PRE-CALCULUS HONORS COURSE EXPECTATIONS Mr. Stump This guide is designed to supply you with the necessary information, guidelines, and recommendations for a successful year of Pre-Calculus. In this course, we will rigorously apply advanced algebraic and geometric models and prepare students for advancement to calculus. WHAT IS CALCULUS??? Calculus is the study of how things change. Prior to studying calculus, students have some, but limited experience with solving dynamic problems. Most of their experience so far has been with static models. Once the model is set in motion, calculus is born. COURSE OUTLINE 1st Semester Chapter 1 – Functions and Their Graphs Chapter 2 – Polynomial and Rational Functions Chapter 3 – Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Chapter 4 – Trigonometric Functions Chapter 5 – Analytic Trigonometry 2nd Semester Chapter 6 – Additional Topics in Trigonometry Chapter 7 – Systems of Equations and Inequalities Chapter 8 – Matrices and Determinants Chapter 9 – Sequences, Series, and Probability Chapter 10 – Topics in Analytic Geometry Chapter 11 – Analytic Geometry in Three Dimensions Chapter 12 – Limits and an Introduction to Calculus COURSE OBJECTIVES Our main objective/goal this year is to finish the book. It covers all the concepts outlined in the Pre-Calculus Honors syllabus. DAILY CLASSROOM MATERIALS TEXTBOOK: Pre-Calculus with Limits (authors: Larson, Hostetler, Edwards) PENCILS (All assignments must be done in pencil or they will not be graded.) NOTEBOOK TI-83 or TI-84 GRAPHING CALCULATOR (TI-85, TI-86 and TI-89 are not permitted.) COUGAR PLANNER GENERAL CLASSROOM FORMAT HOMEWORK: It will occur almost every night. Homework will be graded and often collected. If you do not do your homework, your grade will suffer. We will have some time in class to go over homework, but not more than a few problems. See me before or after school if you have additional questions. Each assignment will be worth 50 points and will be graded on completion and accuracy. One late homework assignment will be accepted per quarter within three school days of the original due date. At teacher discretion, other late work will be considered for extenuating circumstances. QUIZZES: We will have three or four per quarter. Some will concentrate on the basic memory of information required in any pre-calculus course. We will usually practice this at the beginning of class. The others will be chapter-specific problems similar to the homework. TESTS: There will be three tests per quarter. At the end of each chapter there will be a test. We will first spend at least two full class periods reviewing the material. At this time you should make sure you have a full understanding of the chapter. There will be no time for questions on the day of the test. Tests are timed assessments and no extra time is allowed beyond one class period. If you are present the day before the test, you will be expected to take the test on the testing day. NOTEBOOK: You must have one. You should keep all the definitions, examples, memory information and match problems in one organized notebook. A good rule of thumb is: If I write it, so should you. ACADEMIC GRADE: Your quarter grade will be based on the following: TESTS/QUIZZES 80% HOMEWORK 20% Your semester grade will be based on the following: QUARTER 1 40% QUARTER 2 40% FINAL EXAM 20% CITIZENSHIP GRADE: For your citizenship grade, each student will receive 100 points to begin. Points will be deducted for three different classroom disruptions. Your citizenship grade will be lowered if (1.) you are tardy to class, (2.) you are talking during class, your cell phone goes off, etc., or (3.) you use a hall pass. You will lose points as follows: 1 point for the first time in each category, 2 points for the second time, 3 points for the third time, etc. Once you have lost these points you may never regain them. These points are not factored into your quarter grade. Citizenship is a measure of how well you integrate and adapt to the academic environment set by the teacher. Each of the way to lose points represents a distraction to the class and must be minimized to insure proper learning. You and only you earn YOUR citizenship grade. I just set the criteria. OUTSTANDING SATISFACTORY NEEDS IMPROVEMENT UNSATISFACTORY 100 – 90 points 89 – 75 points 74 – 60 points 59 – 0 points GRADES: Your awareness of your current grade is very important. You may expect regular printouts of class grades to be posted in the classroom and to be updated weekly. Grades will be posted by student number. You may also expect the Infinite Campus application to be updated on a daily basis. Discrepancies with grades will happen as I collect and return 700 to 800 papers each week. Keep all of your returned work. I will be available to discuss discrepancies with grades before or after school. I will not be able to take class time to discuss your individual situation. PRINTOUTS: All printouts must be requested at least one day in advance. For paper printouts, submit a written, dated request to me and anticipate a return the next day. For e-prints, send requests to E-MAILS: For all e-mails, please put a subject in the appropriate area. We receive a lot of junk mail and occasionally scams get through our security system. I do not open suspicious mail and want to ensure your message is read and not deleted because the address is not familiar. You can expect an e-mail reply within 24 hours. HONORABLE CLASSROOM CONDUCT: This is an honors class and an elective. Discipline problems will be taken care of swiftly. I believe learning may be best achieved in a relaxed and social environment. This is not a cue to disregard the desire of others to learn. We will not interrupt others while they are speaking nor will we interrupt the learning process in any way. For your first classroom disruption you will receive a verbal warning. Your second disruption will earn you a 30-minute after-school detention. After your third disruption, I will make a phone call home to discuss your behavior. If your classroom behavior does not improve, you will receive a Dean’s Referral. ATTENDANCE: Come to class. All missing work must be done on your time. It is your responsibility to check the calendar (or my website) regarding all make-up work. Missing test, quizzes and homework are zeros until you make them up. If you are absent on the day of a quiz or a test, you will have 3 school days to make it up. If after 3 days you have not made it up, you will make it up during class the next day you are in school. Come in before or after school to do so. Please be courteous to me and give me a “heads up” before you come in. This will ensure you do not come in during a time when I am unavailable (due to a meeting or something similar). TARDINESS and UNPREPAREDNESS: It cannot be stressed enough that you come to class ON TIME, with your materials ready to learn. I understand that I am located in a portable classroom, but that is no excuse for being tardy to class. You should be in your seat when the bell rings. Your first tardy will result in a verbal warning. Your second tardy will result in a 30-minute teacher detention. Your third detention will result in a phone call home to your parents/guardians. Subsequent tardies will result in Dean’s Referrals. HALL PASSES: There is no reason to need a hall pass during class. With this in mind, I do understand that emergencies do arise. As stated in the criteria for your citizenship grade, you will lose points toward citizenship for using a hall pass. It is a disruption and takes up class time. A few still keeps the grade at an O, but too many will affect it. You must have your planner and fill it out completely in ink. CALCULATOR USAGE: This class will depend heavily on the use of a graphing calculator. They will be allowed on ALMOST everything. The TI-83, TI-83 Plus or TI-84 are preferred and referenced throughout the course. Other graphing calculators (non-TI and TI-85, TI-86 and TI-89) are not as efficient or as capable as the TI-83/84 series. You must bring your calculator daily. Calculators may not be shared during any quiz or test. Be sure you understand how to use your calculator before the test. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: With so much emphasis on assessment and pressure to perform at a high level, each year I catch many students cheating. Cheating in this class consists of passing off any work that is not original or allowing others to copy your paper. You are encouraged to work together on homework, but you may not copy from other students or from the back of the book. If you are caught copying homework, all parties involved will receive zeros. For tests and quizzes, absolutely no communication is allowed during the assessment. Focus on your work only. If not, you may be moved, asked to retake the assessment after school or lose points. If it is apparent that you have cheated on a quiz or test, for example you have the right answer(s) to the wrong version of the test, you will get a zero.