running linux-write image file

Running Linux – matched version for Linux Kernel and driver debugging
1. Setup the board as described in Board Setup.
2. Extract the SD card image from CD-ROM of SoCkit: /Tools/Factory_SD_image/SoCKit_SD.rar
And get SoCKit_SD.img
Note: this image can boot the board individually, but does not match with the Linux Kernel
/home/admin/altera/13.0sp1/embedded/embeddedsw/socfpga/prebuilt_images/vmlinux and
the source code in /home/admin/altera/13.0sp1/embedded/embeddedsw/socfpga/sources/
So we need to compile the source to get the matched image, which is in step 4.
3. Write SD card image to a micro SD card, using the free tool Win32DiskImager from on Windows
4. Compile the linux kernel source to get matched image that can be used in Linux Kernel and
driver debugging
Extract linux-altera-3.3.0 source code
sudo tar xzf linux-altera-3.7.tgz
#wait for the extraction
cd linux-altera-3.7
Build ToolChain
In case the U-boot or Linux kernel git trees are directly used, the build toolchain has to
be manually downloaded. This section contains the instructions on how to download
and setup the toolchain for this case.
Note that the build toolchain is provided with the Yocto Project Source Package
(see Linux Getting Started on Altera SoC Development Board - Using Yocto Source
Package). And In case the Yocto Project git tree is used, the recipes will download the
build chain automatically.
The steps necessary to download and setup the build toolchain are:
$ cd ~
$ wget
$ tar xjf
$ export
This section presents instructions on how to clone the U-boot git tree and compile
U-boot. It assumes that you have manually downloaded the build toolchain.
$ git clone
$ cd u-boot-socfpga
$ git checkout -b <test_branch_name> rel_13.02_RC10
$ export
012.11-20121123_linux/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf$ make mrproper
$ ./MAKEALL socfpga_cyclone5
Note: replace <test_branch_name> with the name of the branch you want to use
Then compile kernel in the source folder to get uImage and dtb files
#setup build environment
#in “su” mode
012.11-20121123_linux/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihfexport ARCH=arm
export LOADADDR=0x8000
#import default config(patch will enable new drivers in this config)
make defconfig
#make a new uImage
PATH=/u-boot-socfpga/tools:$PATH make uImage
#build the device tree
#You need this device tree to get the drivers to work!
make socfpga_cyclone5.dtb
Replace the uImage and dtb file by the new generated uImage and dtb file(dtb file need to
rename to the previous one)
5. Insert the micro SD card to the board and power up the board using PWR switch.
6. Connect a serial terminal from host PC to the serial port corresponding to UART USB
connection, and
use 57600 baud, no parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control settings.
Sudo minicom
And enter password
7. After successful boot, you will be prompted for the login name. Enter root and press Enter.