Important Message Re – Homework Oct 15

The Diocese of Nottingham
Alvaston Street, Alvaston. Derby DE24 0PA
Telephone: (01332) 572154
Leadership Team: Dr E. Field, J. Grattidge, C. Endsor, P. Harlow
‘For I know the plans I have for you; plans to give you hope and a future.’ Jeremiah 29:11
Important Message re Homework
October 2015
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We have been reviewing the impact of the homework on the children’s learning in the light of the
Government expectations and the new testing regime, and have found that it is not always
addressing the children’s learning needs as effectively as we would like. Under the revised
curriculum there is a strong emphasis on the children knowing by heart:
number bonds, tables, spellings and grammatical terms.
We are in the process of revising our homework in order to meet these learning needs.
Mathematics homework will consist of: learning number bonds/tables so that the children know
them by heart in any order. No other maths homework will be given until the children can
demonstrate they really do know their number bond/times tables facts by heart and in any order.
English homework will consist of:
 Spellings to be learnt by heart
 A short piece to reinforce grammar e.g. a short passage where they have to underline the
adjectives, changing a sentence from the present to the past tense.
 Letter formation for children who need to practice their cursive handwriting style.
 Reading at least four times a week – your child needs to be able to talk about the books he
or she has read.
A lot of the above can only be taught by rote learning and little and often is the key. In order for us
to help your child we ask that parents support their children by:
 Getting them to recite their number bonds/tables every day and giving them some quick
fire questions in any order.
 Getting them to write their spellings every night in their best joined handwriting.
 Ensuring they read every night and asking them one or two questions about what they have
The revised homework will begin over the next couple of weeks.
Year 6 will receive additional homework.
Do feel free to speak to your class teacher if you need further guidance.
We are committed to working in partnership with our parents to ensure every one of our children
succeeds and makes the most of their God-given talents.
Catherine Endsor, Eilis Field, Paula Harlow, Jonathan Grattidge.