Description of pyrosequencing data belonging to
“Evidence from Pyrosequencing Indicates that Natural Variation in Animal Personality is
Associated with DRD4 DNA Methylation”
Eveline C. Verhulst, A. Christa Mateman, Mathijs V. Zwier, Samuel P Caro, Koen J.F. Verhoeven
& Kees van Oers
Pyrosequence files
- AssayA_All_pyroruns.xlsx
- AssayB_All_pyroruns.xlsx
- AssayC_All_pyroruns.xlsx
- AssayD_All_pyroruns.xlsx
Contain all the individual methylation levels per CpG position for assays A – D. Each tab
($data_$assay_$tissuetype) contains the results from one pyrosequence run and one type of
tissue (blood or brain). The columns indicate:
SampleID: bird sample
Note: EEB score, F is Fast exploring, S is Slow exploring
Pos. 1 Meth%: Methylation percentage for CpG position 1 in assayB
Pos. 2 Meth%: Methylation percentage for CpG position 2 in assayB
Cell colours indicate quality scores
In green: highly reliable methylation scores
In yellow: reliable methylation scores
In pink: unreliable methylation scores (not used in downstream analyses)
SampleID with *_replicate indicates that the DNA sample with this number was used in
duplo on this plate for within assay analysis.
Analysis files
The file All_pyroruns.xlxs contains all the % methylation datapoints per position, per assay,
per run, per sample and tissue in one file for analysis in statistical software.
The file Replicate_analysis.xlsx contains all % methylation datapoints that were run in duplo
within and between assays repeatability analysis.