Letter (.doc) - Society of Former Special Agents

I am writing to let you know about the Society of Former Special Agents’ 2014 Membership
Drive. This Membership Drive is something the Society has never done before, but we truly wanted
to share with our friends from the FBI that this is a great time to take a test drive of the enhanced
Society. I am continually amazed at all the Society has to offer and how it has enhanced my life and
helped me reconnect with my FBI friends and colleagues. From now through April 30, 2014, you too
can join and enjoy all the benefits of Regular membership for one year at the reduced rate of only
$50, with no administrative fee. I have included a membership application. Please, take a look at the
many Society benefits I’ve outlined in this letter. This special rate also applies to those who have not
been an active member for the last 12 months.
Networking: The Society offers some great opportunities for networking.
• Monthly chapter meetings in eight U.S. regions
• Local HR-218 qualification shoots
• Chapter e-mail groups
• Online forums
• Yearly conferences
• Online and printed Membership Directories that are legendary for staying in touch — In
addition to locating former Agents listed by specialty and employer, if you join during our
membership drive your name and information will be listed in the 2014 edition so others can find
Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with your colleagues and friends from the FBI. Follow us on
Career Center: Check out the Society’s new & improved Career Center at www.socxfbi.org where
you’ll find:
• Job postings specific to your skills and experience (and we’re adding more in 2014);
• Immediate notifications of new jobs in your field of interest;
• An online Speaker & Instructor Bureau where groups can find you for their special events;
• A place to post your resume on the Career Center — and watch what happens!
Communications: We know you want to stay informed about your Society and Bureau friends.
• the Grapevine magazine has been a reliable source for news of your friends from the FBI, but
did you know it also has features on second careers, financial-investment strategies, insurance
decisions, travel opportunities and more?
• The Society Scoop, our biweekly e-newsletter, keeps you informed on timely member news and
Society offerings.
Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI • (703) 445-0026 • www.socxfbi.org
• The Washington 411 blog keeps you advised on inside-the-Beltway information that could
affect your government health benefits, your annuity or the FBI.
College Scholarships: Each year the Society’s Foundation offers numerous scholarships for the
children and grandchildren of its members and deceased members. The scholarships range from
$1,000 up to $20,000 annually and are based on both financial-need and merit. This year the
Foundation added 25 additional $2,500 merit-only scholarships just for the children of Agents. Total
scholarship budget for 2014 is at least $400,000, a number that has increased annually for years
thanks to the generosity of donors and to prudent investments. The Society provides press releases in
local papers and to schools. These scholarships are lucrative and prestigious, and can be a great
reference when beginning a career or applying for graduate school.
Insurance: Through our trusted partner, the Campbell Group, the Society offers life insurance, longterm care insurance, liability insurance and personal firearms liability insurance. These are memberonly policies, available solely to you because the underwriters agree to service our specific group.
Compare the specifics of the policies, and we know which you’ll choose!
Assistance: Our Foundation quietly and continually offers needed assistance for members, their
families and other FBI family members when misfortune strikes. We respond aggressively to natural
disasters, helping members both on the ground and with immediate expenses. Hurricanes, tornadoes,
floods or fire — the Society will have your back!
Legal Defense: Speaking of having your back, an important new member benefit is the Society’s
partnership with the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund. This non-profit organization will
provide legal defense assistance to members caught up in adverse legal proceedings stemming from
their official duties as FBI Agents.
Public Advocacy: Tired of hearing blatant untruths about the FBI? Our Information Committee is
tirelessly correcting the record, holding pundits accountable, and advocating for significant law
enforcement issues with the media and Congress. It has taken a front-line position for years in efforts
to get former Special Agent Bob Levinson returned from Iran, is addressing the cyber-threat to our
country and has advocated tirelessly for the FBI budget.
Service: Join with other former Agents in rewarding service opportunities.
Medal of Honor Leadership Program
Member Assistance
…And so much more!
Spousal Support: The Society provides information and support to your spouse as you age and in
case you are no longer there to help navigate the myriad of federal benefits. Call the Society and not
only will your spouse receive the Retirement Handbook & Guidelines for Survivors, but he or she
will be able to talk to someone who can help with this difficult transition. Our new Legacy Partner
program is one way to keep spouses included in the Society in all-important ways so that they can
continue as part of our FBI Family.
This is a one-time opportunity to join without a $50 administrative fee and a much reduced
one-year membership rate. Come take a test drive of the Society and enjoy the ride!
In friendship,