YELLOWSTONE ANNUAL CONFERENCE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Conference and District Committees on Lay Servant Ministry April 5, 2013 Revision1 February 2015 1 Table of Contents Requirement Page 3 Conference Committee on Lay Servant Ministry Page 3 District Committee on Lay Servant Ministry Page 4 Curriculum Review Committee Page 5 Certified Lay Speaker Approval Committee Page 5 Committee Reporting Requirements Page 6 2 YAC Conference and District Committees on Lay Servant Ministry Requirement: To establish a Conference and District Committee on Lay Servant Ministries. Note: Where standalone committees dedicated strictly to Lay Servant Ministry activities are not a part of conference structure (at this time) committee members are drawn from other functions within the conference structure. The Conference Committee on Lay Servant Ministries: Relates to the Conference Discipling Team and Annual Conference The Purpose of the Conference Committee is to: 1. Set criteria and guideline for district committees on Lay Servant Ministries 2. Using the criteria established by the GBOD and the education committee of the Association of Conference Directors of Lay Servant Ministries (ACDLSM) A. develop courses to fill a specific need within the annual conference and that are not available from the GBOD B. approves courses developed by district committees and alternative courses (including on line courses) which meet the criteria for a Lay Servant Ministry course (accomplished through the Curriculum Review Committee). 3. Organize and as required coordinate on conference wide Lay Servant Ministry events 4. Cooperate with/partner with districts in conducting district events 5. Train district directors to keep accurate records within their districts 6. Approve the recommendations of lay speakers by their respective district committees 7. Establish a subcommittee for Curriculum to be chaired by the Conference Director of LSM and at least two experienced Certified Lay Servants. 8. Provide an annual report to the Conference Lay Leader The Conference Committee shall be drawn from the Conference Discipling Team and shall be comprised of: 1. The Conference Director of Lay Servant Ministry – Chair 2. The Conference Lay Leader – Vice Chair 3. The District Directors of Lay Servant Ministry or District Lay Leaders 4. The Conference Director of Christian Education 5. And as required up to two other Certified Lay Servants as appointed by the committee 3 The District Committee on Lay Servant Ministries: Relates to Annual Conference through the Conference Committee on Lay Servant Ministries. The purpose of the committee is to: 1. Adhere to criteria established by the conference committee on lay speaking ministry 2. Develop Lay Servant courses as needed specific to the district and in consultation with the conference committee 3. Approve alternate courses using LSM advanced course criteria in consultation with the conference committee 4. Make training opportunities available to all laity. The responsibilities of the District Committee are: 1. Plan and administer the LSM program in the district 2. Provide basic training for local church lay servants and advanced courses as recommended by the GBOD, or as approved by the Conference Committee on LSM 3. Decide who will be recognized as Certified Lay Servants and Lay Speakers in conjunction with the Local Charge and District Superintendent. 4. Help match lay servants and certified lay servants with service opportunities 5. Support and affirm lay servants, lay speakers and certified lay ministers as they serve 6. Plan advanced courses that will allow certified lay servants and speakers to maintain certification 7. As necessary report to pastors and charge conferences the status of certified lay servants and speakers 8. Interview, review records and recommend for approval by the conference committee Certified Lay Servants who have applied for and/or completed the requirements for Lay Speaker status. 9. Provide an annual report to the Conference Lay Leader. The District Committee shall be comprised of the: 1. District Director of Lay Servant Ministry or the District Lay Leader – Chair 2. At least two Circuit Lay Leaders 3. Other Certified Lay Servants as may be required and appointed by the committee 4 Committee Meetings: 1. Committees will meet at least annually to conduct committee business but may meet more often and as required. 2. Committee meetings can be convened in person or via electronic means. Curriculum Review Committee: Relates to Annual Conference through the Conference Committee on Lay Servant Ministries. The purpose of the committee is to: 1. Review conference developed materials (text and curriculum) for approval as an Alternative Advanced Course for the Lay Servant Ministries Program. Requirements for curriculum development are contained in Lay Servant Ministry Development Curriculum Development, April 9, 2012. 2. Maintain a file of information submitted for approval, and the results of the review. The Curriculum review committee shall be comprise of three individuals who have been participants in the Lay Servant Ministry program, and have been involved in training and or program administration. The Director of Lay Servant Ministries will administer this program. Certified Lay Speaker Approval Committee: Relates to Annual Conference through the Conference Committee on Lay Servant Ministries. The purpose of the committee is to: 1. Review, approve, and provide recommendation for the approval of candidates for the Lay Servant Lay Speaker program. 2. Approval levels and individuals involved with approval are the District Lay Leader, and the appropriate Circuit Lay Leader, the Conference Lay Leader, the Conference Education Director and the Conference Director of Lay Servant Ministry and finally the District Superintendent. Requirements for the Lay Servant Ministry program and administration of the Program are maintained in Lay Servant Ministry Path Lay Speaker Requirements And Process April 24, 2014 Rev 1. February 2015. 5 Committee Reporting Requirements Annually but before the first of May, committees should submit a report to the Conference Director of Lay Servant ministry to be used, as necessary, in the annual Conference Lay Leaders report. These reports can contain but are not limited to: Significant activities within the Conference or District Numbers of Lay Servant Ministry classes conducted since the last report Numbers of students participating in classes Locally developed courses approved Numbers of individuals participating in the Lay Speaker Certification program. 6