ROMS, interactive videodisc, digital camera, application software, flex camera, laser disc players. wireless lab stations

First Semester

Students investigate interactions of living things with environment

• Observations, Scientific Drawing

– Work in small groups to build mini ecosystems

– Make detailed observations and inferences about the interdependence of living and nonliving things

– Create Food Chains and Food Webs

– Apply basic ecological concepts to explore human interactions with Chesapeake Bay Watershed

Second Semester

• Students investigate characteristics of living things


Experimental Design

– Use compound microscopes to observe a variety of plant and animal cells to see similarities and differences

– Study pattern of organization in multicellular organisms, look at cell processes – osmosis, diffusion, photosynthesis

Review life processes of living things

– Introduced to genetic principles of how living things pass traits from one generation to the next, DNA

– Change over time

Investigating Matter & Energy



grade Physical Science

Course Description

• The 8th grade physical science course, titled

“Investigating Matter and Energy,” builds upon the physical science experiences introduced in upper elementary school.

• There are three content strands developed through a sequence of varied instructional strategies with an emphasis on experimentation, observation, generalization, application, and discussion.

Students learn physical science concepts through hands-on laboratory investigations.

Concept strands




Investigating Matter & Its Changes

• Through hands-on experiences, students examine different types of matter and create generalizations about the nature of matter including physical and chemical changes.

• They build on their knowledge of the atom and study the organization of the periodic table to gain a better understanding of chemicals and their properties.


Physical Properties

Mass, Volume, Density

Atoms & the Periodic Table

Chemical Bonds

Chemical Reactions

Acids & Bases

Investigating Energy & Its Changes

Students analyze energy transformations and apply their general knowledge of the forms of energy to understand the how work occurs.

Hand-on activities focus on particular forms of energy and their application to gain a deeper understanding of these concepts.


Forms of Energy

Heat & Temperature

Waves, Light & Sound

Electricity & Magnetism

Investigating Forces & Motion

Students form a stronger conceptual understanding of work, force and motion.

Activities engage students in learning the relationships of physics principles. They are designed to build confidence in examining and discussing physics concepts based on data and theoretical knowledge.


Force & Motion

Speed, Velocity & Acceleration

Newton’s Laws

Work & Power

Mechanical Advantage



Communicating Problem-Solving

Thinking Professional

Collaborating Meeting Standards

Other Items

Binders/Lab Manuals/Textbook



Portfolio Folders


Keys for Success

• Organization

– Planners

– Homework buddies


• Get Involved

Team Events

– Team Parent

– Clubs/Activities

– Dances

• Study Skills

– Study Space at Home

– Review notes/chapter



Check Homework

– Check Planner

– We need your help
